Election 2008

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Campaign Buzzwords We'll Be Happy to Discard
Campaign Buzzwords
We'll Be Happy to Discard

Campaign Buzzwords We'll Be Happy to Discard

The pitbull with lipstick might've been a game-changer, but enough already

(Newser) - It's an inevitability of any election season: Some phrases will get bandied around so much that the hapless American, simply trying to do his civic duty by paying attention, will be crushed under the sheer weight of political verbiage. The Red Eye lists the worst offenders:
  • Change: As in, change

One Man's Vote: Right Makes Rite
 One Man's Vote: 
 Right Makes Rite 

One Man's Vote: Right Makes Rite

Scribe ruminates on participating in the democratic process, New York style

(Newser) - Roger Angell has an almost religious view of the act of voting, and he shares it in the New Yorker. His experience might seem odd to voters outside New York, where touch screens are more prevalent, but the curtain, of “material and stiffness unknown elsewhere,” gives Angell a...

Stocks Up 305 in Election Rally
 Stocks Up 305 in Election Rally 

Stocks Up 305 in Election Rally

Indices up 3%-4% after remaining in positive territory for entire session

(Newser) - Stocks rallied on Election Day as investors applauded the looming conclusion to the presidential race, the Wall Street Journal reports. Continuing declines in interbank lending, and strong third-quarter earnings reports also fueled optimism, with the Dow rising 305.45 to close at 9,625.28. The Nasdaq climbed 53.79...

Ranking the Dads-in-Chief
 Ranking the 

Ranking the Dads-in-Chief

Carter among the best, FDR one of the worst

(Newser) - Enough with debates on Sarah Palin being a mommy and a vice president. A look at the best and worst fathers-in-chief, as compiled by Madeline Holler for Babble, starting with the worst:
  • Thomas Jefferson only acknowledged (the white) half of the "kajillion kids" he had.
  • FDR might have saved

Politico's Play-by-Play Guide to Game Time Tonight

(Newser) - At 5 tonight, a wave of exit-polling results will be distributed to media insiders, who'll try manfully to resist sharing anything that might prejudice voters—even though it will kill them. At 6 pm, the results will start rolling in, and Politico gives you a play-by-play guide to what to...

Few Voting Problems in Key States

Most problems reported in Michigan

(Newser) - The 2008 election is proceeding well in most states. Cleveland polling places were hit with high turnout at the 6:30am open, but voting tapered off as the morning continued, in part thanks to the 250,000 who voted early, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. In South Florida, voters faced...

Ignore Those Exit Polls!
 Ignore Those Exit Polls! 

Ignore Those Exit Polls!

Sample sizes and enthusiasm gaps can skew results

(Newser) - Exit polls can be addictive for those who can't take Election Day suspense, but poll analyst Nate Silver recommends you resist the temptation. Here's why:
  1. Exit polls have high margins of error because they are taken at only a few precincts in a state.
  2. Exit polls overstated Democratic support in

Ohio Cops Flush Plumber Joe's Speeding Ticket

Toledo police worried about 'negative repercussions'

(Newser) - It seems Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, or as John McCain dubbed him, “Joe the Plumber,” lives a charmed life. Wurzelbacher was caught going 50mph in a 35mph zone in Toledo last week, but America’s favorite toilet doctor got off with just a warning. The officer decided a ticket...

Palin Votes, but Mum on Who's Her Candidate

McCain, meanwhile, avoids questions as he casts ballot in Ariz.

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and John McCain have officially cast their ballots, but one of them is being mysteriously coy about its contents. “I am also exercising my right to privacy,” she told reporters outside her Wasilla polling place. “And I don't have to tell anybody who I vote...

Your Hour-by-Hour Guide to Election Night

What to watch for as the clock ticks on

(Newser) - Tonight’s election promises to end before bedtime, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be drama. Nate Silver breaks down which polls close when, and what to watch for.
  • 6pm: Indiana and Kentucky: Usually these get called red right away, but this year Indiana is a toss-up.
  • 7pm:

An Obama Win Would Belong to LBJ
An Obama
Win Would Belong to LBJ

An Obama Win Would Belong to LBJ

Run is confirmation of slow change since Civil Rights Act

(Newser) - Unless the polls are wrong, the winner of today’s election is clear: Lyndon Baines Johnson. “We have lost the South for a generation,” Johnson said when he signed the Civil Rights Act. Well, “for that generation, time’s up,” Richard Cohen writes in the Washington ...

Fox Isn't Flag-Waving, Just Angry
 Fox Isn't 
 Just Angry 

Fox Isn't Flag-Waving, Just Angry

(Newser) - The conservative movement is at a crossroads, torn between its intellectuals (think David Brooks) and its shouters (think Rush Limbaugh). As TV’s main conservative voice, Fox News could tip the scales, so Isaac Chotiner of the New Republic watched as much of the channel as he could. His verdict...

Nov. 5 Will Feel Like Dec. 26
 Nov. 5 Will Feel Like Dec. 26 

Nov. 5 Will Feel Like Dec. 26

Uncertainty ahead for pros and amateurs, participants and observers.

(Newser) - After two years of high drama, the curtain is about to fall. Letdown, writes Steven Winn in the San Francisco Chronicle, may be inevitable. Tomorrow will usher in a lull like those that sandwiched between seasons of the Sopranos, says one professor: “This has been the greatest series on...

Unprepared Next Gen Faces 'Stone-Cold Scarcity'
Unprepared Next Gen Faces 'Stone-Cold Scarcity'

Unprepared Next Gen Faces 'Stone-Cold Scarcity'

Can young people used to prosperity handle scarcity?

(Newser) - Today marks a national sea change, the “end of an economic era, a political era, and a generational era,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times. “The baby boomers have been a politically undistinguished generation,” he writes, and now, “change is demanded." If...

Obamas Hit the Polls
 Obamas Hit the Polls 

Obamas Hit the Polls

Voters line up around the country on long-awaited day

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama cast their votes for president in Chicago today with their daughters in tow, the AP reports. They were ushered in ahead of lines that snaked around the block as neighbors who’d gathered to see his arrival cheered, the Chicago Tribune reports. Obama kissed the cheek...

Talk About Bad Timing...
Talk About
Bad Timing...

Talk About Bad Timing...

GOP files complaint over funding of Obama visit to grandmother— the day she died

(Newser) - Just hours before Barack Obama announced that his grandmother had died, on the eve of the election, the California Republican Party filed a complaint against him for visiting her on his campaign’s dime, reports the Washington Post. The press release announcing the complaint may have been the worst-timed of...

Stocks Grab Election Day Rally
 Stocks Grab Election Day Rally 

Stocks Grab Election Day Rally

Investors vote yes

(Newser) - Investors gave a vote of confidence to the next administration this morning, sending the Dow up 168 points at the opening bell, and the S&P and Nasdaq up 1.9% and 1.6% respectively. “Investors are looking forward to the campaigns being over and moving on with the...

McCain Camp Warning: Exit Polls Skew Democratic
McCain Camp Warning: Exit Polls Skew Democratic

McCain Camp Warning: Exit Polls Skew Democratic

They always favor Democrats, so just ignore them

(Newser) - John McCain is likely to underperform in exit polls, which historically favor Democrats, writes McCain’s pollster Bill McInturff in a memo reprinted by CQ Insider. In the last two presidential elections, exit polls have shown the Democratic candidate doing better than he ultimately did in the real vote count....

US May Buy Equity in More Firms

After seeing some thawing in key credit markets, Treasury may expand program

(Newser) - Treasury is considering using some of the $700 billion at its disposal to buy stakes in a range of financial companies beyond banks, the Wall Street Journal reports. The idea comes after seeing measured success in thawing credit markets by taking equity stakes in several banks. Treasury may also abandon...

Talking Heads Vow Restraint ... Sort of

Networks vow some restraint

(Newser) - Television news executives have vowed they won't jump the gun and project a president-elect until one man has 270 electoral votes. And they won't count electoral votes until polls are closed, reports the Los Angeles Times. But if key states in the East and Midwest back Obama, viewers will likely...

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