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Columnist Backtracks, Slightly, on Limbaugh Quote

Rush still has no business trying to own the Rams

(Newser) - Columnist Bryan Burwell acknowledges that he is among those who ran with an old quote attributed to Rush Limbaugh on the "merits" of slavery without verifying it. Limbaugh insists he never said it, and Burwell is fine taking him at his word on that. It doesn't change his view...

Tea-Party Protesters Hit 'Pro-Obama' Jersey School

Demonstrators sing 'God Bless America' to protest song about prez

(Newser) - A band of tea-party protesters descended on a New Jersey elementary school yesterday, complaining that a class song hailing President Obama was "indoctrinating" kids. Some 70 protesters sang God Bless America and The Battle Hymn of the Republic outside the B. Bernice Young School in a suburb 15 miles...

There He Is: Miss America Judge Rush Limbaugh

Glenn Beck needs something really great to upstage this

(Newser) - The perennially publicity-hungry Miss America Pageant will shake up the judges' panel for the January event by adding a lightning rod: Rush Limbaugh. The right-wing titan isn't the first political blowhard to serve as a judge—MSNBC's Chris Matthews did a stint in 2007—but the pageant "has...

Conservatives Rewriting 'Liberal' Bible

(Newser) - Even the Bible isn't conservative enough for some conservatives. The mysterious "Conservative Bible Project" aims to bring the holy book back to its right-wing "roots" by routing out muddy translation and liberal "bias." That includes no more "gender inclusive" terms that "emasculate" Christianity and...

Coulter, Behar Spar Over Palin
 Coulter, Behar Spar Over Palin 

Coulter, Behar Spar Over Palin

On Joy's new show, pundit is still defending ex-gov and railing on Obama

(Newser) - Joy Behar broke out the big guns for the premiere of her new CNN interview show: Ann Coulter. The two sparred over the so-called “death panels” and Sarah Palin’s level of coherence before finding common ground: The UN should be moved to Libya. Highlights:
  • Sarah Palin “got

Safire Was No 'Nattering Nabob of Negativism': Dowd
Safire Was No 'Nattering Nabob of Negativism': Dowd

Safire Was No 'Nattering Nabob of Negativism': Dowd

They don't make 'em like Safire anymore, writes Times colleague Dowd

(Newser) - Bill Safire, to use the phrase he coined, was anything but a "nattering nabob of negativity," writes his New York Times "colleague in columny" Maureen Dowd. The former Nixon speechwriter—who once told Dowd he had been frozen out by the Times' liberal writers until he...

Think Tank Taps Bachmann as 'Miss November'

Conservative group's calendar also features Prejean, Coulter

(Newser) - A conservative think tank's calendar of "Great American Conservative Women" features a relative newbie: Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota lawmaker, who was elected to Congress in 2006, appears in the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute's calendar as "Miss November." The calendar also features Carrie Prejean, Michelle Malkin, and...

Daughter Liz Revives the Cheney Brand

She carries on dad's national security message, and her fan base is growing

(Newser) - Move over, Sarah Palin and Megan McCain—the GOP’s newest rising star is Liz Cheney, “our favorite vice president’s daughter,” as she was touted at a recent conservative gathering. Cheney—an outspoken proponent of “enhanced interrogation” who has said “waterboarding isn’t torture”—...

ACORN Video Sting a Lesson in New Journalism
ACORN Video Sting a Lesson in New Journalism

ACORN Video Sting a Lesson in New Journalism

(Newser) - Andrew Breitbart may have an ideological ax to grind, but so what? The undercover ACORN videos he's posted illustrate a significant strength of 21st-century American journalism, writes Jack Shafer: "It will accept contributions from everybody from amateurs to entertainers (I'm looking at you, Jon Stewart) to gadflies to billionaires...

House Republicans Face Tea Party Primaries

(Newser) - The so-called “tea party” movement has spawned a host of primary challengers for House Republicans, pressuring them to stay far to the right, CQ Politics reports. “I’ve got four primary challengers, and all of them hope to capitalize on the tea parties,” complains Bob Inglis of...

Where Glenn Beck Came From
 Where Glenn Beck Came From 

Where Glenn Beck Came From

Talk-show host developed style from 26 years in radio

(Newser) - One could be forgiven for thinking that Glenn Beck emerged, fully formed, from some radio talk-show host birthing chamber. But the Beck of today was once a pot-smoking teen from a broken home in Washington who considered suicide, a Salon profile reveals. Beck would later clash with Mormons at an...

How the Crazies Took Over
 How the Crazies Took Over 

How the Crazies Took Over

Birthers, Limbaugh, Beck fill vacuum as Obama tries to stay above the fray

(Newser) - As recently as this spring, the Tea Party movement seemed anemic and wonky. But in the months that followed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others whipped the right-wing fringe into such a frenzy that a “separate reality grew like a second head on the American polity,” Philip Weiss...

What Jay-Z and Glenn Beck Have in Common

Rap and right-wing talk radio are more similar than you might think

(Newser) - After listening to hours of Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin on the radio while driving the Nebraska countryside, a peculiar thought occurred to David Segal: conservative talk-show hosts are surprisingly similar to gangsta rappers, he writes for the New York Times. Consider the parallels:
  • Huge egos. Both groups

Foolishness, Not Evil Genius, Drove 'Rove-o-Lution'

Top adviser's near absolute power corrupted absolutely

(Newser) - Liberals like to think of Karl Rove as a malevolent demigod, using his powers to obstruct the greater good. But, former Bush speechwriter Matt Latimer writes in the Washington Post, the legacy of “Bush’s Brain” is far more mundane: “It is a story not of grand strategy...

Huckabee Wins Conservative Straw Poll

Palin lags behind with Pawlenty, Romney, Pence

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee easily won a presidential straw poll today at a conference for social conservatives, Politico reports. The former Arkansas governor garnered 28% of 597 votes at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Tying for second, each with about 12% of the vote, were former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt...

'God Chose Me' to Defend Marriage: Prejean

'I had the courage and the bravery that a lot of people don’t have': ex-Miss Calif.

(Newser) - Carrie Prejean says she believes she was divinely chosen as a defender of traditional marriage, Politico reports. “God had a plan for me” when he arranged for her to answer Perez Hilton’s question on gay marriage during the 2009 Miss USA pageant, Prejean told the Value Voters Summit...

Time Profile: Beck Strong on Melodrama, Not Politics

(Newser) - Time hits newsstands tomorrow with a familiar face on the cover and the question, "Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?" But instead of a hit piece, the article itself offers a fairly benign profile of "the pudgy, buzz-cut, weeping phenomenon of radio, TV and books."...

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains
 Working Class Picks 
 Wrong Villains 

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains

(Newser) - When the tea party protesters converged on Washington, one leader, radio demagogue Mark Williams, repeatedly described them as “working stiffs” who felt left out. It’s no wonder they’re angry, writes Timothy Egan for the New York Times, because it’s been a lost decade for “working...

Obama the Anti-Christ? Maybe in New Jersey

(Newser) - New Jerseyans are apparently having a difficult time figuring out whether the president is the devil or not, the Washington Independent reports. To be sure, a Public Policy Polling questionnaire has 79% of respondents responding “No” to the question “Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ?” But...

Maybe Obama's 'Half-White Side' Is Racist: Limbaugh

Also, president's media 'lust' is Castroesque

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh yesterday capped off a free-wheeling show on the scourge of racism in America by suggesting that Obama’s white half is racist because he hasn’t thrown a bone to his Kenyan relatives, Media Matters reports. “I'm just going on Newsweek, that we're all born racists, and...

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