Meghan McCain

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Christine O'Donnell Our First 'Fad Politician'

Republicans must learn from this mistake: Meghan McCain

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell isn’t the first politician to make headlines through “cheap tricks and publicity stunts,” writes Meghan McCain in the Daily Beast . But she is the first “‘fad’ politician”—one “whose moment is fleeting but intense and memorable for all of the...

Meghan McCain's 'Least GOP Piece of Clothing' Is...

...her 'dominatrix heels,' a pair of black studded Christian Louboutins

(Newser) - The New York Times Magazine takes a peek at Meghan McCain's 1,100-square-foot pad in West Hollywood. Edward Lewine gets an earful about her "dominatrix heels," among other spirited revelations:
  • In her closet you'll find a pair of black studded Christian Louboutin heels, which McCain calls

O'Reilly to Beck: I'll Let Cindy McCain Beat You on My Show

He scolds Beck for the vomiting sounds he made about Meghan McCain

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's recent pukefest —in which he mocked Meghan McCain's nude appearance in a PSA for skin cancer by pretending to vomit at the very thought—earned him a tongue-lashing from Cindy McCain , Meghan herself , and now Bill O'Reilly. In an interview with Beck, O'Reilly...

Meghan McCain Fires Back at Glenn Beck

His 'hot body' makes it easy for him to judge young women, she writes

(Newser) - After Glenn Beck mocked Meghan McCain's appearance in a PSA for skin cancer by pretending to vomit at the very thought, her mom came to her defense . Now Meghan herself has responded in her Daily Beast column, and it's a beaut: "As a person who is known...

After Glenn Beck's Pukefest, Cindy McCain Swings Back

Mom not happy with Beck implying her daughter makes him vomit

(Newser) - Meghan McCain recently showed some skin in a PSA for skin cancer awareness ( watch it here ), which led to an eight-minute pukefest yesterday on Glenn Beck's radio show . Beck pretended to vomit every time McCain's near-nakedness was mentioned, while saying things like, "Put some extra...

Meghan McCain Interviews Donald Trump, Maybe Scores a Campaign Job
 Meghan McCain's New BFF:
 Donald Trump 

Meghan McCain's New BFF: Donald Trump

'Will you hire me for your campaign?' she asks; 'I love it!' he responds

(Newser) - Meghan McCain thinks Donald Trump has the charisma so sorely lacking among GOP candidates and could actually win in the same way that Arnold Schwarzenegger did in California, she writes at the Daily Beast . In any event, she pulls off the most entertaining interview of Trump so far, during which...

Time to Take Back Battered Las Vegas
 Time to Take Back 
 Battered Las Vegas 
Meghan McCain

Time to Take Back Battered Las Vegas

Meghan McCain says the city needs us to have some fun

(Newser) - You have to love Las Vegas. Meghan McCain sure does. “For me growing up, it was a town of many firsts, where I enjoy a level of anonymity,” she writes in the Daily Beast . “Trust me, for a young, rebellious senator’s daughter, this isn’t something...

The Worst Prognostications of 2010
Worst Prognostications
of the Year
2010 in review

Worst Prognostications of the Year

Joe Biden and Meghan McCain make the list

(Newser) - A roundup of the year's worst predictions from Joshua Keating at Foreign Policy .
  • Recovery summer: Joe Biden's statement in June that "more people are going to be put to work this summer" puts him atop Keating's list of of know-it-all pundits and pols who ended up with egg on

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT
 McCain, Your 
 Family's Right: 
 Dump DADT 
maureen dowd

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT

Looks like Dems have missed their chance again

(Newser) - This week’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings were typical of Washington lately: “The Democrats waited too long to close the deal, the president showed no leadership, and a campaign promise that was seen as a fait accompli now seems a casualty,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Meghan McCain: No DADT Talk on Turkey Day

At home with Mom and Dad, she's forced to 'separate political and personal'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain will head home for the holidays—but at the Thanksgiving table, "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" will be a taboo subject. Perhaps a good idea, since she’s a gay-rights advocate, her father is fighting against the repeal of DADT, and her mother seems to have...

Keith's 'No Journalist'&mdash; Let Him Donate

 Keith's 'No 
 Let Him Donate 
Meghan McCain

Keith's 'No Journalist'— Let Him Donate

Trouble is 'thin line' between journalism, commentary: Meghan McCain

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann shouldn’t have been taken to task for donating to Democrats because he’s not a journalist—he’s a commentator, argues Meghan McCain in the Daily Beast . But the kerfuffle spotlights a key issue as the lines between entertainment, journalism, and commentary blur: News outlets need to...

O'Donnell Blames 'Republican Cannibalism' for Loss

In related news, Fox won't hire her

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell thinks she lost because Karl Rove and the GOP establishment didn’t get behind her fast enough. In an interview with CNN , she called her loss a “symptom of Republican cannibalism,” noting that the whole Republican ticket lost in Delaware. “There was this infighting,...

Today's Winners, Predicted by Meghan McCain

Midterm successes, starring Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Meghan McCain expects a dark day for Democrats, with “more than a few upsets and memorable YouTube moments.” Her predictions in the Daily Beast :
  • Sharron Angle will beat Harry Reid in Nevada, and he’ll offer an “uncomfortable and possibly bitter concession speech.”
  • Charlie Crist will

Meghan McCain: O'Donnell's a 'Nut Job'

And her campaign 'scares me,' says Meg

(Newser) - Whoa! Meghan McCain takedown! The battle of the GOP fems got ugly yesterday when McCain blasted Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell as a scary nut job. "Christine O'Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office," McCain said yesterday on ABC's This Week. "She has...

Meghan McCain: Quit Asking Me About Sarah Palin!

The media seems to only care about her and her Sarahbots

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plays a relatively small role in Meghan McCain’s book—after all “I was on the road for 18 months as opposed to Sarah Palin’s 60 days,” she writes in the Daily Beast . Yet in every interview she gave, Palin was the No. 1 topic...

Meghan McCain: I Cried When Dad Picked Palin

'I hope she doesn't have any skeletons,' she worried

(Newser) - Meghan McCain cried when she found out Sarah Palin was going to be her dad's running mate—and they weren't tears of joy, she told Jay Leno last night. "My initial reaction was, 'Who the hell is Sarah Palin?" McCain told the Tonight Show host. "Like the rest...

Meghan McCain: Sarah Palin Brought 'Drama, Stress'

But insists she wasn't reason campaign lost

(Newser) - Meghan McCain was not a fan of Sarah Palin during her father’s presidential campaign. In her new book, Dirty Sexy Politics, McCain writes that Palin brought “drama, stress, complications, panic and loads of uncertainty,” to her father’s operation. “I’m speaking out now because I...

Meghan McCain Interviews Snooki

 Meghan McCain 
journalism history

Meghan McCain Interviews Snooki

'Jersey Shore' star talks tanning tax

(Newser) - Meghan McCain is a Jersey Shore fan, and Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi is a McCain voter. Sort of. In a truly surreal interview for the Daily Beast , Snooki reveals her big political stance: She's against the Obama administration's tax on tanning booths. "So many people go tanning even though...

Meghan McCain: I Hate the Hate

It's turning her off to politics

(Newser) - American political hate-mongering has reached such a fervor that for the "first time" in her life Meghan McCain is finding herself "disillusioned with the political process—something I swore would never happen to me," she writes in the Daily Beast . She's angry, too, about political decisions, but...

Meghan McCain Differs With Dad, Hates Arizona Law

Count Out Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, too

(Newser) - John McCain may think Arizona cops can enforce the immigration law without racial profiling, as he told CBS today, but daughter Meghan isn't so sure. Like her dad, she blames the federal government for not securing the border, but unlike him, she says this law is the wrong remedy. "...

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