
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Scientists Grow Sperm From Mice in Laboratory for First Time
 Sperm Grown 
 in Lab for First Time 

Sperm Grown in Lab for First Time

If it works in humans, it could help with men's infertility

(Newser) - Japanese researchers have grown sperm in the laboratory for the first time, reports Nature . If the breakthrough with mice transfers to humans, it could open up IVF treatments for infertile men, notes the Guardian . Scientists created the sperm from the testicular tissue of mice and successfully produced a dozen baby...

Guys, Beware Laptops' 'Scrotal Hyperthermia'

If it's on your lap, it's heating things up

(Newser) - This study involves the phrases "scrotal temperature elevation" and "scrotal hyperthermia," so you know it can't end well. SUNY researchers found that using a laptop on the lap for only 10 or 15 minutes heats up men's testicles—figure about 1-degree Celsius in 15 minutes if sitting...

Baby Born From Embryo Frozen in 1990

Sets new record; previous was 13 years

(Newser) - Thanks to IVF, a baby conceived 20 years ago was just recently born. The baby boy sets a new record for the longest-frozen human embryo to result in a live birth, the Telegraph reports. The previous record was 13 years. The chain of events for this baby’s birth began...

The Rise of Cheap(er) Fertility Clinics

Are discount clinics a good idea?

(Newser) - Fertility treatment doesn't come cheap—IVF typically costs $15,000. But a new wave of clinics hope to ease the expense, reports Newsweek . In St. Louis, for instance, a new facility offers a range of treatments for about $7,500. The goal is equal access, say supporters. "A woman’...

Studies Link Infertility Treatments to Autism

Clomid, other drugs, IVF associated with higher risk

(Newser) - Scientists have a new lead in the search for the causes autism. Research presented this week provides strong evidence of a link between infertility treatments and the disorder. A Harvard study has discovered that treatment with Clomid and other ovulation-stimulating drugs doubles a woman's risk of giving birth to an...

Docs: 'No One Will Need Sex to Make Babies in 10 Years'

Veterinary surgeons predict IVF will replace 'fairly inefficient' intercourse

(Newser) - Sex will become purely recreational even for couples seeking babies within a decade thanks to advances in IVF technology, predict veterinary Australian scientists. Calling the traditional form of baby-making a "fairly inefficient process" in a report published in the Reproductive BioMedicine journal, they claim in vitro fertilization methods will...

Wife Allergic to Husband's Sperm Plans to Adopt

Couple discover wife has rare condition on wedding night

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania couple's wedding night—and their plans to have children—were ruined when the new wife discovered she was allergic to his sperm. Julie and Mike Boyde had had sex before, but had used protection until that night, when she found herself in excruciating pain. She was diagnosed with...

Scientists Move Closer to Womb Transplant

Successful rabbit test means human test could be 2 years away

(Newser) - British doctors have performed successful uterus transplants in rabbits, meaning they could try the procedure on a human woman in as little as two years. Researchers say they’ve solved the blood supply problems that have until now bedeviled uterus transplants; a Saudi woman tried the procedure in 2000, but...

The Perils of Free Sperm Donation

Some are altruistic, some just want sex—but all could cause problems later

(Newser) - Free sperm donors abound on the Internet, and they’re trying to help those who can’t have a baby the traditional way—or can’t afford the traditional sperm donation. They range from Trent, a 6’1” blond who says “a spirit of volunteering to the community” motivates...

Cycling May Take Toll on Sperm Quality

(Newser) - Men who train vigorously on bicycles have low sperm quality verging on infertility, LiveScience reports. A recent study of Spanish triathletes found that those who rode more than 180 miles a week saw the percentage of healthy sperm drop from a group average of 10% to 4%. “We found...

'Synthetic Sperm' Grown From Stem Cells

(Newser) - British scientists announced they have created synthetic human sperm for the first time, the Guardian reports. The sperm—grown in a lab from stem cells—swim, have tails, and exhibit many of the same biological characteristics of real sperm, according to researchers. They believe the breakthrough could lead to a...

More Sex Makes Stronger Sperm, Cuts Infertility

Men's sperm quality improves with daily ejaculation, study finds

(Newser) - Having sex every day improves sperm quality and can improve a couple's chances of conception, an Australian fertility specialist finds. Eight in 10 men with fertility problems showed less damaged DNA and more mobility in their sperm after 7 days, the BBC reports. The study recommended men "keep the...

Stem Cells Zap Infertility in Female Mice

Researchers believe treatment could reverse human menopause

(Newser) - Chinese scientists say they have reversed infertility in female mice by creating new eggs from stem cells, the Independent reports. The research—which if it bears out could have heady implications for reproductive medicine, including reversing menopause—took stem cells from the ovaries of mice, cultivated them, and transplanted them...

Gene May Yield 'Male Pill'
 Gene May Yield 'Male Pill' 

Gene May Yield 'Male Pill'

Discovery could also help some infertile men

(Newser) - A newly identified gene that causes a type of male infertility may be the key to eventually developing a male oral contraceptive pill, the Independent reports. The gene, CATSPER1, enables sperm to wriggle through the outside of an unfertilized egg. A drug that could switch the gene on and off...

Stiffed Surrogate Moms Face Tough Decision

What's a mother to do? It's up to her, says Salon

(Newser) - Surrogate moms-to-be who have learned they've been stiffed by out-of-cash firms that arranged their pregnancies face a major decision. The only way for these women to quit "working" is to obtain abortions, notes William Saletan in Slate. He fervently hopes the women will see their pregnancies through. So what's...

In Vitro Linked to Birth Defects

Study finds higher rate of certain defects among babies born with help of technology

(Newser) - Babies conceived with the help of medical technology are much more likely to suffer from several serious birth defects, a new study finds. Infants whose mothers used in vitro fertilization or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection were around twice as likely to have heart defects or cleft palates and four times as...

First Ovary Transplant Mom Gives Birth

New mother hopes 'little miracle' will give hope to women worldwide

(Newser) - The first woman ever to become pregnant after an ovary transplant has given birth to a healthy baby girl, the Daily Mail reports. The formerly infertile London woman described the newborn as her "little miracle," made possible by groundbreaking surgery and an ovary donation from her twin sister....

Infertile Woman to Give Birth After Transplant

Twin sister donated ovary in first-of-its-kind procedure

(Newser) - A formerly infertile London woman will give birth this week, the Daily Mail reports, thanks to an ovary transplant from her twin sister. The 38-year-old was declared infertile at age 15 and underwent menopause as a teenager, but became pregnant soon after the first-of-its-kind surgery. The discovery could help hundreds...

Are You Hanging Up on Fertility?
Are You Hanging Up on Fertility?

Are You Hanging Up on Fertility?

Study finds link between cellphones and infertility

(Newser) - Men may want to be sure their unlimited minutes include calls to the urologist, USA Today reports, because a new study shows a possible link between cellphone use and male infertility. Researchers split 361 men under 40 into groups divided by amount of daily cell use and found the 4-plus-hours...

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