Stories 41 - 48 | << Prev 

Feds Nab Man Who Sold Gun to McNair Killer

Convicted murderer faces charges after parking lot transaction

(Newser) - ATF agents have arrested the man who sold the gun that killed Steve McNair, the AP reports. The suspect, Adrian J. Gilliam Jr., has prior convictions for murder and attempted robbery. He admits he sold a fully loaded 9mm pistol to McNair’s girlfriend in a mall parking lot 2...

ATF Foils Skinhead Plot to Kill Obama

Tenn. neo-Nazis would have shot, decapitated 102 blacks before going after candidate

(Newser) - Federal agents have broken up a plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to assassinate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 88 black people, the AP reports. ATF agents said the pair planned to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree that was to...

AK-47s Flooding US Cities
 AK-47s Flooding US Cities 

AK-47s Flooding US Cities

Gun dealers skirt import ban, as assaults with semiautomatics skyrocket

(Newser) - At least one of America’s borders is wide open: Gun manufacturers are selling imported semiautomatic weapons with ease ever since the Bush administration allowed 1994's assault weapons ban to lapse, writes Bruce Falconer for Mother Jones. “We’re being flooded with these AK-47s,” said Miami’s police...

In Mexico's Drug War, US Guns Fire Shots
 In Mexico's Drug War,
 US Guns Fire Shots 

In Mexico's Drug War, US Guns Fire Shots

Lax gun control and leaky border towns allow a brisk barter trade

(Newser) - When Mexican authorities seize a cache of weapons from a drug-cartel hitman, their first call is long distance: to the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Because, Portfolio reports, chances are any gun used in Mexico’s noxious drug war—which has left close to 10,000 dead since...

Wal-Mart OKs Plan to Film Gun Buyers

Execs accept 10-point deal to curb illegal sales

(Newser) - Wal-Mart approved a plan today to videotape gun-buyers and curb illegal firearm sales in other ways, the New York Daily News reports. The 10-point deal with the bipartisan group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, helmed by New York's Michael Bloomberg, includes inventory controls and a log to trace buyers who have...

Gun Lobby Holds Up Bush ATF Nominee
Gun Lobby Holds Up Bush ATF Nominee

Gun Lobby Holds Up Bush ATF Nominee

Republicans hold fellow Republican's nomination hostage

(Newser) - Michael Sullivan has spent a long time waiting to become head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, but his appointment has run into a roadblock in the Senate. Not with Democrats—with his fellow Republicans. Gun-rights supporters have blocked the appointment of Sullivan, also a US Attorney...

Feds Beef Up Presence in New Orleans

Surge in violent crime endangers post-Katrina rebound

(Newser) - Violent crime is such a pressing problem in New Orleans that the federal government is shoring up the local criminal justice system, USA Today reports. Crime was up 107% in the first quarter of 2007 over the previous year, a jump the NOPD attributes to population growth—but the increased...

Student Bomber Foiled at Falwell Funeral

FBI found explosives in Liberty University student's car

(Newser) - A student at Jerry Falwell's university is under arrest for a bomb plot against protesters at the late evangelist's funeral. A relative of Mark Uhl tipped off authorities, who found five bombs in the 19-year-old Liberty University student's trunk. Uhl admitted he planned to use the bombs to disrupt a...

Stories 41 - 48 | << Prev