Stories 81 - 96 | << Prev 

McCain Insider: Economic Woes Merely 'Mental Recession'

Phil Gramm calls US a 'nation of whiners'

(Newser) - One of John McCain’s top economic confidantes said yesterday the country is in a “mental recession” and the US has “become a nation of whiners,” constantly “complaining about … America in decline.” The Democratic National Committee moved quickly to condemn Phil Gramm’s remarks—...

Dems Taking Their Platform to the States—All 50 of 'Em

Obama campaign, DNC want more voter input on party's guiding document

(Newser) - Voters in all 50 states will get their chance to weigh in on the Democrats' official election platform, the AP reports, with Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee set to hold meetings nationwide. Policy experts will sit in on the July 19-27 meetings, which members of the public...

Can Obama Talk Smart to Dumbed-Down America?

Can Barack raise level of discourse without losing his audience?

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s trip to the DNC podium is expected to be the "rhetorical blockbuster of the summer," writes Sam Anderson in New York.  But is the senator up to using his oratorical sophistication to expand his popularity among Americans hooked on a junk-food diet of low-brow...

Obama Shifts DNC Power to Chicago
Obama Shifts DNC Power
to Chicago

Obama Shifts DNC Power to Chicago

Hopes to streamline party, campaign ahead of November

(Newser) - The Democratic National Committee is moving its field operations to Chicago as part of Barack Obama's strategy to centralize the party and streamline efforts for the general election. The move has been welcomed publicly by the DNC, even though it clearly shifts power from Washington to Obama's unassuming headquarters in...

Obama Moves to Clean Up DNC Money Machine

Opens fundraisers to press; lobby groups barred from giving

(Newser) - Barack Obama moved today to make his campaign more transparent, in keeping with his theme of bringing change to Washington. Obama will open all his fundraisers to the press, Politico reports. He’s also cleaning up his party’s fundraising efforts; starting today, the Democratic National Committee, like Obama’s...

Mich.-Fla. Plan, Net Gain of 19 for Clinton, Picking Up Steam

Move would raise Obama target but get Hillary little closer; 50-50 split irks Mich. Dem

(Newser) - A plan to give each of Florida’s Democratic delegates a half-vote and to split Michigan’s halved delegates evenly between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is “gaining some traction in the right circles” ahead of Saturday’s DNC meeting, Talking Points Memo discerns from an MSNBC report. The...

DNC Lawyers: Only Half of Fla., Mich. Can Be Seated Saturday

Rules committee not allowed to go further

(Newser) - By Democratic Party rules, the long-awaited committee meeting on Saturday is authorized to re-seat no more than half of the outlaw delegations from Florida and Michigan, party lawyers have advised in a new memo. The Rules and Bylaws Committee is required to maintain a penalty for the leapfrogging states that...

Clinton's Delegate Math Goes From Fuzzy to Demeaning

Equating Fla., Mich. struggle to democratic, feminist, civil-rights causes mocks them all

(Newser) - Attempts by Hillary Clinton supporters to link the push to seat the Florida and Michigan delegations with fights for suffrage and other freedoms the world over is "an equation that makes a mockery of democracy and feminism,” Harold Meyerson writes in the Washington Post—particularly since Clinton herself...

Delegate Calculus Blurs Big Picture

Clinton campaign makes own rules regarding Fla., Mich.

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign is looking past 2,025—the current delegate threshold for clinching the nomination—and focusing on 2,208, the magic number if the party seats Michigan and Florida delegates, the Washington Times reports. “That’s what we believe is the standard for deciding this,” says...

Indy Star Gives Nod to Clinton
Indy Star
Gives Nod
to Clinton

Indy Star Gives Nod to Clinton

But Obama picks up backing from another former DNC chair

(Newser) - The Indianapolis Star endorsed Hillary Clinton today, saying that even though Barack Obama “offers an attractive vision for the way things could be,” the former first lady “offers a clear-eyed view of the way things are.” Four days ahead of Indiana' primary, the state's largest newspaper...

Dems Assail McCain on War
Dems Assail McCain on War

Dems Assail McCain on War

Obama would defy Petraeus to withdraw; DNC ads knock Mac's '100 years' in Iraq

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain clashed over Iraq today, as the DNC readies an ad campaign criticizing McCain's now-infamous remark about keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years. In a Fox News interview, Obama pledged to withdraw troops from Iraq even if Gen. David Petraeus advised against it. But the...

Top Clinton Fundraiser Jumps to Obama Camp

Former ambassador "concerned" about tone of race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will lose one of her key fundraisers to Barack Obama, the Los Angeles Times reports. Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon, a former ambassador under President Clinton who had raised $300,000, “became concerned about the tone of the race,” an Obama aide said. But a Democratic strategist said one...

Hillary Renews Call for State Re-Votes

Obama camp accuses her of serving 'political self-interest'

(Newser) - Stumping in Oregon today, Hillary Clinton kept up her fight to recognize Florida and Michigan primary results, saying the votes had been “officially tallied,” the AP reports. “The question is whether those 2.3 million Democrats will be honored.” Meanwhile Barack Obama’s camp, which has...

Appeals Court Chucks Fla. Primary Suit

Panel clears way for Dem voter to amend, relaunch challenge

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today tossed a lawsuit from a Florida Democrat who claimed the Democratic National Committee violated his rights by stripping the state of primary delegates. But the challenge might not be dead, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports: A lower court ruled the plaintiff lacked standing because he hadn't...

Candidates Reject Fla. Delegate Compromise

Compromise plan would have split up delegate slate

(Newser) - The Obama and Clinton campaigns rejected a compromise plan for seating Florida’s delegates—half according to its illicit January primary and the other half based on national vote totals or delegate counts. Sunshine State lawmakers are demanding their state get some sort of say in the tight Dem race;...

GOP Holds Big Edge Over Dems in Party Cash

The party has raised more than $97 million in 2007 and has $25 million on hand

(Newser) - The Democratic candidates may be flush with money, but their party isn't. The GOP has a nearly 7-to-1 advantage in cash on hand, the New York Times reports. Democrats hope to make up the gap once they settle on a nominee, but the GOP already has begun plotting with John...

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