Mike Huckabee

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Obama, Clinton Dead Even in NH, Poll Finds

McCain, buoyed by Iowa, leads Romney among GOP pack

(Newser) - Buoyed by the Iowa caucuses, Barack Obama picked up three points to claim a third of Democratic support in New Hampshire, and move into a tie with Hillary Clinton at 33%. John Edwards also benefited from Iowa in the latest CNN poll, moving up three points to 20%, while Bill...

Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign
Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign

Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign

Candidates offer differing views on 'fair tax,' extending Bush cuts

(Newser) - With President Bush’s tax cuts set to expire in 2010, tax reform could become a key issue in this year’s presidential race, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Most Republican candidates favor extending the cuts, though Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul support eliminating income tax altogether. The Democratic candidates...

Agents of Change Jolt Parties
Agents of Change Jolt Parties

Agents of Change Jolt Parties

Republicans, Democrats alike buck establishment, upend race

(Newser) - Iowa's caucuses last night delivered a battering to the two parties' establishment candidates, with voters on both sides endorsing relative newcomers who promise an end to the status quo. A first-term senator with a Kenyan father and a Baptist minister most famous for having lost 100 pounds brought low frontrunners...

Romney: New Hampshire or Bust
Romney: New Hampshire or Bust

Romney: New Hampshire or Bust

Iowa 2d place leaves Romney scrambling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been left scrambling to find a way to restore momentum to his presidential campaign in the wake of a costly, humiliating defeat in Iowa, Time reports. Mike Huckabee's legions of evangelical Christians disrupted what Ana Marie Cox calls his "carefully calibrated strategy to conduct the political...

Evangelicals Drive Huckabee to Iowa Win

Unorthodox populist campaign makes GOP queasy

(Newser) - Iowa’s Evangelicals came out in unprecedented numbers last night to support Mike Huckabee’s rise from also-ran to caucus victor. About 80% of Huckabee’s support came from Evangelicals, who represented 60% of Republican caucus-goers, compared to their typical 40% showing, the New York Times reports. Huckabee’s affable...

Huckabee Wins Iowa Easily Over Romney
Huckabee Wins Iowa
Easily Over Romney

Huckabee Wins Iowa Easily Over Romney

Strong support from evangelicals gives him a quick victory

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee won yesterday's Iowa caucuses thanks to a surge of support from evangelical voters. The former Arkansas governor and Baptist preacher defeated second-place finisher Mitt Romney with relative ease, despite being outspent 4 to 1, the New York Times notes. Fred Thompson held a slim lead over John McCain...

What Will They Say After the Caucuses?
What Will
They Say After the Caucuses?

What Will They Say After the Caucuses?

Why wait until tonight? Get the spin for each and every result here

(Newser) - No matter what result the Iowa caucuses bring tonight, the campaigns will have plenty of spin up their sleeves. NBC’s Chuck Todd previews the politico talk:
  • John Edwards: No one needs this one more. A victory will be a vindication of populism and domestic issues. A loss may well

What Could We Learn Tonight?
What Could We Learn Tonight?

What Could We Learn Tonight?

W ashington Post 's Dan Balz runs down the possibilities

(Newser) - How might the presidential race turn on tonight’s Iowa caucuses? What answers await after the election’s first vote? The Washington Post’s Dan Balz runs down some possibilities:
  1. Will either race end immediately? Probably only if Hillary Clinton sweeps
  2. How big a bounce can the victors expect? The

Iowa Keeps Candidates Awake at Night

24/7 campaigns have made for a raft of fatigue-induced gaffes

(Newser) - Fatigue has officially taken hold in Iowa, and not just for voters. “I won’t remember Iowans,” a sleep-deprived Mitt Romney said recently (he meant “I’ll never forget”), while Mike Huckabee offered “apologies” over Benazir Bhutto’s death (he’s not a suspect), and...

Iowa Tests Appeal of Populism
Iowa Tests Appeal of Populism

Iowa Tests Appeal of Populism

Will anti-business rhetoric work for Huckabee, Edwards?

(Newser) - Tonight's Iowa caucuses are the first test for the aggressively populist message of Mike Huckabee and John Edwards; even if the candidates falter, writes the Wall Street Journal, their stridently anti-business message—"corporate greed is squeezing the middle class," Edwards declared yesterday—has played well in Iowa, and...

Clinton Drops to 3rd in Last Poll
Clinton Drops to 3rd in Last Poll

Clinton Drops to 3rd in Last Poll

Obama leads Edwards by 4% hours before Iowa caucus

(Newser) - A new poll conducted hours before the Iowa caucus gives a surging Barack Obama a 4-point lead over John Edwards, with Hillary Clinton slipping to third place. The Reuters/Zogby poll puts Obama at 31% support among likely Democratic caucus-goers, with Edwards polling 27% and Clinton 24%. Among Republicans, Mike Huckabee...

Thompson Might Call It Quits
Thompson Might Call It Quits

Thompson Might Call It Quits

Expected to drop out without a strong showing in Iowa

(Newser) - Insiders say GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson will probably drop out of the race if he doesn't do well in Iowa, Politico reports. The former senator and "Law & Order" actor's candidacy generated a lot of excitement in its early days but never gained much traction nationwide.

Late-Night Hosts Return With Laughs, Politics

Huckabee and Clinton appear in returning talk shows

(Newser) - Late-night talk shows returned to the air tonight for the first time in two months with a dose of politics mixed among the laughs, the AP reports. Mike Huckabee appeared on Leno, apparently a bit confused by the status of the writers' strike, while Letterman got a taped intro from...

Huckabee Uses Press to Extend Modest Means

They don't have to like him; they just have to cover him

(Newser) - They don’t have to like me; they just have to cover me. That’s Mike Huckabee's attitude toward the media, which is doing a lot of publicity legwork for the candidate, says Time’s Michael Scherer. It doesn’t matter if the press corps gives Huck “the cold...

Iowa Goes Down to the Wire
Iowa Goes Down to the Wire

Iowa Goes Down to the Wire

Candidates make last-minute appeals to voters

(Newser) - The candidates continued an all-out blitz to the finish line before tomorrow's Iowa caucuses as polls continued to show tight races, the AP reports. All three leading Democrats took out dinner-hour ads on TV. "After all the town meetings, the pie and coffee, it all comes down to this:...

Huckabee Ad Trumpets Christian Ties

He and Romney duke it out in a tight Iowa race

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney battled to the wire in a tight Iowa race, with Huckabee releasing a new campaign ad yesterday designed to appeal to Christian conservatives, CNN reports. Romney, meanwhile, attacked Huckabee's recent criticism of President Bush as in "bad taste," the Boston Globe reports.

McCain Takes National Lead; Giuliani Plummets

Giuliani's support off 13 points since September

(Newser) - A new poll shows John McCain ahead nationally among Republicans for the first time in a year, and a sliding Rudy Giuliani at his lowest mark in months. McCain is favored by 22% of GOP voters, with Giuliani at 20%, Mike Huckabee at 17%, and Mitt Romney at 12%. Giuliani...

Axed Huck Ad Highlights Rollins Role

Will minister Mike be tarnished by his new attack-dog adviser?

(Newser) - One's a former minister who's taken the high ground in countering attacks from a better-financed rival; the other's a veteran political brawler who never saw a negative ad he didn't like. The Washington Post looks at the unlikely alliance of Mike Huckabee and Ed Rollins that resulted in the candidate's...

Huckabee Goes Negative ... Sort Of
Goes Negative ... Sort Of

Huckabee Goes Negative ... Sort Of

Candidate ditches anti-Romney spot after screening for the media

(Newser) - Negative campaigning has finally gone meta. Mike Huckabee held a press conference yesterday to announce that he wouldn't air his latest campaign ad—a 30-second attack on his closest rival, Mitt Romney—then aired it in full for the press corps, the Washington Post reports. Huckabee says he pulled the...

Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith
Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith

Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith

Preaching prompted a backlash in Arkansas; in Iowa, will Christian soldiers come out?

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee is banking on his deep Christian faith drawing voters to him in the presidential primaries, but that same passion has proven a liability in the past. As Arkansas governor, Huckabee made several religious molehills into mountains big enough for Moses, the LA Times reports in an examination of...

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