tap water

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EPA to Set Deadline for Replacing Nation's Lead Pipes

Biden is expected to announce new 10-year EPA rule during stop in Wisconsin on Tuesday

(Newser) - A decade after the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, raised alarms about the continuing dangers of lead in tap water, President Biden is setting a 10-year deadline for cities across the nation to replace their lead pipes, finalizing an aggressive approach aimed at ensuring that drinking water is safe for...

Hospital Sued After Nurse Allegedly Put Tap Water in IVs

The patients were supposed to receive fentanyl

(Newser) - Attorneys representing both living and deceased patients of an Oregon hospital filed a $303 million lawsuit against the facility on Tuesday after a nurse was accused of replacing prescribed fentanyl with nonsterile tap water in intravenous drips. The wrongful death and medical malpractice complaint accuses Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center...

129K Kids in Chicago Exposed to Lead in Water
68% of Kids
in Chicago
Exposed to
Lead in Water

68% of Kids in Chicago Exposed to Lead in Water

That's 129K children under 6, researchers say

(Newser) - More than two-thirds of kids aged 5 or younger in Chicago are exposed to lead in drinking water, which can mean many harmful consequences, according to a new study. The Guardian previously analyzed 24,000 city water tests, finding water from a third of homes contained lead above 5 parts...

2 Simple Steps Can Remove 90% of Plastic From Tap Water

Researchers suggest boiling and filtering

(Newser) - We can't seem to avoid microplastics in drinking water, at least without pricey filtration systems, but we can eliminate the vast majority with two simple steps, according to a new study. Microplastics and even smaller nanoplastics have been found in tap water around the world. The effects aren't...

Houston Residents Can Drink Their Water Again

City lifts boil advisory

(Newser) - Houston officials lifted an order Tuesday that had called for more than 2 million people in the nation's fourth-largest city to boil their tap water before drinking or using it. The boil order had been in effect since Sunday, when a power outage at a purification plant caused pressure...

Drinking Water of the Future May Come Increasingly From Toilets

In the face of climate change, recycled water could be a solution

(Newser) - Garden hose bans are in place across much of Britain, where rivers and reservoirs are at unusually low levels following months of low rainfall. In the future, part of the solution will be "to reprocess the water that results from sewage treatment and turn it back into drinking water,...

Safety Experts Say 'Raw Water' Trend Is a Very Bad Idea

Drinking untreated water has more drawbacks than the price tag

(Newser) - Is drinking "raw water" a great way to get beneficial minerals and microbes removed by filtration—or do people who pay $15 a gallon for untreated water have more money than sense? The subject has been hotly debated since a New York Times story last week looked at people—...

Proposal for City's Stinky Water? Add Pumpkin Spice

It appears petition in Tempe, Ariz., is a joke, but the water can smell and taste awful there

(Newser) - Residents of an Arizona city with foul-smelling, unpalatable drinking water have proposed a solution that would make Starbucks proud: have the water company infuse it with pumpkin spice flavoring. The Arizona Republic reports on Tempe's tap-water woes, which are so pervasive the city is forced to acknowledge them on...

Fans to Pats After Overcharge for Tap Water: 'Shame on You'

It was so hot in Foxborough, Mass., that the bottled water disappeared

(Newser) - You might get asked "bottled or tap?" about your water preferences at a restaurant, but at Gillette Stadium on Sunday only the latter was offered—at prices usually paid for the former. NBC Sports reports that fans who came to see the New England Patriots beat the Houston Texans...

Now With Your Tap Water, a Side of Plastic
Now With Your Tap Water,
a Side of Plastic

Now With Your Tap Water, a Side of Plastic

Researchers warn that we're ingesting microparticles

(Newser) - Perhaps we'd best hope we are what we eat, because if we are what we drink then we are getting pretty plastic. Researchers who tested samples of tap water from around the world say there are microplastics in much of it, with the highest contamination rate in the US,...

We Have a Tap-Water Crisis on Our Hands
We Have a
Tap-Water Crisis
on Our Hands

We Have a Tap-Water Crisis on Our Hands

Report flags contamination, lack of proper testing

(Newser) - "America is facing a nationwide drinking water crisis," says the co-author of a new report that finds one in four Americans were served by tap water that was unsafe or not properly monitored in 2015. The report published Tuesday by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows there were...

That Chemical Erin Brockovich Fought? You're Likely Drinking It

Environmental Working Group releases analysis of EPA data

(Newser) - If chromium-6 rings a bell for some odd reason, that reason is likely Erin Brockovich, who famously helped secure a massive settlement for the Hinkley, Calif., residents who had been exposed to dangerous levels of the heavy metal. And there's a chance you have been exposed, too, according to...

World's First Water Bar Isn't Quite What You Think

Minneapolis' Water Bar will serve tap water for free

(Newser) - You could sit at home and drink your own tap water, or you could visit Minneapolis' Water Bar and drink tap water in the company of others. Shanai Matteson hopes you'll choose the latter option. Yes, Minneapolis will soon be home to what UPI calls the world's first...

Black Water Flows in 'Corrupt' Texas Town

Crystal City residents shocked by 'black sludge'

(Newser) - A Texas town where nearly every top official was arrested earlier this month has a new problem: Its tap water just turned black and smelly, CNN reports. Residents of Crystal City—a municipality of 7,500 near the Mexican border—saw the liquid emerge from taps on Wednesday. "It...

Toxic Water Actually 'So Routine' in Ohio

Pollution, invasive species, and climate change have all been blamed

(Newser) - Tap water has been declared safe to drink and bathe in again in Toledo, Ohio, but scientists warn that toxic algae blooms could be here to stay. Fertilizer from farms and cattle feedlots are partly to blame for the thick layer of algae choking Lake Erie, the most developed of...

What Kind of Bottled Water Is Healthier, Again?

A New Jersey mom gets the skinny on water products

(Newser) - Back when Hurricane Irene struck the East Coast, one new mom faced a decision: what kind of bottled water to buy after the nearby water purification plant was flooded? Wanting to keep her newborn healthy, Chanie Kirschner reviewed the EPA's website to get the lowdown on water, she writes...

New Craze: $2.50 NYC Tap Water

East Village boutique hopes to spark 'water connoisseurs'

(Newser) - For anyone who has ever watched a cowpie float down a stream in Upstate New York, this idea is either long overdue or just the latest stab at capitalizing on New York City's thirst for clean drinking water: A couple of East Village entrepreneurs are now hawking none other...

Americans Ditch Coffee Over Cash Fears: Poll

Workers opting for bagged lunches, reusable water bottles

(Newser) - Faced with an economy they fear is worsening, Americans are making the ultimate sacrifice: They’re no longer buying their morning joe, a Harris poll finds. Some 21% of respondents said coffee doesn’t fit their budgets, Fox News reports. They’re making other changes to their eating habits, too:...

Radiation Spikes in Tokyo Tap Water

Don't use water for infant formula, officials advise

(Newser) - Radiation in Tokyo tap water has spiked to twice the level considered safe for infants, sparking a new round of fears in Japan over the nation's crippled nuclear reactors. Rising smoke, meanwhile, prompted a new evacuation of workers trying to plug leaks in the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex, reports AP . Infants...

Bottled Water: Bad News for Your Teeth?

The lack of fluoride can contribute to tooth decay, dentists warn

(Newser) - As if bottled water didn’t have a bad enough rap already , it turns out it can also contribute to tooth decay. Many dentists and pediatricians are concerned that children who only drink bottled water may experience more cavities, thanks to the fact that most bottled water does not contain...

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