Afghanistan war

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US Starts Talks With Taliban
 US-Taliban Talks Stumble 

US-Taliban Talks Stumble

Afghan fighters oppose cease-fire proposed by Washington

(Newser) - Long-rumored talks between the US and Taliban officials just got started and are already faltering, MSNBC reports. Meeting in Qatar, Taliban representatives balked today at Washington's demand for a cease-fire before negotiating a prisoner swap. "Our stance is the same. We will announce a cease-fire when the...

Sarkozy Wants Out of Afghanistan Next Year

France will withdraw combat troops by the end of 2013

(Newser) - France and Afghanistan agree NATO should speed up by a year its timetable for handing all combat operations to Afghan forces in 2013, President Nicolas Sarkozy said today, raising new questions about the unity of the Western military alliance. Sarkozy also announced that all French combat troops will leave the...

Afghan Asylum Seekers Reach 10-Year High

Human smuggling in Afghanistan, Pakistan worth $1B annually

(Newser) - In the tenth year since the US-led invasion of Afghanistan, more Afghans sought asylum abroad last year than any time since the war began, reports the AP . A UN report says that more than 30,000 Afghans applied for political asylum around the world from January to November, a 25%...

Hatred Fueling Afghan Army Attacks on Allied Troops
Hatred Fueling Afghan Army Attacks on Allied Troops
new report

Hatred Fueling Afghan Army Attacks on Allied Troops

Mutual contempt behind most attacks on NATO troops from within: report

(Newser) - Even before today's attack on French troops , the number of deadly attacks on US and other coalition troops by Afghan soldiers was steadily rising. And while the military continues to describe the attacks as isolated incidents, a classified report obtained by the New York Times tells a very different...

After Afghan Soldier Kills 4 Troops, French to Withdraw?

6 other coalition troops killed in helicopter crash

(Newser) - France suspended its training programs in Afghanistan today after an Afghan National Army soldier shot and killed four French troops and wounded 16 others. The soldier, who opened fire at a base in eastern Afghanistan, has been arrested, the BBC reports. French President Nicolas Sarkozy says France may now withdraw...

&#39;No Surprise&#39; Marines Urinated on Taliban
 'No Surprise' 
 on Taliban 


'No Surprise' Marines Urinated on Taliban

War always dehumanizes, but America's torture policies make it worse

(Newser) - The video of US Marines urinating on the corpses of several Taliban members in Afghanistan may have shocked many and earned widespread condemnation —but that shock shows a basic misunderstanding of war, which is inherently dehumanizing, writes Sebastian Junger in the Washington Post . "Of course they have dehumanized...

Marines in Urination Video ID&#39;d
 Marines in Urination Video ID'd 

Marines in Urination Video ID'd

Hillary Clinton calls incident possible war crime

(Newser) - Investigators have identified the four Marines shown in a video apparently urinating on Taliban corpses, and they could be charged today, CBS News reports. The military has interviewed at least two of the men on the matter as officials scramble to address its fallout. "Anyone, anyone found to have...

Panetta Calls Karzai Over Marines' Video

Two of the four servicemen have been identified

(Newser) - The US went into full damage control mode today over a video that surfaced yesterday that appeared to show four Marines urinating on Taliban fighters' corpses . Leon Panetta called Hamid Karzai to decry the video, and he issued a statement calling the actions "entirely inappropriate," the Wall Street ...

Video Allegedly Shows Marines Urinating on Bodies

USMC is investigating clip apparently of dead Taliban fighters

(Newser) - The Pentagon has a potentially nasty scandal on its hands: The US Marine Corps says it is investigating a 40-second video that surfaced today on YouTube and elsewhere that appears to show four Marines urinating on the corpses of three Taliban fighters, reports the Air Force Times . The men joke...

We&#39;re Wasting Billions in Afghanistan Aid
 We're Wasting Billions 
 in Afghanistan Aid 

We're Wasting Billions in Afghanistan Aid

US has spent $73B since 9/11, but accounting is too lax: James R. Petersen

(Newser) - The US has poured $73 billion in reconstruction aid into Afghanistan since 9/11, but only a small fraction of that has reached the intended recipients, writes a former government auditor. "Where has all the money gone?" asks James R. Petersen, who worked in Afghanistan and later with the US...

Karzai to US: Hand Over Bagram Prison

Miffed Afghan president accuses US of human rights abuses

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai today demanded that the US give up control of its prison in Bagram by the end of the month, over what his office called "many cases of violations of Afghan Constitution … and human rights." It's a familiar demand—Afghan officials announced they had a...

Pentagon Readies Blueprint of Slim New Self

And with it, the Obama administration's defense priorities

(Newser) - The White House is poised to unveil its proposal to slim down the military to bring it in line with cuts agreed to in the recent debt ceiling deal, and in so doing give America a sense of Leon Panetta’s vision for the military’s future, the New York ...

Taliban to Open Qatar Office for US Peace Talks

Talks eschew Hamid Karzai's Afganistan government

(Newser) - The Taliban admitted publicly for the first time today that it is in the midst of peace talks with the US, announcing that it would open a “political office” in Qatar to conduct them. The militant organization’s statement pointedly made no mention of the Kabul-based Afghan government, however,...

Decorated Soldier Shot, Paralyzed at Welcome Party

Christopher Sullivan had survived Afghanistan suicide bombing, won Purple Heart

(Newser) - A Purple Heart recipient who survived a suicide bombing last year in Afghanistan came home for the holidays—only to be paralyzed in a shooting at his own welcome-home party, reports KTLA . Christopher Sullivan, 22, was shot late Friday in San Bernardino after a fight broke out over football, and...

Funeral Bomber Kills Afghan Lawmaker, 9 Others

Latest suspected Taliban hit on politicians

(Newser) - A suicide bomber blew himself up today during a funeral in northern Afghanistan, killing 10 people, including a member of the national parliament, a government spokesman said. The attack occurred as mourners were leaving the funeral in the town of Talaqan, said a spokesman for the governor's office in...

US May Swap Gitmo Inmates for Taliban Peace Deal

Negotiations near breakthrough, US officials say

(Newser) - After many months of secretive negotiations, peace talks between the US and the Taliban are at a turning point, reports Reuters , which cites senior US officials speaking under condition of anonymity. The US is considering transferring Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Afghan custody in return for concessions from the...

Medal of Honor Recipient's Story Inflated: Report

McClatchy says parts are exaggerated

(Newser) - President Obama told a tale of staggering heroism when he awarded the Medal of Honor to Dakota Meyer : The Marine had rushed to save ambushed US troops against orders, gunning down eight insurgents, rescuing 13 Americans, and jumping down from his turret to rescue 24 Afghan soldiers. It would be...

Why We Spend $400 per Gallon of Gas in Afghanistan

Danger to convoys forcing military to rely on pricey airlifts

(Newser) - By the time it reaches remote military bases in Afghanistan, gasoline costs the US military as much per gallon as Dom Perignon champagne, the Wall Street Journal finds. Moving fuel and other supplies by road in Afghanistan has become so dangerous that the Air Force has increased the amount of...

Afghanistan: We Need Aid Through 2024—or Longer

Karzai wants political, military support until then, financial aid until 2030

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai today called for continued political and military support in his country until 2024—a full decade beyond the planned 2014 withdrawal of American and other forces. "We will need your steadfast support for at least another decade," Karzai said to a group of leaders...

Pakistan Cleared Deadly Hit: US
 Pakistan Cleared Deadly Hit: US

Pakistan Cleared Deadly Hit: US

Pakistan said it had no forces in area when airstrikes were called

(Newser) - Pakistan officials were unaware they had forces in the area and gave the OK for US airstrikes last week that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, according to the American account of the worst friendly fire killing in the 10-year Afghanistan war, reports the Wall Street Journal . US forces in Afghanistan were...

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