poll numbers

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Americans Think Blacks Are More Racist: Poll

Rasmussen finds racial divide

(Newser) - Racism is alive and well in America—among black people. Or at least, that's what a lot of Americans apparently believe according to a new Rasmussen Poll . The poll found that 37% of Americans believe that most black people are racist, while only 15% said the same of whites,...

Rahm&#39;s Approval Rating: 19%
 Rahm's Approval Rating: 19% 

Rahm's Approval Rating: 19%

And only 2% 'strongly approve' of Chicago mayor

(Newser) - Maybe it's a good thing Rahm Emanuel is reportedly considering a presidential run —because he isn't doing so hot in Chicago. The mayor's approval rating has plummeted so far it's within spitting distance of Congress , according to a new Crain's/Ipsos poll , which showed only...

State of the Union Advice for Obama

 State of the Union 
 Advice for Obama 

State of the Union Advice for Obama

Pundits urge Obama to think big, articulate a vision

(Newser) - President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address tonight, and every pundit out there has an opinion on how he should approach it. A sampling of the day's top unsolicited advice:
  • "It may be tempting to list a series of measures Obama wants Congress to pass,

90% Want Gun Background Checks

 90% Want Gun 

90% Want Gun Background Checks

Including NRA members, Republicans

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama was right when he said the majority of Americans support universal background checks for gun buyers—in a huge way. A whopping 90% of the public supports the idea, according to a new New York Times / CBS News poll, including 95% of Independents, 93% of...

'Shocked' Romney 'Hastily Composed' Concession

Why the campaign really thought it was going to win

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's surrogates weren't bluffing when they said they thought he would win; they expected Pennsylvania to be close, North Carolina to be a blowout, and Florida to be a comfortable win, they tell CBS News . When none of that happened, Romney "was shellshocked," one adviser...

Nate Silver: Why I&#39;m Right
 Nate Silver: Why I'm Right 

Nate Silver: Why I'm Right

Polling guru explains why his argument is the simplest

(Newser) - Barack Obama's odds of victory ticked up to 80.9% today in Nate Silver's projection model, a fact unlikely to sit well with Silver's growing legion of Republican detractors. While no one is arguing that Mitt Romney is the favorite, some—like Joe Scarborough—are arguing the...

Rove: Romney's Going to Win a Squeaker

Poll numbers, early results all in Romney's favor, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - Political guru Karl Rove may be predicting a Mitt Romney win next week, but at least he's keeping his predictions more modest than Dick Morris' " landslide ." Instead, Rove notes in the Wall Street Journal that Romney has a thin lead in national polls—he's ahead in...

Obama Gains in Swing States
  Obama Gains in Swing States 
Poll Numbers

Obama Gains in Swing States

But he and Romney are dead even nationally

(Newser) - Hurricane Sandy has thrown polling into disarray—Gallup, for instance, has suspended its daily tracking poll—but some data is still trickling in for those desperate for presidential election score updates. Here's what we know today:
  • President Obama has expanded his lead in Michigan, and now leads 48% to

Obama, Romney Are Basically Tied*
 Obama, Romney Are Basically Tied* 
Poll Numbers

Obama, Romney Are Basically Tied*

*But Obama still looks more likely to win the electoral college

(Newser) - If this year's presidential election was determined by the popular vote, it would be anybody's game. A new Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll today has President Obama leading by 1 point—essentially a statistical tie—while Investors Business Daily 's poll has Obama up by 2.3 points. But...

Romney Up by 3 in Gallup; Momentum Slowing?

Latest poll still has him ahead, but by a smaller margin than last week

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's lead over President Obama stands at 3 points in today's Gallup tracking poll, and among registered voters Obama actually leads 48-47. The poll is noteworthy, the Hill explains, because Gallup has lately been much higher on Romney than all the other polls; he was ahead by...

As Mitt Closes Women Gap, Eyes on 'Waitress Moms'

Obama, Romney now even among women: AP poll

(Newser) - As a new AP-GfK poll has Mitt Romney closing the gap among women voters, the New York Times takes a look at a key swing demographic: so-called "waitress moms." The term refers to blue-collar white women without college educations. Unlike "soccer moms" of the 1990s, they're...

I&#39;m Addicted to Polls
 I'm Addicted to Polls 
david brooks

I'm Addicted to Polls

But, writes David Brooks, he really shouldn't be

(Newser) - David Brooks has a confession to make: "Hello, my name is David, and I’m a pollaholic," he writes in the New York Times , revealing that he's spent hundreds of hours over the past few months obsessing over any and every election poll he can find, checking...

New Poll: Romney Leads Obama 49%-47%

 New Poll: Romney 
 Leads Obama 

New Poll: Romney Leads Obama 49%-47%

GOP ahead $46B in cash race

(Newser) - After an NBC poll found a tie at 47% yesterday, a Politico-George Washington University tracking poll today offers a different take on the presidential race that has Mitt Romney leading President Obama 49% to 47% nationally. It's the first time since early May that Romney has led in the...

Should We Believe Gallup&#39;s Poll?
 Should We Believe  
 Gallup's Poll? 

Should We Believe Gallup's Poll?

Nate Silver skeptical Romney is leading, though conservatives scoff

(Newser) - The latest Gallup poll suggests that Mitt Romney is still riding the wave from the first debate with a full 7-point lead nationally. Be skeptical, writes poll guru Nate Silver at the New York Times . Almost all other polls have the race roughly even or with Obama ahead . Silver offers...

Obama Ahead in Iowa, Wisconsin

Polls in key states good news for president; Gallup has Romney up nationally

(Newser) - With just three weeks until Election Day, Obama's lead in the battleground states of Iowa and Wisconsin remains mostly unchanged after the two presidential debates, according to a new NBC/WSJ/Marist poll . Among likely voters in Iowa, Obama leads 51% to Romney's 43%. In Wisconsin, it's 51% to...

'Polls Don't Matter,' Says Obama Pollster

Campaign's opinion boss to volunteers: Don't get discouraged

(Newser) - Poll fluctuations are no biggie because "at the end of the day, polls don't matter," says the very guy in charge of, well, polling for President Obama. "Polls will go up, polls will go down," Obama's head of opinion research, David Simas, told...

Swing States Poll: Romney's a Better Leader

Debate gives Mitt a boost, but most voters had already decided

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's debate performance is helping him in the race's key battlegrounds—but only by inches. A new New York Times /Quinnipiac/CBS poll found essentially no movement in Colorado, Virginia, or Wisconsin, with Obama's debate loss apparently being offset by strong unemployment numbers. But there is good...

Has Obama Blown It?
 Has Obama Blown It? 

Has Obama Blown It?

Debate annihilated his lead

(Newser) - President Obama may have thrown away the whole election with his woeful performance in last week's debate, writes Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast . The latest Pew poll numbers show that Obama's lead has been eradicated, with Romney now enjoying a 4-point lead after a 12-point swing. Romney...

Romney Pulls Even With Debate Bounce
 Romney Pulls Even 
 With Debate Bounce 
gallup polling

Romney Pulls Even With Debate Bounce

Post-Wednesday tracking shows Romney narrows the gap

(Newser) - President Obama had the edge in Gallup polling immediately prior to last week's debate—but that changed after Mitt Romney walked away with Wednesday's debate. Registered voters are now evenly split, 47% for Romney and 47% for Obama, Gallup's daily tracking shows. Gallup's most recent poll,...

Obama Leading —a Bit—in Slew of New Polls

But Romney not far behind as first debate looms

(Newser) - In the final hours before the first presidential debate of the 2012 election, a host of new polls to consider:
  • President Obama has a significant lead in the battleground state of Ohio, 51% to Mitt Romney's 43%, according to an NBC News /Wall Street Journal poll. That's been

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