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Finally, Salmon Have the Run of the River

With dam removals along the Klamath, fish can venture to areas not reached in a century

(Newser) - Salmon are swimming in parts of the Klamath River and its tributaries not accessible for a century just days after the completion of the largest dam removal project in US history. The removal of four aging dams along the California-Oregon border has opened up more than 400 miles of river...

Cops: Man Used Bleach to Kill 18K Juvenile Salmon

'In my 25 years as a game warden, this is one of the most senseless acts I have seen'

(Newser) - In Oregon, the maximum penalty for illegally killing a Chinook salmon is $750, meaning a 20-year-old man accused of killing almost 18,000 of them could be on the hook for more than $13 million. Joshua Heckathorn allegedly poured bleach into one of four tanks at the Gardiner, Reedsport, and...

This Creek Was Just Inundated With 77K Uninvited Fish

Salmon being transported to river in Oregon ended up in a different waterway entirely after truck crash

(Newser) - A truck carrying more than 100,000 young chinook salmon was bound for Oregon's Imnaha River, to help populate a waterway where they're considered a threatened species. But tens of thousands of them ended up in a creek near their former fish hatchery home instead, after the vehicle...

Bjork's New Single Is Part of Her Larger Mission
Bjork Releases
Single to Fight

Bjork Releases Single to Fight 'Frankenstein Mutants'

Iceland's most famous star has put out 'Oral' to help raise funds to fight salmon farming in her home country

(Newser) - Bjork is putting out a new single—but she didn't make it solely to indulge her creative and musical sensibilities. The 57-year-old Icelandic singer is using "Oral," put together with Spanish singer Rosalia and released Thursday, to raise funds to "help fight fish farming in Iceland,...

Escaped Farm Salmon Pose Huge Environmental Threat

Thousands of farmed fish escaped in Iceland in an 'environmental catastrophe'

(Newser) - Thousands of farmed salmon broke out of a pen in Iceland this August, but don't start cheering for the escapees. The farmed fish pose great risk to the area's wild salmon, whose numbers have shrunk over the decades, according to the Guardian . Harm to wild fish comes from...

At This River, Officials Try to Turn Back the Clock 100 Years

Klamath River restoration project is a massive, $500M endeavor, involving removal of 4 dams

(Newser) - The largest dam removal project in US history is underway along the California-Oregon border—a process that won't conclude until the end of next year with the help of heavy machinery and explosives. But in some ways, removing the four dams is the easy part, per the AP . The...

Famed Salmon Festival Will Be Without Salmon This Year

Fisheries closed amid low fish run, though there's 'genuine cause for optimism'

(Newser) - For the third time in seven years, there will be no salmon at California's famous Klamath Salmon Festival. The annual festival dating back almost six decades focuses on Chinook salmon, a key source of sustenance for the Yurok Tribe, which hosts the event. But this year, the Klamath River,...

US' Largest-Ever Dam Removal Approved in the Name of Fish

Four dams to be removed from Klamath River on Oregon-California border by 2024

(Newser) - Federal regulators have given final approval for the largest dam removal project in US history at a cost of $500 million—for the purpose of helping endangered fish. For decades, Native American tribes have sought to restore the Klamath River, the route to spawning grounds for Chinook and endangered coho...

Here's Why Changing Your Name to 'Salmon' Might Be a Bad Idea
After a Quirky Name Change,
Now They're Stuck With It
in case you missed it

After a Quirky Name Change, Now They're Stuck With It

Taiwanese lawmakers debate rules change for those who adopted 'Salmon' moniker for restaurant promo

(Newser) - Is the free fish really worth it? A bunch of people in Taiwan who legally changed their name to "Salmon" to take advantage of a restaurant promotion are about to find out, because the government isn't letting some of them change their names back, reports the Guardian . It...

We're About to Get Unique Look at the Life of Salmon

First-of-its-kind international expedition will study them in the sea in winter

(Newser) - Scientists have a pretty good idea of the ways of salmon when the fish are in inland waters at the beginning and end of their lives. But that stretch in between, when they spend up to seven years at sea? Not so much. Now, however, a first-of-its-kind international expedition is...

480 Otis Crowned in Fat Bear Week, Again
Fat Bear Week
Has Its Winner

Fat Bear Week Has Its Winner

It's 480 Otis, for the 4th time since 2014 in Alaska's Katmai National Park

(Newser) - It's "get ready for hibernation" time in Katmai National Park, which means it's cram your maw full of salmon if you're a bear to put on enough weight to get you through the winter. Which also means it's time for Fat Bear Week, the annual...

Salmon Ban Leaves Tribes Looking for Food

Alaska has banned fishing for dwindling salmon on the Yukon River

(Newser) - In a normal year, the smokehouses and drying racks that Alaska Natives use to prepare salmon to tide them through the winter would be heavy with fish meat, the fruits of a summer spent fishing on the Yukon River like generations before them. This year, there are no fish. For...

Salmon Essentially Being Cooked to Death in Hot Rivers

Video shows them looking poorly in Washington

(Newser) - The heat isn't just brutal on the human residents of Washington state. The non-profit organization Columbia Riverkeeper made the case, via video footage, that salmon in the Columbia River are suffering mightily too—experiencing heat nearly to the point of death. The video was taken on July 16, a...

17M Salmon Are Being Trucked to San Francisco Bay

With rivers dried up, this is their only chance of survival

(Newser) - With California facing one of the worst drought years in its history, many more salmon will be traveling to the Pacific Ocean by truck this year. Waterways that young Chinook salmon would normally use to migrate have dried up and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is trying to...

State Has to Truck Salmon to Ocean
State Has to Truck
Salmon to Ocean

State Has to Truck Salmon to Ocean

California river levels are too low for the fish to travel the usual way

(Newser) - Because of the drought, California officials will again truck millions of young salmon raised at fish hatcheries in the state's Central Valley agricultural region to the Pacific Ocean. Projected river conditions show that the waterways the fish usually use to travel downstream will be historically low and warm. Officials...

Taiwan Asks People to Stop Changing Names to 'Salmon'

Dozens of people have altered their monikers to take advantage of restaurant's sushi promotion

(Newser) - A restaurant chain promotion has led to what local media is calling "salmon chaos" in Taiwan, where people are now changing their names to get free or discounted sushi. The Central News Agency reports that the two-day offering from Sushiro entitles anyone whose name includes the Chinese characters for...

You Might Be Killing Salmon With Your Car Tires
What's Killing Salmon?
Maybe Your Car Tires
new study

What's Killing Salmon? Maybe Your Car Tires

Scientists say a chemical preservative ends up in streams after it rains

(Newser) - Scientists think they've figured out why so many coho salmon in the Pacific Northwest are dying—it's because of car tires. More precisely, researchers say that a lethal substance moves from tire particles on the road into storm drains and then ends up in streams, reports Popular Science ...

Alaska Salmon Are Shrinking, and Scientists Have a Theory

The fish aren't spending as long in the ocean as they used to before returning to spawn

(Newser) - It won't be a revelation to locals, but researchers have determined that Alaska salmon are shrinking. For example, Chinook salmon are 8% smaller today than they were before 1990, say researchers in Nature Communications . Sockeye, coho, and chum salmon have also shrunk, though to a lesser extent, reports Reuters...

Plight of Hungry Bears Prompts Unusual Move

First Nation group in Canada brings salmon to feed starving grizzlies

(Newser) - Visitors flock to Knight Inlet, north of Vancouver, British Columbia, in hope of spotting a grizzly bear. On a recent visit, tour operator and photographer Rolf Hicker actually saw three, but it was no cause for celebration. "Advertising still shows the happy bears feasting on salmon, well, sorry to...

The Snow and Rain Came, Then Lots of Salmon

After 5 years of drought, California is seeing one of its best salmon fishing seasons in years

(Newser) - California fishermen are reporting one of the best salmon fishing seasons in years, thanks to heavy rain and snow that ended the state's historic drought. It's a sharp reversal for chinook salmon, also known as king salmon, an iconic species that helps sustain many Pacific Coast fishing communities,...

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