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Nigeria Takes Aim at Malnutrition With ... Bouillon

As climate change wreaks havoc, African nation looks to a simple soup cube that everyone uses

(Newser) - Malnourished households in Nigeria soon will have a simple ingredient available to improve their intake of key vitamins and minerals. Government regulators are launching standards for adding iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12 to bouillon cubes at minimum levels recommended by experts. While the standards will be voluntary for...

Sorry, but Daily Multivitamins Won't Stretch Your Life
Daily Multivitamins May
Raise Risk of Early Death

Daily Multivitamins May Raise Risk of Early Death

Just slightly, per researchers, but they're also finding that consuming them doesn't help, either

(Newser) - Think those multivitamins you pop daily will stave off disease and extend your life span? Scientists now say not only does that not seem to be the case, but that taking multivitamins on the regular could actually up the risk of a premature demise. Per Medical Daily , 1 in 3...

Vitamin Supplement May Cause Acne
 May Cause Acne 
study says

Vitamin Supplement May Cause Acne

Research suggests link between breakouts and B12

(Newser) - Nature giveth, and nature taketh away. The same vitamin credited with helping the brain and nervous system—B12—is now accused of contributing to acne, reports the Independent . A new UCLA study suggests a link, though researchers emphasized that more research needs to be done to confirm what's actually...

Man Jailed for Months for Possession of ... Vitamins

Lab tests finally clear him, just before trial

(Newser) - Joey Burrell got pulled over on Nov. 14 because he was driving out of a supermarket parking lot without his lights on. Then his luck got worse: Police in Mankato, Minn., found a bag of powder in his car, and a field test suggested it might be meth, reports KMSP-TV...

Cereal Problem: Kids Are Getting Too Many Vitamins
Cereal Problem: Kids Are Getting Too Many Vitamins
new report

Cereal Problem: Kids Are Getting Too Many Vitamins

Too much vitamin A, zinc, niacin can cause problems

(Newser) - We're told to get our vitamins—but there's a line when enough is enough, and when kids eat fortified breakfast cereal, they may be crossing that line, USA Today reports. "Millions of children are ingesting potentially unhealthy amounts" of three nutrients: vitamin A, zinc, and niacin, per...

Multivitamins All Hooey

 Multivitamins All Hooey 

Multivitamins All Hooey

The vitamin industry is taking us for a ride: Edgar Miller

(Newser) - Those multivitamins sitting on your counter are a waste of money perpetuated by little more than anecdotal evidence, according to a professor of medicine and epidemiology at John Hopkins University, CNN reports. The vitamin and supplement "industry is based on anecdote, people saying 'I take this, and it...

Vitamin D May Not Be Disease-Fighter
 Vitamin D May Not 
 Be Disease-Fighter 

Vitamin D May Not Be Disease-Fighter

Low levels a symptom, not a cause of illness, researchers say

(Newser) - Is there any point in healthy people taking vitamin D supplements? New research suggests that while low levels of the "sunshine vitamin" are linked to many illnesses, the deficiency is a result, not a cause of sickness, reports Reuters . French researchers who reviewed hundreds of other studies were unable...

Want to Cut Cancer Risk? Have a Daily 'Multi'

Multivitamins reduce incidence by 8% in adult males

(Newser) - That multivitamin pill you've been taking—or keep meaning to take?—could actually reduce your risk of getting cancer by 8%, according to a new study . Vitamin use has taken a bashing lately , but this rigorous look at 15,000 male doctors who took a daily "multi" for...

Vitamin A May Fight Skin Cancer: Study

Supplement pills reduced risk, particularly in women

(Newser) - If you're worried about getting skin cancer, maybe some vitamin A supplements are in order; a new study has shown that people taking them were 60% less likely to develop melanoma. The study, which was published today in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, followed 59,000 people for six...

Vitamin E Pills May Boost Risk of Prostate Cancer

Threat heightened even after men quit supplement, says study

(Newser) - Supplements we take for better health may actually be hurting us. Yesterday we learned that vitamins may carry an increased risk of death for women ; today's culprit is vitamin E, which may heighten the risk of prostate cancer. A study found that men who took the popular supplements faced...

Vitamins Boost Women's Mortality Rate: Study

 Vitamins Boost 
 Women's Risk 
 of Dying 
study says

Vitamins Boost Women's Risk of Dying

High concentration of nutrients may turn toxic: researchers

(Newser) - Popping too many vitamins may actually shorten your life, a new study says. Researchers looked at the supplement intake of 38,000 women, starting in their early 60s, over 19 years—and found vitamin-users had a 2.4% higher chance of dying. Multivitamins, B6, iron, zinc, copper, folic acid, and...

Denmark: Don't Try to Spread This on Your Toast

Danes ban Marmite, and Brits are outraged

(Newser) - Denmark has been compiling quite a blacklist of illicit products in recent years, and another culprit has just been added—Britain's beloved Marmite. The potent, dark brown spread made from brewer's yeast has a high amount of vitamin B, which means it runs afoul of a 2004 Danish...

Ditch the Extra Calcium, Vitamin D
Ditch the Extra Calcium, Vitamin D

Ditch the Extra Calcium, Vitamin D

Supplement sales have grown, but experts say they're not necessary

(Newser) - Doctors have been recommending vitamin D and calcium supplements for years. But it turns out, for most people, neither supplement is needed—and too much vitamin D could actually be harmful. A committee of experts determined that most people have enough vitamin D from their diets, sunshine, and other natural...

Vitamin D: Wonder Drug or Wonder Hype?

New study will try to get to the bottom of latest health craze

(Newser) - Doctors and health nuts have been gulping down vitamin D supplements lately, but there’s precious little science suggesting that they do anything. Conventional wisdom holds that vitamin D, which most people get through milk and exposure to sunlight, strengthens your bones and immune systems, while lowering the risk for...

Vitamin D's Vital Role Heads for the Spotlight

(Newser) - Vitamin D is "one hot topic" among nutritionists, the Los Angeles Times reports, and it's about to get hotter. More than 2,000 studies on the so-called sunshine vitamin have been published this year alone, exploring its role in everything from reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer and diabetes...

Pharmacy Bungled Drug for Dead Horses

(Newser) - The Florida pharmacy that prepared vitamin supplements for the 21 polo horses that died last weekend has admitted that the mixture was faulty, the Palm Beach Post reports. Franck’s Pharmacy in Tallahassee said today that the level of one ingredient in the supplement—which the polo team says was...

Bad Vitamin Killed Polo Horses: Team Captain

Common drug was tainted, he claims

(Newser) - A tainted vitamin supplement killed the 21 horses that collapsed before a polo match in Florida last weekend, the captain of the Venezuelan team claims. He notes that five horses not given the drug are fine. The French drug, called Biodyl, is commonly administered in Europe but not approved for...

Sunscreen-Slathered Americans Lack Vitamin D

75% of teens, adults found to be short of 'sunshine' nutrient

(Newser) - Three-quarters of adults and teens in the US aren't getting enough vitamin D, according to a new study. The report suggests increased use of sunscreen has contributed to a steep rise in deficiency of the vitamin, which is mainly absorbed through sunshine. African Americans are particularly at risk because the...

Got Milk? It May Fight Alzheimer's

Drink is great source of key vitamin B12

(Newser) - Two glasses of milk a day could help prevent brain-deteriorating diseases like Alzheimer’s, scientists at Oxford have found. Milk, they observed, is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which experts believe helps protect nerve cells; elderly people with low B12 levels experience twice the brain shrinkage of those with...

Multis Don't Prevent Disease in Women: Study

(Newser) - The largest study ever of multivitamin use in older women found the pills did nothing to prevent common cancers or heart disease, the AP reports. The 8-year study in 161,808 postmenopausal women echoes recent disappointing vitamin studies in men. "Get nutrients from food," the study's lead...

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