swing states

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Swing States Poll: Romney's a Better Leader

Debate gives Mitt a boost, but most voters had already decided

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's debate performance is helping him in the race's key battlegrounds—but only by inches. A new New York Times /Quinnipiac/CBS poll found essentially no movement in Colorado, Virginia, or Wisconsin, with Obama's debate loss apparently being offset by strong unemployment numbers. But there is good...

Obama Opens 10-Point Lead in Ohio, 9 in Florida
Obama Opens 10-Point Lead in Ohio, 9 in Florida
Poll Numbers

Obama Opens 10-Point Lead in Ohio, 9 in Florida

Romney camp says polls are 'skewed' path to victory 'wide open'

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney are both campaigning in Ohio today, but a new poll indicates that the swing state may have already swung. Obama's lead there has widened to 10 points, according to a New York Times/Quinnipiac/CBS News poll released today. But Romney's camp is still optimistic;...

Poll: Obama Leading in Key Swing States

Romney trailing in Florida, Ohio, Virginia

(Newser) - President Obama has a healthy lead in the three swing states most vital to victory, according to the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC/Marist poll. Mitt Romney is trailing by five points in Florida and Virginia and by seven points in Ohio, the poll found. Victory for Mitt Romney will be...

Obama Pulls Ahead

 Pulls Ahead 
Latest Polls

Obama Pulls Ahead

Obama gains momentum in swing states, makes tough road for Romney

(Newser) - President Obama's DNC acceptance speech may have inspired more yawns than fervor , but the latest polls are showing him a clear advantage, especially in several key swing states, reports Politico . Republican officials admit that their in-house tracking polls show Obama with a high-single-digits lead in crucial battleground state Ohio....

In Appeal to Working Class, Romney's Tone Sharpens

Campaign thinks it not enough to criticize Obama's economics

(Newser) - Still narrowly trailing President Obama, Mitt Romney is hardening his message in an attempt to nail down the white working-class vote, reports the New York Times . Now concluding that it is not enough to campaign on Obama's economic failings, Romney and his advisers are trying to add edgy overtones...

Romney Win a Sure Thing: Election Model

Model based on economy would have correctly predicted last 8 elections

(Newser) - Forget polls. If you want to know who's going to win in November, it's the economy, stupid. A new prediction model based on state-by-state economic data predicts that Mitt Romney will prevail with 320 electoral votes, snapping up nearly all of the key swing states, to President Obama'...

Swing States: Romney Doesn't Care About Us

Voters back Obama, and really back his plan to hike taxes on top 2%

(Newser) - Barack Obama is leading in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, in part because voters don't think Mitt Romney is looking out for them, according to a new Quinnipiac / New York Times /CBS News poll. Both candidates polled fairly evenly when it came to how voters thought they'd handle...

Poll: Obama Clinging to Lead

Pessimistic voters not enthused about either candidate

(Newser) - President Obama is still on course to narrowly win a second term despite recent setbacks, according to the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC poll. Obama is ahead of Mitt Romney 47% to 44%, according to the poll. The survey also finds the president further ahead in a dozen swing states...

Obama Ads Blast Romney as 'Outsourcer-in-Chief'

Campaign capitalizes on Washington Post article

(Newser) - The Obama campaign is once again attacking Mitt Romney's past at Bain Capital, this time capitalizing on a Washington Post article on the firm's propensity for sending jobs overseas. "Does Virginia really want an outsourcer-in-chief in the White House?" asks one of three new ads the campaign...

Arizona Ruling a Quagmire for Romney, GOP

Hispanic vote needed for swing states, but GOP loves tough policies

(Newser) - With Republicans and Mitt Romney struggling to get Hispanic votes, yesterday's Supreme Court ruling mostly striking down Arizona's tough immigration law has just muddied an already difficult dilemma, reports the Washington Post . Getting tough on illegal immigration fires up the GOP base, but Romney needs upward of 40%...

Introducing &#39;Elastic States&#39;

 Introducing 'Elastic States' 
nate silver

Introducing 'Elastic States'

They're not swing states, but they have a lot of swing voters: Nate Silver

(Newser) - You already know all about swing states; today in the New York Times , Nate Silver introduces another important factor in the 2012 election: elastic states, which can produce difficult-to-predict results. Swing states, he explains, sometimes have very few swing voters (see North Carolina, where likely Democratic voters are fairly evenly...

Team Romney's Game Plan: Win These 6 States

On the to-do list: Winning back Indiana, North Carolina, and Virginia

(Newser) - While Team Romney certainly isn't expecting a landslide win for its man this November, the Republican's campaign staffers see a clear—but narrow—path to 270 electoral votes and victory, the Washington Post finds. The campaign plans to focus on winning back three GOP-leaning states Obama took in...

2012 Election Hinges on 4 States

Maybe five if Florida stays in play

(Newser) - Odds are, the state you live in doesn't matter in the 2012 election, strategically speaking. Democratic and Republican strategists tend to agree that the entire race will come down to just four or five swing states, the LA Times reports: Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Virginia, and maybe Florida. Polls show...

Women Give Obama Big Swing-State Lead

 Women Give Obama 
 Big Swing-State Lead 
poll numbers

Women Give Obama Big Swing-State Lead

President beating Mitt Romney 51% to 42% in 12 battleground states

(Newser) - There's finally a clear leader in the 2012 race for the swing states: President Obama has a 51% to 42% advantage over Mitt Romney, according to the fifth USA Today/Gallup poll of the top 12 battleground states. The change from a month ago, when Romney was ahead by two...

Negative Attacks Souring Colorado Voters on GOP

'Anybody but Obama' not enough for crucial independents in swing states

(Newser) - The bruising, highly negative Republican presidential nomination fight appears to be creating a new casualty as the race moves into swing states like Colorado—independent voters, reports the Los Angeles Times . President Obama may have disappointed many voters over the past three years, but the GOP candidates' continuing bashing of...

Why Obama&#39;s Not Inevitable
 Why Obama's 
 Not Inevitable 

Why Obama's Not Inevitable

There are plenty of reasons the president should be worried

(Newser) - Democrats, and many pundits, seem to believe that President Obama is rebounding, and will surely win re-election, but Jim Vandehei of Politico isn't buying it. Here's why he thinks the president should be sweating right now:
  • The economy: The recent CBO report not only projected another trillion-dollar deficit,

In 2 Key Swing States, Bad News for Obama

He's statistically tied with Romney, Perry in Ohio, and close to it in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Barack Obama is in for a fight in a pair of major swing states that he carried handily in 2008, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. In both Ohio and Pennsylvania, 51% say the president doesn’t deserve another term, and 53% and 54% respectively disapprove of the job...

Ex-Governor: 'Crazy' GOPers Can't Win Ohio

Nobody but Mitt Romney even stands a chance, Ted Strickland says

(Newser) - As Ohio goes, so goes the nation? Former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland tells Politico that none of the current Republican candidates can beat President Obama in the state that has picked the winner in 25 out of the last 27 presidential elections. The only one that even stands a chance...

Blue States Dominate, and Purple Gains Ground

Dramatic shift in electorate favors liberals: poll

(Newser) - Blue states are far bluer than red states are red, says a new Gallup poll. Party registrations favor Democrats—they lead by 10 or more percentage points in 29 states and the DC, compared to four states where Republicans dominate—suggesting that Dems can expand on ther gains they made...

Politico's Play-by-Play Guide to Game Time Tonight

(Newser) - At 5 tonight, a wave of exit-polling results will be distributed to media insiders, who'll try manfully to resist sharing anything that might prejudice voters—even though it will kill them. At 6 pm, the results will start rolling in, and Politico gives you a play-by-play guide to what to...

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