weight loss

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A Fad Won't Fix Your Fat Butt
A Fad Won't Fix Your Fat Butt

A Fad Won't Fix Your Fat Butt

Diet expert weighs in on six red flags that should send you jogging for the hills

(Newser) - Losing weight isn't a race, and getting to the finish line isn't as important as staying there. "Today" show nutritionist Joy Bauer recommends giving a wide berth to these six fads:
  1. Diets that promote or promise drastic weight loss.
  2. Diets that rely on supplements or lotions.
  3. Diets that radically

Employees Go Lean for Green
Employees Go Lean for Green

Employees Go Lean for Green

Forget the vegetables: people lose weight to fatten their wallets, study finds

(Newser) - A new study shows that paying people to lose weight works, a possible boon to employers and employees beset by the high costs of obesity. Researchers separated participants, who weren’t given a specific weight loss program, into three groups—two of which would be paid either $7 or $14...

&quot;Skinny Gene&quot; Found in Mice
"Skinny Gene" Found in Mice

"Skinny Gene" Found in Mice

Scientists discover a "volume control" for fat production

(Newser) - A gene dubbed "adipose," identified more than 50 years ago in fruit flies, has now been found to regulate  thinness, or its opposite, in worms and mice, according to a study in the journal Cell Metabolism.  Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have determined...

Make Your Workout Work for You
Make Your Workout Work for You

Make Your Workout Work for You

Six tips to help keep you from sabotaging your fitness regimen

(Newser) - All that work, and still no six-pack? Newsweek tips you off to six ways you may be hurting your results—and your body.
  1. Reading while exercising: You need focus for results.
  2. Excessive sweating: Losing water weight is not the same as losing fat.
  3. Skipping resistance training: Lift for long-term results.

5 Common Dieting Myths
5 Common Dieting Myths

5 Common Dieting Myths

The truth may not set you free—but it might make your pants looser

(Newser) - Nutritionist Joy Bauer, the "Today" show's diet editor, looks at some popular dieting myths—or are they?
  1. Diet and exercise can transform fat into muscle: The one can't become the other.
  2. Metabolism slows with age, and there's nothing you can do about it: Exercise can maintain your burn.

Fatbloggers Unite, Shed Pounds Online

Sedentary desk jockeys find support, catharsis, plus new way to diet

(Newser) - The tech sector is buzzing with pudgy geeks dropping weight through the web, the LA Times reports.  Jason McCabe Calacanis, the web vet  who started it all, turned his business-oriented site into a dietary forum, promising to lose 27 lbs. and urging other techies to chronicle their own diet...

FDA Advisory Panel Rejects Weight-Loss Drug

Possible side effects send Acomplia to the sidelines

(Newser) - Accomplia, a weight-loss drug marketed in 18 other countries, failed to win approval from an FDA advisory board yesterday. The 14-member panel of outside experts ruled unanimously that manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis had not dispelled concerns about the safety of the drug, whose potential side effects include suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and depression.

Americans Go Abroad, Online for New Diet Pill

Hung up in FDA approval process, pill's already scoring big

(Newser) - The weight loss drug Acomplia is stuck in FDA limbo, but that isn't stopping Americans from ordering it off the Internet or buying it in Europe, where it's legal. If the government rules that its lowering of weight and cholesterol balances out the possible side effects, including suicide and depression,...

ADD Meds Prescribed For Weight Loss
ADD Meds Prescribed
For Weight Loss

ADD Meds Prescribed For Weight Loss

Doctors are using Adderall for pediatric obesity, pleasing parents but raising ethical alarms

(Newser) - Pediatricians are giving Adderall, the pill that got America's kids to pay attention in class, to patients without ADHD but looking to shed extra pounds. One of the drug's side effects is appetite suppression, and "off-label" prescriptions are working for some chunky but otherwise normal teenagers. Parents worried about...

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