Group of Seven

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No Longer Hosting G7: Trump's Resort

Amid criticism, president backs off plan to host summit at family's struggling resort

(Newser) - The 2020 Group of Seven meeting to be hosted to the Trump National Doral resort is no more, with the president rescinding the announcement via tweet late Saturday after taking piles of criticism over the perception that he was enriching himself on the taxpayer dime, reports Politico . "Based on...

Trump Expects Controversy Over Choice of G7 Locale

Next year's summit will be at the president's Miami resort

(Newser) - President Trump has been dropping strong hints for months that he thinks his own resort in Miami should host the next G7 summit. On Thursday, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney made it official: The summit of world leaders will indeed take place at Trump National Doral in June 2020,...

Brazil Rejects G7 Money to Fight Amazon Fires, Trolls Macron

Government says Europe should use funds to 'reforest'

(Newser) - With thousands of wildfires burning in the Amazon rainforest, the Brazilian government has decided it is more interested in trolling Emmanuel Macron than in accepting assistance. After the G7 offered $22 million to help Brazil fight the fires, a spokesman for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro rejected the offer and mocked...

Trump Says He Approved Iran Diplomat's G7 Visit

He says there was 'great unity' at conference

(Newser) - President Trump said Monday that there was "great unity" among G7 leaders—even on Iran, whose foreign minister arrived in Biarritz for talks Sunday . "We've had a lot of fake news where they're saying, ‘Oh there’s no unity, there’s no unity.’ There’...

G7 Leaders to Brazil: We Have an Idea

The summit leaders are prepared to support Brazil in battling fires

(Newser) - Leaders of the Group of Seven nations said Sunday they are preparing to help Brazil battle fires burning across the Amazon region and repair the damage even as tens of thousands of soldiers got ready to join the fight against blazes that have caused global alarm, the AP reports. French...

Iran Drops In on G7
Iran Drops In on G7

Iran Drops In on G7

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif makes a surprise visit to France, won't be speaking with Americans

(Newser) - If there weren't enough excitement at the G7 summit already, Iran just decided to send a little more to the exclusive party where it is the subject of much gnashing of teeth: The Republic's top diplomat, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has arrived in Biarritz, France, which is hosting...

Trump: I Have 'Second Thoughts About Everything'

But White House says he has no regrets about trade war

(Newser) - While America was sleeping, the Group of Seven summit in France was continuing down its head-spinning trajectory, with matters like an escalating trade war between planet Earth's two biggest economic powers, talks with rogue aspiring nuclear powers, and a no-deal Brexit taking up much of the oxygen. A look...

Trump on G7: 'Russia Should Be in This Meeting'

President made remarks as he left White House for summit in Canada

(Newser) - President Trump is calling for Russia to be reinstated to the leading group of industrialized nations, now known as the Group of Seven, the AP reports. "Now, I love our country. I have been Russia's worst nightmare," Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White...

Trump Slams Trudeau, Macron on Eve of G7

President will be leaving summit early

(Newser) - The traditional end-of-summit group photo at this year's G7 gathering will not include President Trump. The White House says Trump will leave the Quebec summit on Saturday morning and travel directly to Singapore, where he is due to meet Kim Jong Un June 12, Politico reports. The summit is...

Melania Won't Join President at G7, Singapore Summit

But she's about to make her first appearance in 25 days

(Newser) - After kidney surgery and a weekslong absence from the public eye, Melania Trump is set to resurface—but she won't be joining her husband on his upcoming overseas trips. Spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham tells CNN that the first lady, in her first official appearance in 25 days, will attend an...

US Doesn't Back Paris Climate Agreement at G7 Summit

Trump tweets that he'll make a decision next week

(Newser) - On Saturday, the final day of its summit, the countries of the G7 reaffirmed their strong commitment to the Paris climate agreement. That is, of course, except for the US. "I will make my final decision on the Paris Accord next week!" President Trump tweeted Saturday morning. ABC...

G7 Leaders: We'll End Fossil Fuel Use This Century

Obama accuses Putin of trying to recapture Soviet glory

(Newser) - The world should move away from using fossil fuels by the end of this century, G7 leaders said after their annual huddle yesterday, setting an ambitious but distant goal ahead of a global conference on climate change this year. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose turn it was to host the...

7 Leaders Try to Solve World's Vexing Problems

Atop today's G7 agenda: terrorism, climate change

(Newser) - It's now past lunchtime in Germany, where seven world leaders are huddling for 26 hours in a bid to address an "ambitious agenda" of world issues. The latest from the G7:
  • Atop the agenda today: terrorism and climate change. Angela Merkel is pushing the G7 to come to

G8 Summit Yanked From Russia
 G8 Summit Yanked 
 From Russia 

G8 Summit Yanked From Russia

West ratcheting up pressure on Putin

(Newser) - The other seven members of the G8 are calling off the meeting Russia was supposed to host in Sochi in June, David Cameron revealed today. Cameron, President Obama, and the other leaders of the G7 nations—which is to say the G8 minus Russia—are holding an emergency meeting at...

Geithner Gets Warmer Reception at G-8 Summit

(Newser) - This was no Roman holiday for Timothy Geithner. But after crashing global markets with a botched rollout of a bank rescue plan, the new Treasury secretary earned better reviews from global finance officials meeting in Rome. Geithner appeared more assured at a news conference here following two days of G-8...

Emerging Economies Gain Clout in G-20

(Newser) - The plans outlined by global leaders at the meeting to deal with the financial crisis reflect a shifting balance of power, with emerging economies such as Brazil, India, and China gaining influence, the Washington Post reports. And the Europeans largely got what they wanted from the summit, French President Nicolas...

Bernanke: Stage Set for Recovery

Fear not, investors, Fed chairman insists

(Newser) - Americans face a historic financial crisis, but they needn’t worry because policy makers have responded in time, writes Ben Bernanke in today’s Wall Street Journal. “History teaches us that government engagement in times of severe financial crisis often arrives very late,” Bernanke says. “Fortunately, that...

Bush Vows Market Stability, IMF Warns of 'Meltdown'

(Newser) - President Bush and his allies tried to steady plunging markets today after meeting in Washington, but proposed no new plan, Reuters reports. International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned that the global economy was facing "systemic meltdown," but backed the G7's as yet undefined rescue plan, saying it...

US Will Buy Shares in American Banks

G7 agrees on 'aggressive action plan' after emergency finance meeting

(Newser) - Treasury chief Henry Paulson has announced plans to buy up shares in America's troubled banks, Reuters reports. The government will purchase equity in banks "as soon as possible," using some of the $700 billion approved by Congress to rescue the economy, Paulson said yesterday after a crisis meeting...

G7 Vows to Get a Grip on Financial Crisis

(Newser) - The finance ministers of the world's economic leaders vowed to stem the financial bleeding in international markets today after stocks plummeted yet again, Reuters reports. Reacting to pleas from investors, the IMF, and several other countries, the G7 reps pledged "urgent and exceptional action" to free up credit...

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