International Criminal Court

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2 More Russians Join Putin on ICC's Wanted List

Arrest warrants issued for Sergei Shoigu, Valery Gerasimov

(Newser) - Some 15 months after it issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for war crimes related to his country's invasion of Ukraine, the International Criminal Court in the Hague (ICC) has set its sights on two more Russians. The body on Tuesday issued arrest warrants for former Russian Defense...

George Clooney Calls White House With a Complaint

Biden aides worried about upset actor backing out of fundraiser

(Newser) - George Clooney called the White House last month with a complaint, sparking concern that he would drop out of a June 15 fundraiser for President Biden's reelection campaign. The actor reached presidential counselor Steve Ricchetti to discuss Biden's criticism of International Criminal Court prosecutors' decision to seek arrest...

Angered by Netanyahu Warrant, House Hits Back at ICC

Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act passes 247-155, despite White House opposition

(Newser) - House Republicans led a push to impose sanctions against the International Criminal Court on Tuesday in response to arrest warrants for Israeli leaders , including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Lawmakers voted 247-155 to pass the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act introduced by GOP Rep. Chip Roy with nearly all Republicans and 42...

Israel Threatened, Spied on ICC Chief Prosecutor: Report

Fatou Bensouda reportedly feared for her safety amid intimidation campaign

(Newser) - Israel's foreign intelligence agency led a nearly decade-long covert "war" against the International Criminal Court, which included threatening the chief prosecutor in a failed effort to keep her from investigating alleged war crimes in Palestinian territories, according to a joint investigation by the Guardian , +972 Magazine , and the...

Biden: Move Against Netanyahu 'Outrageous'

President slams request by International Criminal Court's top prosecutor for arrest warrant

(Newser) - President Biden has been walking the line between supporting Israel and criticizing its Gaza attack , but on Monday he came down firmly on Benjamin Netanyahu's side. Biden called the decision by the top prosecutor at the International Criminal Court to seek an arrest warrant for the Israeli leader "...

ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas Leaders

Karim Khan says he's seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Israel defense chief, Hamas leaders

(Newser) - The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said Monday he's seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in connection with their actions during the seven-month war. Karim Khan said that he believes Netanyahu, his defense minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas...

International Court May Issue Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu

Leaders of Hamas may get them as well from the ICC

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be at risk of a major international embarrassment: Israel is worried that the International Criminal Court is about to issue arrest warrants for him and other Israeli leaders for alleged war crimes, report NBC News and the Jerusalem Post . The ICC might also issue warrants for...

Drones Marked 'For the Kremlin' Attack Ukraine

Meanwhile, the ICC raises Ukrainian flag as President Zelensky visits The Hague

(Newser) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in the Netherlands on Thursday for a surprise visit to the city that's home to the International Criminal Court, which has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Zelensky's visit to The Hague, which hosts the ICC and the United Nations'...

Putin Is a Wanted Man. Now What?

What the ICC's
Arrest Warrant
Means for Putin
the rundown

What the ICC's Arrest Warrant Means for Putin

If nothing else, Russian leader will have to curtail his travel to nations that work with the court

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is in rare, if unwanted, company: On Friday, he became only the third sitting president to be the subject of an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court in the Hague, notes Reuters . The others were Sudan's Omar al-Bashir and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. So now...

There's an Arrest Warrant Out for Putin From ICC

Russian president accused of war crimes for unlawful deportation, transfer of Ukrainian children

(Newser) - Expect Vladimir Putin to continue keeping a low profile. The International Criminal Court said Friday it has issued an arrest warrant for the Russian president for war crimes because of his alleged involvement in abductions of children from Ukraine , per the AP . The court said in a statement that Putin...

Alleged Russian Spy Tried to Infiltrate War Crimes Court

Dutch authorities say man posed as Brazilian

(Newser) - Dutch authorities say they've stopped a Russian spy from infiltrating the International Criminal Court, which is investigating alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine and Georgia. The suspected operative of Russia's GRU military intelligence service posed as a 33-year-old Brazilian named Viktor Muller Ferreira, who'd successfully applied for...

Ukraine Has Been Declared a Crime Scene

ICC makes declaration as 15K war crimes have been reported since Russia invaded

(Newser) - Since Russia invaded Ukraine, around 15,000 suspected war crimes have been reported so far—and 200-300 more reports come in every day, Ukraine's chief prosecutor says. Several thousand of those were reported in the eastern Donbas region, where fighting is particularly heavy, the BBC reports. Some of the...

Global Outcry Meets Evidence of Atrocities in Bucha

Bucha's mayor reports bodies of executed civilians in the streets, mass graves

(Newser) - The discovery of the bodies of apparently executed civilians left behind in a Ukrainian town by withdrawing Russian troops was met with international condemnation on Sunday, even as residents assess the horrific toll. One street in Bucha contained the bodies of at least 20 men, CNN reports. "Their hands...

Ukraine, US Collect Evidence of War Crimes

Teams go to sites of bombings to build a case for International Criminal Court

(Newser) - The US has joined the effort to build a case that Russia is committing war crimes in its attack on Ukraine, officials said Monday. "We will support accountability using every tool available, including criminal prosecutions where appropriate," a National Security Council spokesperson said, per NBC News . That includes...

Massive Russian Convoy Approaches Kyiv

ICC to investigate alleged war crimes

(Newser) - As Russian forces closed in on Ukraine's capital Monday, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in the Hague said he was launching an investigation of possible war crimes in the 5-day-old conflict. Karim Khan said he had told his team to "explore all evidence preservation opportunities,"...

Trump Orders Sanctions on War Crimes Court Officials

Pompeo slams ICC as 'kangaroo court'

(Newser) - The Trump administration is hitting back hard against the International Criminal Court over its plans to investigate alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. An executive order announced Thursday imposes sanctions on ICC officials and bars them—and their families—from visiting the US, the Guardian reports. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo...

Surprise Deal Is Bad News for a Brutal Former Dictator
Surprise Deal Is Bad News
for a Brutal Former Dictator
the rundown

Surprise Deal Is Bad News for a Brutal Former Dictator

Omar al-Bashir of Sudan may be handed over to a world court to face war crimes charges

(Newser) - A surprise development in Africa means an autocrat who ruled for decades might be handed over to a world court to face war crimes charges. Coverage:
  • Who: Omar al-Bashir, 76, ruled Sudan from 1989 until his ouster last year , and he did so with an "iron fist," per

Justice Years After Disemboweled Bodies Found in Field

ICC finds Bosco Ntaganda guilty of war crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court came into being in 2002. Seventeen years later, it notched its fourth conviction. Former Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda, known as the "Terminator," was convicted on Monday of war crimes and crimes against humanity, among them, sexual slavery—the first time the ICC has...

US Warns World Court to Stay Away From Americans

Pompeo warns against inquiries into soldiers in Afghanistan or elsewhere

(Newser) - The US will revoke or deny visas to International Criminal Court personnel who try to investigate or prosecute alleged abuses committed by US forces in Afghanistan or elsewhere, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday. The Hague-based court, the first global tribunal for war crimes, said it would continue to...

Bolton Warns World Judges: US Troops Are Off Limits

National security adviser unloads on 'illegitimate' International Criminal Court

(Newser) - John Bolton gave his first major speech as national security adviser Monday, and it was a doozy. He unloaded on the "illegitimate" International Criminal Court and warned its judges they will pay a stiff price if they go after US troops in Afghanistan, reports the New York Times . “...

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