online videos

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Disney Now Offering Free Movies Online

Ad-supported films a new strategy for company

(Newser) - Disney has launched a new internet service streaming full-length movies for free, CNET reports. The company will be offering one movie a week on its website, making it available for a few days after it's shown on ABC's Wonderful World of Disney. This week's offering is Finding Nemo.

New Attack Vid: 'Hotties Only Hook Up With Dems'

Latest strategy to take the White House

(Newser) - Republicans can't get no satisfaction—at least according to several anti-McCain videos set to air on YouTube by pro-Dem marketing group Truth Through Action. The premier video features a steamy bedroom romp that turns suddenly icy when a hot bar date discovers an autographed McCain photo in a nightstand. As...

Amazon to Launch On-Demand Video Streaming

Service to rival Netflix will be up and running within weeks

(Newser) - Amazon plans to open the sluices for pay-per-view video streaming within weeks, Reuters reports. The Internet retail giant already rents videos for download via the Web but is enhancing its digital media service to better compete with rivals like Apple and Netflix. Amazon boss Jeff Bezos told a conference yesterday...

Networks Aiming to Rein in RedLasso
Networks Aiming to Rein in RedLasso

Networks Aiming to Rein in RedLasso

Copyright showdown looms for video streaming site

(Newser) - Three of the big networks are trying to get a handle on video syndication website RedLasso, cNet reports. The site records and indexes clips from TV and radio shows, making it easy for bloggers to share and embed them. NBC, CBS and Fox News have issued a cease-and-desist letter ordering...

Lieberman Calls on Google to Cut Terrorist Clips

Says YouTube gives al-Qaeda platform to recruit, teach

(Newser) - Sen. Joseph Lieberman yesterday urged Google to crack down on YouTube videos aimed at spreading terrorist messages, AP reports. The Connecticut senator cited al-Qaeda-produced clips that “show attacks on US forces in which American soldiers are injured and, in some cases, killed.” Google relies heavily on users to...

Sports Coverage a Tangled Web
 Sports Coverage a Tangled Web 

Sports Coverage a Tangled Web

What bloggers, media outlets put online creates friction with pro leagues

(Newser) - As bloggers multiply and media outlets aim to put more audio, video and photo content on their websites, tensions mount with professional sports leagues. Leagues argue that outlets making such content widely available steps on the toes of the broadcasters who have paid to present games—but, the New York ...

He Gets Paid So You Can Slack
He Gets Paid So You Can Slack

He Gets Paid So You Can Slack editor dishes on the unlikely science of wasting your time

(Newser) - Wasting people’s time is an odd job—but it’s also a big business, writes editor Streeter Seidell in the New York Times. Seidell spends his days wading through an “ocean” of submitted videos and other items, choosing which funny or bizarre selections deserve publication. Yet...

More Than Ever Like To Watch on Web

US online video views hit 10B in February

(Newser) - US Internet users watched 10 billion online videos in February, cNet reports, with statistics released by ComScore showing a 66% gain from February 2006. Unsurprisingly, Google’s video sites (chiefly YouTube) accounted for 35.4% of the 10 billion views, the largest portion for any one site.

Web Videos May Be Ad Gold Mine
Web Videos
May Be Ad
Gold Mine

Web Videos May Be Ad Gold Mine

Market expected to explode as media companies retool

(Newser) - TV networks, major news organizations, and independent producers are all scrambling to create Web videos that will let them snag a portion of the ad dollars flowing online. Ad spending on Internet videos will grow to $4.3 billion by 2011, say researchers—a 455% increase over today. "It's...

YouTube Will Show When, Where Clips Are Hot

New feature will help marketers direct ads

(Newser) - In what could be a boon to advertisers, a new YouTube feature will allow video makers to see when and where their clips are being watched, reports the New York Times. YouTube Insight will show a map and graph representing the video’s popularity by state and over time--interesting information...

Talk-Show Format Gets a Bath
 Talk-Show Format Gets a Bath 

Talk-Show Format Gets a Bath

Rub-a-dub-dub with Malkovich just tip of Craig Bierko's Web interview series

(Newser) - Actor Craig Bierko, in an interview with Newsweek, says his strange, and strangely riveting, web video—in which he gives John Malkovich a sponge bath while engaging in "silly chatter"—is about exposing the weird artificiality of the talk-show format. "It sort of turns up the fake...

China Blacklists Video Sites
 China Blacklists Video Sites 

China Blacklists Video Sites is among those warned, 25 sites closed

(Newser) - China shuttered 25 video-sharing websites today and warned numerous others, as authorities moved to enforce stricter controls on online content announced late last year, Reuters reports. Chinese video heavyweight was among those that received a warning to eliminate pornographic and political material. "We're working hard to upgrade...

Cruise Busts Moves in Birthday Video

Footage of ship-board birthday party shows Cruise's wild side

(Newser) - The lock on Scientology's media vault must be missing. Gawker has obtained "secret video" of a lavish birthday bash thrown for church booster Tom Cruise on board a cruise ship, in which the couch-jumper enters to theme music from Top Gun, and sings and dances through Old Time Rock ...

Saudi Video Protests Driver Ban
Saudi Video Protests Driver Ban

Saudi Video Protests Driver Ban

YouTube clip shows woman driver calling for change in law

(Newser) - Activists have posted a video online to protest the Saudi ban on women drivers, the BBC reports. Made to honor International Women’s Day, the 3-minute clip on YouTube follows protester Wajeha Huwaider as she turns onto a forbidden highway and discusses the legality of the ban. “Many women...

Long-Awaited Free TV Site Counts Down to Launch

NBC-Fox collaboration emerges from beta tomorrow

(Newser) - After lots of hype, a long wait, and a dollop of skepticism, NBC Universal and Fox’s Hulu is going live tomorrow with more than 200 free TV shows, feature films, and sports highlights and games, the New York Times reports. “We won’t stop until we have everything...

Sexes Split on Web Watching Habits
Sexes Split on Web Watching Habits

Sexes Split on Web Watching Habits

Study finds women like Web TV, while men like short, funny clips

(Newser) - Women like watching network TV on the web, while men would rather click around and watch short, funny clips, a Nielsen Online study has found. The survey, Nielsen's first major one of its kind, found women are twice as likely to go to network web sites, and men in the...

Daily Traffic Doubles for YouTube and Friends

Study credits rise in broadband service for boom on video-sharing sites

(Newser) - Daily traffic for online video sites such as YouTube has doubled over the past year, reports. A study from the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that 15% of their sample of adults said they had visited an online video sharing site “yesterday” or the day...

Wal-Mart Scraps Online Movie Service

Move comes as HP nixes software that supported the site

(Newser) - Wal-Mart shuttered its 10-month-old video download service without fanfare last week, ending a disappointing experiment for the bargain retailer, Reuters reports. The site was scrapped after Hewlett Packard canceled the software that supported it, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman said. HP said it made the move after the market failed to perform...

'US Americans' Love Videos
'US Americans' Love Videos

'US Americans' Love Videos

Internet phenomenon scores big in 2007

(Newser) - With small-screen stars ranging from ditzy beauty queens to potty-mouthed pint-sized landlords, Americans increasingly gathered around the YouTube watercooler in 2007. They racked up 100 billion views on various video sites, ABC News reports. Cultural commentators liken the phenomenon to cavemen swapping tall tales around campfires, but 78% of us...

How Will TV Writers Work if TV is Dead?

Writer negotiations overshadowed by an Internet dominated future

(Newser) - TV writers could walk out any day now, leaving late night TV and topical shows like The Daily Show in the lurch, and one of the sticking points in their talks with entertainment producers is their demand for a larger slice of DVD and online video revenue. But as Saul...

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