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FDA Takes First Step to Curb Antibiotics in Your Meat

Critics say it's not nearly enough

(Newser) - Farmers have been loading up their animals with antibiotics for years now in order to help them grow beefy and profitable, a practice that public health advocates have long complained about. (Think "superbugs" and the rise of antibiotic-resistant infections in humans, for example.) Today, the FDA took its...

Treatment Plants May Miss Half the Drugs in Sewage

Antibiotics, herbicide among chemicals found in Great Lakes study

(Newser) - Treatment plants may only be getting rid of about half the drugs and other "chemicals of emerging concern" that turn up in our sewage, a study finds. Officials in a joint US-Canadian study of the Great Lakes assessed 42 of these chemicals using a decade's worth of data,...

Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Kill 23K a Year—at Least

CDC report sets baseline for first time

(Newser) - With antibiotic resistance building, experts fear a day when everyday bacterial infections could once again be life-threatening—and a new federal study shows "we're getting closer and closer to the cliff," says a CDC rep. Already, two million people each year suffer from antibiotic-resistant infections, and 23,...

Potent Weapon Against Superbugs Is ... Silver
Potent Weapon Against Superbugs Is ... Silver
study says

Potent Weapon Against Superbugs Is ... Silver

It makes antibiotics far more effective, says study

(Newser) - Researchers trying to figure out how to stop superbugs—strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics—may have found a silver bullet of sorts. Actual silver. In studies involving mice, researchers found that antibiotics became up to 1,000 times more effective when silver was added to the mix, reports the...

Odds Are, You're On Prescription Drugs

Study says 70% of Americans are

(Newser) - Statistically, there's probably something in your medicine cabinet you had to see a doctor to get. Almost 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and 20% are on five or more, according to a new study from the Mayo Clinic. This represents a fairly recent explosion;...

Want Health? Feed the Bacteria Living Inside You

Antibiotics, processed foods aren't helping

(Newser) - Don't look now, but roughly 100 trillion bacteria live in and on your body. According to scientists, these microbes—especially the ones in your gut—may be fending off chronic diseases, moderating your weight, and strengthening your immune system. But our society's processed foods and war on bacteria...

Consumer Reports: Ground Turkey Rife With Germs

No horse meat, but more than half positive for fecal bacteria

(Newser) - It's a safe bet that any ground turkey you buy at the supermarket is laden with potentially dangerous bacteria, says Consumer Reports . Its first report on turkey meat gets off to a happy start by noting that "more than half of the packages of raw ground meat and...

US Meat Is Teeming With Superbugs

 US Meat Is Teeming 
 With Superbugs: Report 
in case you missed it

US Meat Is Teeming With Superbugs: Report

More than half of samples were contaminated: government study

(Newser) - Horse meat-tainted beef ? We should be so lucky. US meat is rife with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or "superbugs," according to a government study released in February that's just now getting attention. The data hails from 2011, and is the result of testing on ground turkey, pork...

Stop Giving Your Children Antibiotics

The 'antibiotic apocalypse' is coming: Jessica and Tim Lahey

(Newser) - Protecting your child's long-term health may mean not getting a prescription for antibiotics—even in cases of ear and sinus infections, write Jessica and Tim Lahey at The Atlantic . The authors were surprised that their "smart, highly educated" friends turn easily to antibiotics for their children. Only problem:...

'Nightmare Bacteria' a Rising Threat in US Hospitals

Family of germs resists even the strongest antibiotics

(Newser) - A family of deadly germs that can withstand even the strongest antibiotics is a growing threat in American hospitals, federal officials warn. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae—CRE—have been detected in 4% of short-stay hospitals and nearly a fifth of long-term ones and authorities warn there is only a "limited window...

Superbug Weapon: Panda Blood?
 Superbug Weapon: 
 Panda Blood? 
in case you missed it

Superbug Weapon: Panda Blood?

And, good news, scientists can produce synthetic version

(Newser) - Our latest weapon in the battle against superbugs comes from ... giant pandas? Apparently. Scientists have discovered a potent antibiotic called cathelicidin-AM in the animal's blood. It's released by immune cells there, and Chinese researchers now think it could be used to develop treatments for human diseases—including drug-resistant...

Antibiotic-Laced Meat: Making Us Fat?
 Antibiotic-Laced Meat: 
 Making Us Fat? 

Antibiotic-Laced Meat: Making Us Fat?

'Mother Jones' takes a look at recent studies

(Newser) - Animals on factory farms are given antibiotics because the drugs have been shown to fatten them up for slaughter—which raises the question, do antibiotics also cause weight gain in humans? And what about the fact that many of us eat these factory-farmed animals—will that make us fat? Mother ...

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women
Autism Linked to Fever, Flu
in Pregnant Women
study says

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women

Pregnant woman who suffered from either were at higher risk

(Newser) - A new study finds a link between illness during pregnancy and autism, but experts are already urging caution when interpreting the results. Danish researchers found that expecting mothers who suffered from the flu were twice as likely to have a child who developed an autism spectrum disorder, while those who...

Farm Antibiotics Make Us Sick

 Farm Antibiotics
 Make Us Sick 
scientists say

Farm Antibiotics Make Us Sick

Farm lobby resists attempts to regulate drug use

(Newser) - Why are people getting sick and dying from antibiotic-resistant infections? In part because of the food we buy at the supermarket, advocates say. With the farm industry buying most of America's antibiotics, and pumping it into animals like chickens and pigs, we may be munching on germs that have...

&#39;Superbug&#39; Killed 6 at NIH Hospital Last Year

 'Superbug' Killed 6 
 at NIH Hospital 
 Last Year 
in case you missed it

'Superbug' Killed 6 at NIH Hospital Last Year

Maryland breakout highlights dangers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

(Newser) - A "superbug"—deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacterium—rampaged through a Maryland hospital last year, killing six patients. The revelation was not made public until today, notes the Washington Post . It all began in June 2011, when a patient harboring the superbug known as Klebsiella pneumoniae checked into the National Institutes...

Are Antibiotics Making Us Fat?
 Are Antibiotics Making Us Fat? 

Are Antibiotics Making Us Fat?

Scientists hypothesize that killing stomach bacteria is a bad thing

(Newser) - Antibiotics may make you get well, but are they also making you get fat? Some microbiologists think they might be, by killing off gut bacteria that would otherwise help digest food, Wired reports. In a study published this week, NYU researchers found that infants exposed to antibiotics before they were...

CDC Gives Grim STD Warning
 CDC Gives Grim 
 STD Warning 

CDC Gives Grim STD Warning

Changes treatment guidelines to ward off gonorrhea superbug

(Newser) - It might be time to stock up on condoms. The CDC released new guidelines for doctors today urging them to change the way they treat gonorrhea, a disease that is quickly becoming resistant to antibiotics . Doctors say nearly every drug once used to treat the STD, from penicillin onward, is...

Scientists: Let's End the War on Germs

Scientists trying to map body's microbes, tend them like wildlife rangers

(Newser) - There might be up to 100 species of microbes living in your mouth right now—and that's probably a good thing. A growing number of scientists say it's time to stop trying to eradicate germs, and to start treating our bodies the way ecologists treat wildlife preserves, the...

India Could Foster Drug-Resistant Bubonic Plague

Superbugs spreading out of the subcontinent

(Newser) - Could the world soon witness an encore performance from a new, drug-resistant Black Death? It's increasingly possible, because thanks to a combination of rampant antibiotic use and poor hygiene and sanitation, India has become a hotbed of "superbugs" that don't respond to antibiotics—not even high-powered remedies...

FDA to Require Prescriptions for Livestock Antibiotics

Strategy aims to battle antibiotic-fueled super bugs

(Newser) - The Food and Drug Administration is trying to slow the rise of drug-resistant super bugs by reducing antibiotic use in livestock. The agency will now require farmers and ranchers to obtain a prescription from a veterinarian before they can give antibiotics to animals, reports the New York Times . Close to...

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