Election 2010

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O'Donnell: I'll Stop the Whole Country From Having Sex

Another day, another old video

(Newser) - Another old video of Christine O'Donnell is getting buzzed about today after Greg Sargent wrote about it at his Plum Line blog . In the 2003 clip, O'Donnell is in a TV debate on teenage sex, when a critic disagrees with her strategy of abstinence. "You're going to stop the...

California Rep: 'The Vietnamese' Want Me Out

Democrat Loretta Sanchez accuses opponent of being 'anti-Hispanic'

(Newser) - A Democratic congresswoman from California is taking heat today after telling Univision “the Vietnamese” are after her seat. “The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, trying to take this seat from which we have done so much for the community,” Loretta Sanchez said in the...

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Poll Numbers

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More

But Republican backers are more likely to vote

(Newser) - It's good news/bad news time, Democrats. Bad news: The public doesn’t much like you. In fact, a whopping 60% disapprove of the job you’re doing in the latest AP poll. Good news: They dislike Republicans even more; 68% disapprove of them, and Sarah Palin and George W. Bush...

Left to White House: Stop 'Hippie Punching'

Adviser seeking support of liberal bloggers gets an earful

(Newser) - The White House hasn't been shy about criticizing the left so maybe top Obama adviser David Axelrod should have expected an earful when he organized a conference call to ask liberal bloggers for help ahead of the midterm elections. "You want us to help you, the first thing I...

Pundits Pan 'Pledge to America'
 Pundits Pan 'Pledge to America' 

Pundits Pan 'Pledge to America'

Well, except the 'National Review'

(Newser) - The reviews are in for House Republicans' new " Pledge to America ," and mostly they ain't pretty. Here's what people are saying:
  • Erick Erickson of RedState hates it, calling it “a series of compromises and milquetoast rhetorical flourishes in search of unanimity among House Republicans. … It is

Clinton to Obama: Fight Back!
 Clinton to Obama: Fight Back! 

Clinton to Obama: Fight Back!

Forty-two thinks 44 is letting the Republicans knock him around

(Newser) - Bill Clinton thinks Barack Obama and the Democrats need to more forcefully refute Republican attacks if they want to avoid a midterm meltdown. “He’s being criticized for being too disengaged, for not caring,” Clinton told Politico yesterday. “So he needs to turn into it.” Referring...

O'Donnell: Using Campaign Funds on Rent Is Fine

Candidate blames 'liberal front group' for ethics complaint

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell believes using campaign funds to pay rent on her home is "ethical." She made the comment in response to complaints filed by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which is charging that she treated campaign funds like a personal ATM. The complaint from CREW,...

Poll: Joe Miller Trouncing Lisa Murkowski

But write-in candidate still grabs impressive 25% in survey

(Newser) - How Republican is Alaska? So Republican that ex-Republican Lisa Murkowski is polling higher as a write-in than the Democratic nominee in the state’s Senate race. In the latest Rasmussen poll , GOP nominee Joe Miller has a commanding 42% lead, followed by Murkowski with 27%, and Democrat Scott McAdams with...

Murkowski Campaign Has Trouble Spelling Her Name
Murkowski Campaign Has Trouble Spelling Her Name

Murkowski Campaign Has Trouble Spelling Her Name

Maybe Karl Rove was right about Alaskans, after all

(Newser) - So Karl Rove may or may not have been kidding when he doomed Lisa Murkowski's write-in campaign because of Alaskans' inability to spell her name, but he might be onto something if her own campaign is any indication. Ben Smith of Politico points to a screenshot of Murkowski's latest ad...

Witches Furious With O'Donnell
 Witches Furious With O'Donnell 

Witches Furious With O'Donnell

Don't count on the Wiccan vote in Delaware, Christine

(Newser) - Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell apparently didn't realize she was risking votes when she denounced her witchcraft-dabbling past as a brief fling with "questionable" people. Now witches are furious. "She is defaming Wiccans," High Priestess Selena Fox told the Huffington Post . "America needs to be a place...

Graham: White House Bailed on Gitmo Talks

Admin Says It's Open to Further Talks

(Newser) - There was a time when the White House and Sen. Lindsey Graham seemed close to striking a bipartisan deal on closing Guantanamo Bay and other national security issues, but in May those talks “went completely dead,” Graham tells Politico . “They could never quite pull the trigger,”...

What GOP Will Do With a House Majority

Republicans will cut off cash to key Dem initiatives

(Newser) - If Republicans win the House in November, they’ll highlight their differences with Democrats by starving signature policies—like health care—of cash, the Wall Street Journal reports. Although the GOP hopes to repeal the health care bill in the House, such a measure would likely fail in the Senate,...

Joe Miller: Jobless Benefits Unconstitutional

'Show me the enumerated power,' says Senate candidate

(Newser) - It seems Palin-backed GOP Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller is sticking with his anti-benefits stance, big time. The Tea Party favorite yesterday told Fox News' Chris Wallace that jobless benefits are unconstitutional, reports the Raw Story . "The Constitution provides enumerated powers," he said. "Show me the enumerated...

O'Donnell Laughs Off Witchcraft Comment

Wishes she could put a spell on Karl Rove

(Newser) - Karl Rove thinks she's going to have to to address it seriously (see his comments today ), but Christine O'Donnell is apparently hoping a more lighthearted approach will make the fuss over her old witchcraft dabbling go away. "I was in high school," she said at a public...

Christine O'Donnell: 'I Dabbled Into Witchcraft'

But she never joined a coven

(Newser) - Today's installment in the drip-drip-drip of old Christine O'Donnell comments: "I dabbled into witchcraft." She made the statement on Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect in the '90s, and he happily rolled out the video on his HBO show, notes Scott Baker at the Blaze . Maher joked that he'll keeping...

Can Murkowski Win as a Write-In? Yes
 Can Murkowski Win 
 as a Write-In? Yes 
nate silver

Can Murkowski Win as a Write-In? Yes

Nate Silver: Alaska senator has a decent chance

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski's decision to try to keep her Senate seat in Alaska via a write-in campaign begs the question: Can she win? "Sure she can," writes Nate Silver at his FiveThirtyEight blog in the New York Times. She's got the name recognition and the money, and a write-in...

Murkowski Will Run as Write-In
 Murkowski Will Run as Write-In 

Murkowski Will Run as Write-In

Alaska Republican fell to Tea Partier in primary

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski, upset in the Alaska Republican primary by a Tea Party rival, will run for re-election to the US Senate as a write-in candidate, sources tell CNN . Speculation has swirled since Joe Miller toppled Murkowski last month, but her staff has been coy about her plans. Until today, that...

O'Donnell Thought Biden Was Tapping Her Phone: Ex-Aide

Former workers describe nutty candidate

(Newser) - No one is more mystified by Christine O'Donnell's victory in Delaware than her former campaign workers, Politico reports. The Tea Party warrior is unrecognizable to staff members from her 2008 Senate bid—during which O'Donnell thought her opponent, Joe Biden, was tapping her phone. She was also fixated on TV...

DC Mayor Loses Democratic Primary...
DC Mayor Loses Democratic Primary...

DC Mayor Loses Democratic Primary...

...but wins as Republican write-in candidate

(Newser) - Washington DC’s mayor, Adrian Fenty , lost his bid for a second term … as a Democrat. However, if he’s interested in running as a Republican, he did manage to win that race. There was no declared Republican candidate, so 822 Republicans wrote Fenty in on their ballots Tuesday....

Dear Palin and DeMint: Go to Delaware, Now
Dear Palin and DeMint:
Go to Delaware, Now
charles krauthammer

Dear Palin and DeMint: Go to Delaware, Now

Krauthammer: You got Christine O'Donnell this far; now make her win

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer comes out firing at Jim DeMint and Sarah Palin today, calling their endorsements of Christine O'Donnell in Delaware "reckless and irresponsible." It's nice to trumpet statements like "support the most conservative candidate," but he reminds them of Bill Buckley's caveat: "Support the most...

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