Election 2010

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Alaska Senate Battle Could Take Weeks to Resolve

Lisa Murkowski write-in campaign makes things hairy

(Newser) - Thanks to Lisa Murkowski’s write-in campaign, it could be weeks before the result of Alaska’s election is clear. And depending on how races in the Lower 48 play out, that could mean weeks of nail-biting before we know which party controls the Senate, the New York Times reports....

Gawker: O'Donnell's a Hypocrite Prude

Site defends candidate sex romp story

(Newser) - Gawker has launched a spirited defense of its decision to print a controversial story about a booze-fueled near-sex romp by "reborn virgin" Christine O'Donnell. The wanna-be Delaware senator's personal life is legitimate fodder for media scrutiny because O'Donnell "lies about who she is," and "tells that...

Voters: Just as Unhappy as They Were in 1994

New poll shows voter unrest, trouble for Democrats

(Newser) - Voters are just as dissatisfied with Washington now as they were before the 1994 elections when Republicans took control, according to a new Washington Post -ABC News poll. Highlights:
  • More than seven out of 10 voters believe the country is off course.
  • Fifty-two percent disapprove of how President Obama is

Here's Palin's 'Corrupt Bastards' Tape

Voicemail features voices talking about how to bring Joe Miller Down

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took to the airwaves and the Internet today to rail against a tape that allegedly shows workers for an Alaskan CBS affiliate plotting how to portray Joe Miller negatively. The tape, a voicemail a KTVA news producer inadvertently left for a Miller campaign spokesman, features voices talking about...

AIDS Activists Heckle Obama at Rally

He tells them to take their beef to 'the other side'

(Newser) - Hecklers interrupted President Obama's latest stump speech in Bridgeport, Conn., for three to four minutes, chanting slogans and complaining that he was not doing enough to address the global AIDS epidemic. Obama seemed irritated by the protesters' antics, telling them, "You've been appearing at every rally we've been doing....

Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012
 Fox Host 
 to Palin: 
 You Won't 
 Run in 2012 


Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012

Says she's having too much fun, making too much money

(Newser) - Despite recent protestations to the contrary, Sarah Palin is blowing smoke and has no intention of running for president in 2012—at least, according to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, who called the former gov on her intentions today. Palin is "having too much fun" and "making...

Stewart's Schtick Didn't Galvanize Dems
 Stewart's Schtick 
 Didn't Galvanize Dems 

Stewart's Schtick Didn't Galvanize Dems

Politico: Rally was a very funny political failure

(Newser) - The Democrats may not be laughing come election day. This weekend's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear was a comedic success, but a strategic failure, argue James Hohmann, Marin Cogan, and Byron Tau on Politico . By putting parody above partisan politics, Jon Stewart denied the left a "galvanizing moment"...

Democrats, Brace for GOP's Gloating

Kornacki: It's surely coming, and it will surely be overblown

(Newser) - Steve Kornacki provides a preview of what's in store for Democrats in the wake of Tuesday's election by looking back at 1994. That's when Newt said (of Bill and Hillary): "They really are left-wing elitists and they really thought the country didn't get it and therefore it was their...

McDonald's Owner to Workers: Vote GOP!

Note in paycheck underscores candidates who will 'help our business grow'

(Newser) - A McDonald's in Canton, Ohio, inserted handbills in employee paychecks that helpfully recommended GOP candidates who will "help our business grow in the future"—implying lower wages and benefits if Republicans lose in upcoming elections on Tuesday. A local attorney says the document violates Ohio election law, reports...

Site IDs Author of O'Donnell Kiss-and-Tell

Boy Scout uniform blows cover of Gawker's 'anonymous'

(Newser) - It's tough to remain "anonymous" online these days, especially when the post is salacious. The Smoking Gun has made quick work of identifying the writer of yesterday's "I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell" essay on Gawker . TSG names 28-year-old Dustin Dominiak as the author after tracking...

Why This Vote Really Matters
 Why This 
 Vote Really 
Charles Krauthammer

Why This Vote Really Matters

This election (and the next) is about the role of government: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Tuesday's vote will be a blast for Republicans, but "the direction of the country” won't truly be determined until the 2012 election, writes Charles Krauthammer. Until then, with Obama’s veto power and Democrats’ shrunken numbers, nothing much will get done. Still, the “beauty” of these next two...

We're in Big, Big Trouble
 We're in Big, Big Trouble 
paul krugman

We're in Big, Big Trouble

Krugman: GOP control will be economic 'catastrophe' for America

(Newser) - Paul Krugman doesn't use the word "Armageddon" when predicting what will happen under Republican control of Congress, but he comes pretty close. "This is going to be terrible," he writes in the New York Times . "In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010...

Whitman Gouging Press for Travel

Calif. candidate charging journos $2K for day—sans hotel

(Newser) - Meg Whitman is charging reporters huge sums to travel with the candidate during her campaign's final days, notes Carla Marinucci in the San Francisco Chronicle : One day will cost members of the press “a whopping $1,350,” but that’s small change compared to another day’s “...

Durbin, Schumer Jockeying for Reid's Majority Post

Senators quietly maneuvering to move in if leader goes down

(Newser) - Capitol Hill housemates Charles Schumer and Richard Durbin are likely to end up fighting over a lot more than the breakfast cereal if Harry Reid loses his re-election battle. The senators from New York and Illinois, Reid's top two deputies, are subtly building support for bids to become majority leader—...

Gawker Blasted for 'One-Night Stand With O'Donnell' Story

Legit story or 'sleaziest' of the year?

(Newser) - Gawker has stirred up a furor by posting an anonymous guy's claim of a having a "one-night stand" (which involved the same bed, but no sex) with a drunk Christine O'Donnell a few years ago. On Twitter and all over blog land, the story about the story has now...

Votes Cost an Average of $7
 Votes Cost an Average of $7 

Votes Cost an Average of $7

Though calculations differ

(Newser) - How much does a vote cost? Estimates vary wildly, from $5 to $175, Slate reports in its Explainer column. In 2008, winners spent an average of $1.3 million to win roughly 185,000 votes, meaning each vote cost around $7, while losers spent an average $493,000 for 91,...

Another Paul Protester Says He Was Manhandled

Jack Conway advertises story to media

(Newser) - Jack Conway’s campaign set up a conference call today, so that one of his supporters could regale reporters with a story about how he, too, was mistreated by Rand Paul supporters outside Monday’s debate. Michael Grossman, 60, claims that while Lauren Valle was being stomped in the head,...

Thanks, Joy!: Angle Rakes in Another $136K

And should she win, she'll start talking to the press

(Newser) - Joy Behar hasn't been very nice to Sharron Angle—or has she? Though the View host clearly wasn't championing Angle when she called her a bitch two shows in a row, she seems to be doing wonders for Angle's coffers: Angle raked in $150,000 following Tuesday's show, sent flowers...

Poll: Obama Voters Deserting Democrats

Women, Catholics, independents now favoring GOP

(Newser) - Key groups of voters who helped President Obama win in 2008 and delivered Congress to the Democrats in 2006 are favoring the GOP this time around, a New York Times /CBS poll finds. Women, Catholics, less affluent voters, and independents are all leaning Republican, the poll finds. Women are set...

Sharron Angle Launches 'Harry Reid's Amnesty Game'
 Sharron Angle Launches 'Harry Reid's Amnesty Game'

Sharron Angle Launches 'Harry Reid's Amnesty Game'

Campaign game targets Reid's stance on immigration

(Newser) - Sharron Angle's latest attack on Harry Reid's immigration policies presents them as a game billed as "fun for the whole illegal family." Harry Reid's Amnesty Game players can roll the dice to receive cards with phrases like "You got deported," paired with information about illegal immigration...

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