Bernard Madoff

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New SEC Chief Moves Fast to Restore Agency

Schapiro fills openings, reverses Bush policies at battered regulator

(Newser) - New chairwoman Mary Schapiro isn’t wasting time making over the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Times reports, reversing several of her predecessor’s policies and filling key positions that have sat vacant for months. “I recognize that we could all be defined by what we missed...

Madoff Bought No Stocks—for 13 Years

(Newser) - The trustee liquidating Bernard Madoff’s companies said today the disgraced financier appears not to have purchased any securities for his clients for “perhaps as much as 13 years,” Bloomberg reports. It was “cash in and cash out,” Irving Picard said. "It was all just...

Madoff Bust Stokes Anti-Semitism in Palm Beach

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff’s alleged mega-fraud and the large number of Jewish investors he apparently snookered is stoking anti-Semitic feeling in tony Palm Beach, ABC News reports. “It is a terrible thing to say, but some of the WASPs are delighted, they take great pleasure in this,” said an...

Accountants May Be Liable in Madoff Fraud

Experts say feeder funds obviously skimped on scrutiny

(Newser) - The many accounting firms that missed Bernie Madoff’s massive scam could be in for a world of legal hurt, experts tell the Wall Street Journal. Madoff’s company was audited by a firm that had just one accountant, and one ex-SEC accountant finds it hard to believe that feeder-fund...

'Smash-Me Bernie' a Hit at Toy Fair

(Newser) - He may have crushed your savings—but for $99.95 more you can stomp on him, reports the New York Times. The hot ticket at this year's American International Toy Fair is "Smash-Me Bernie," a mini-Madoff dressed in a red devil suit that you can bludgeon with an...

Krugman: We've All Been Madoffed
 Krugman: We've All 
 Been Madoffed 

Krugman: We've All Been Madoffed

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff’s investors thought they were getting richer every quarter. Then, one day, they discovered their wealth “was a figment of someone else’s imagination,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. And sadly, that’s a pretty good metaphor for America’s experience this decade....

Mum Execs Suspected Madoff in 2005

(Newser) - A number of Wall Street executives were convinced Bernard Madoff's investment scheme was a scam as early as four years ago, but never reported their suspicions to anyone but friends and family, according to SEC documents. Concerns by executives from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are revealed in an extensive dossier...

Madoff Scam Zaps Key Science Funds
Madoff Scam Zaps Key Science Funds

Madoff Scam Zaps Key Science Funds

Medical research set back years as bilked charities slash aid

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme is sending shockwaves deep into the worlds of medicine and science as scammed charitable foundations yank funding for key research projects, reports the Wall Street Journal. Experts believe the number of people affected by the scam's impact on health care could run into the millions....

Madoff's Wife Withdrew $15.5M Days Before Arrest

Deadline for criminal indictment extended 30 days

(Newser) - Ruth Madoff withdrew $10 million from a Madoff-related brokerage firm the day before her husband was arrested, according to a complaint filed by Massachusetts’ secretary of state, the Wall Street Journal reports. She also withdrew $5.5 million a few weeks earlier, according to documents from Cohmad Securities, which Bernie...

Madoff OKs Settlement With SEC

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff has partly settled civil accusations against him, a sign he will focus on fighting criminal charges over an alleged Ponzi scheme, the New York Times reports. Madoff's settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission stipulates that he will not admit or deny guilt, but cannot dispute SEC charges....

Divorcé Sues Ex in Bid to Share Madoff Losses

Lawyer wants some of ex-wife's millions now that his are worthless

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff’s scam isn’t just affecting pockets—now it’s poking its nose into personal matters, too. A New York lawyer who says he lost millions to Madoff is suing his ex-wife in a bid to share the pain, the New York Post reports. Steven Simkin paid Laura...

See Full List of Madoff Victims (Sandy Koufax, Too)

(Newser) - Baseball legend Sandy Koufax has joined the list of Bernie Madoff's victims, the New York Post reports. And the Dodger great isn't even the only pitcher: former Met Tim Teuful is an unwelcome teammate. A complete list of victims in the $50 billion Ponzi scheme was made public today after...

Wall Street Journal Ignored Madoff Story 3 Years Ago

(Newser) - Today's testimony from the private fraud investigator in the Bernie Madoff case makes one thing clear, writes business blogger Gary Weiss: The Wall Street Journal blew it. Harry Markopolos said editors of the paper blocked a reporter from investigating the case three years ago. Markopolos didn't know why, but he...

Madoff Whistleblower Slams SEC's 'Financial Illiteracy'

(Newser) - The fraud investigator who tried for a decade to convince the SEC to investigate Bernie Madoff will deride the board's "financial illiteracy" before a Congressional panel today, according to prepared testimony obtained by the Wall Street Journal. Whistleblower Harry Markopolos will also testify that investigating Madoff "posed great...

Madoff Judge Charged 'Defending' Self Against Wife

Federal judge is overseeing Lehman case, too

(Newser) - The bankruptcy judge presiding over the Bernie Madoff and Lehman Brothers proceedings has his own legal woes after bruising his wife's jaw in what he describes as a slapfest, the New York Post reports. After James Peck's wife arrived home late on her birthday, the couple fought over a ladder....

Madoff Grandkids May Change Name
Madoff Grandkids May Change Name 

Madoff Grandkids May Change Name

It's not easy being related to a Ponzi schemer

(Newser) - What to do if you’re the innocent grandchild of a Ponzi schemer, feeling the public backlash at your ritzy uptown prep school? Change your name—at least, that’s what the family of Bernie Madoff is considering for his grandkids, the New York Post reports. Good luck, little Madoffs—...

Cache of Madoff Evidence Found in Warehouse

Bernie 'sick' of house arrest in $7M Park Ave. apartment: source

(Newser) - Investigators are going over millions of documents found in a Queens warehouse that may shed light on Bernard Madoff’s alleged Ponzi scheme, the New York Daily News reports. The warehouse was used to store records from Madoff Investment Securities, spanning the firm’s decades-long history.

Bank Dumped Madoff Funds— but Didn't Tell Its Clients

JPMorgan beat scam while investors lost out

(Newser) - JPMorgan Chase emerged from Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme unscathed, but some of the bank's clients weren't so lucky. For years the bank offered its clients derivatives that were ultimately linked to Madoff, and also put $250 million in those funds. But a joint investigation by the New York Times and...

Tough Economy Bares a Slew of 'Mini-Madoffs'

Investors increasingly are becoming wary

(Newser) - Cash-strapped investors looking for redemption from investment funds are turning up surprises in the form of “mini-Madoffs,” Ponzi schemes that—while dwarfed by the alleged $50 billion fraud perpetrated by Bernie Madoff—nevertheless have taken victims for millions, reports the New York Times. At least six frauds with...

Spanish Bank Offers $1.82B to Madoff Victims

The make-good may prompt other banks to offer compensation to fleeced clients

(Newser) - Spanish banking giant Banco Santander, whose clients lost nearly $3.1 billion in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, has offered to pay back customers some $1.82 billion, reports Bloomberg. The bank is facing a lawsuit in US federal court, filed by investors who say it failed to exercise due...

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