
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

John Boehner, Republicans Take Over
John Boehner,
Republicans Take Over
breaking news

John Boehner, Republicans Take Over

112th Congress is formally under way

(Newser) - Much pomp and circumstance and gavel-surrendering took place on Capitol Hill today as the 112th Congress got under way, reports the AP . The GOP-controlled House formally elected John Boehner as its new speaker, with Nancy Pelosi moving to her new gig as minority leader. "God bless you, Speaker Boehner,...

House GOP Vows to Cut $100B ... From Somewhere

But 20% reduction may be too drastic to be realized

(Newser) - The Republican-controlled House is determined to follow through on its plan to cut $100 billion in domestic spending this year—it just isn’t quite sure where the cuts will come from. The military, domestic security, and veterans are safe, but all other federal programs would face 20% cuts, on...

Georgia Lawmaker Likens GOP to KKK, Then Womanizers

Comments about 'white sheets' stir things up

(Newser) - A Georgia state senator has thrown down against his political rivals, comparing turncoat Democrats to Ku Klux Klan members, Mediaite reports. State Senator Robert Brown, lashing out against his former Dems who'd switched over to the GOP after Republicans made big gains in the election, said that they "put...

Beware Republicans' New Voodoo Economics
Beware Republicans'
New Voodoo Economics
paul krugman

Beware Republicans' New Voodoo Economics

Paul Krugman: How do big tax cuts square with concern over the deficit?

(Newser) - Paul Krugman warns against what he sees as a new version of "voodoo economics" that Republicans plan to codify in the House: "The belief that deficits created by tax cuts just don't matter." Jon Kyl and crew think that any tax cut is a good tax cut,...

Peeved Righties Boycott CPAC Over Gay Invite

They withdraw because GOProud will be at February event

(Newser) - Culture wars on the right: Two big conservative groups—the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America—won't participate in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in February because the gay group GOProud is invited. Controversy over the group surfaced last year when a CPAC speaker publicly rebuked organizers...

Forget Clinton, Obama's the Real Comeback Kid
Forget Clinton, Obama's
the Real Comeback Kid
charles krauthammer

Forget Clinton, Obama's the Real Comeback Kid

Charles Krauthammer: His tax deal makes it likely he'll be re-elected

(Newser) - You think Bill Clinton is the master of political comebacks? It took President Obama all of five weeks to go from political corpse to likely two-term president, writes Charles Krauthammer. It's all thanks to his "stunning" tax deal (Krauthammer marveled at it last week, too ) and his return...

National Review: Please Go Away Now, Michael Steele
National Review:
'Anybody but Steele'

National Review: 'Anybody but Steele'

Conservative magazine wants someone else to run RNC

(Newser) - You know this editorial at the conservative National Review isn't going to end well for Michael Steele when the editors start by saying they "admire his pluck." It's pretty much downhill from there as they call for someone else—anyone else, really—to take over the Republican National...

New Low: Congress' Approval Rating Hits 13%

Only 13% approve of the job it's doing

(Newser) - Virtually no one is pleased with the current Congress. In a new Gallup poll, just 13% said they approve of the job Congress is doing, compared to 83% who said they disapprove. That’s an all-time nadir, according to Politico ; previously, the lowest level was 14% in July 2008. Among...

Mike Pence in 2012? Conservatives Love It
Mike Pence in 2012?
Conservatives Love It
George Will

Mike Pence in 2012? Conservatives Love It

George Will: The Indiana congressman deserves a serious look

(Newser) - George Will gives a glowing recap today of Mike Pence's conservative bona fides and suggests the Indiana congressman would make a fine candidate for the Oval Office in 2012. Throughout his six terms, Pence has opposed big-government initiatives such as TARP and the stimulus bill and all manners of "...

Arizona-Like Immigration Plan Splits California GOP

Ballot measure may not have enough support for 2012

(Newser) - In California, where Latinos comprise the fastest-growing portion of the electorate, some Republicans want their own version of Arizona’s controversial immigration law —but others disagree, and the party rift is threatening the measure’s chances of getting on the 2012 ballot. "It's completely counterproductive to the future...

GOP: Time for Democrats to Work With Us Now
GOP: Time for Democrats
to Work With Us Now
boehner and mcconnell

GOP: Time for Democrats to Work With Us Now

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell lament 2 years of 'misplaced priorities'

(Newser) - Further evidence that today's summit-that-isn't-quite-a-summit between Republicans and Democrats won't yield many kumbayas: Mitch McConnell and John Boehner stake out their position on working with Democrats in a Washington Post op-ed and say they're happy to do so—provided President Obama and company are willing to "move away from...

A Wave of Democratic State Lawmakers Defecting to GOP

At least 13 have jumped ship so far, and there could be more

(Newser) - Democratic losses didn’t stop on Election Day: Since Nov. 2, at least 13 state lawmakers have switched over to the Republican party, the AP reports. Many of the defections took place in the South, where dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party is high. In some states, like Alabama and Louisiana,...

GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel
 GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel 

GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel

Election results could be good ... or not

(Newser) - The midterm elections brought both good news and bad for Israel, and both come from the GOP. While rising Republican stars like incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are eager to show their support for Israel, many Tea Party candidates entering Congress aren't so likely to do the same, thanks...

Liberals to GOP Lawmakers: Decline Health Insurance

Progressives say they should reject government coverage

(Newser) - Progressives are issuing a challenge to incoming Republican House members: If they are so dead-set on repealing health care reform, they shouldn't accept the taxpayer-funded congressional health plan. The fracas started when newly elected Rep. Andy Harris made a fuss during an orientation because his coverage didn't begin right away,...

Elections Show Urban Coasts & Mid-America Divided
 Political Divide Gets Wider 

Political Divide Gets Wider

Midterm Republican sweep wasn't consistent across US

(Newser) - Unlike the midterm election victory in 1994 when Republican gains were consistent across the US, the 2010 GOP sweep shows a widening of the gulf between large urban areas on the coasts and the less populated areas in the middle of the country. Analysis in the Washington Post finds GOP...

Palin Posts Advice to GOP Freshmen on Facebook

First order of business: Defund health care reform

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is out with an open letter of advice to Republican freshmen on Facebook . "The task before you is daunting because so much damage has been done in the last two years, but I believe you have the chance to achieve great things," she writes. A sampling:...

Enough With the Bush Nostalgia
 Enough With the 
 Bush Nostalgia 

michelle malkin

Enough With the Bush Nostalgia

He did a lot of things wrong, and some Republicans 'haven't forgotten'

(Newser) - With President Obama’s approval ratings in the toilet and George W. Bush’s highly-publicized Decision Points out today, it’s easy to get caught up in a bit of “Bush nostalgia.” And yes, W’s “candor, decency, self-effacement, and clear love of country stand in stark...

Hoyer, Clyburn Jockey to Be Pelosi's Right Hand

Deal will probably preempt secret ballot

(Newser) - The sound and fury of the midterm elections may be over, but the end of electoral voting brings about a round of behind-the-scenes jockeying for power. Reps. James Clyburn and Steny Hoyer are both plausible candidates for leading the Democratic minority in the house, but given that Nancy Pelosi will...

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' &mdash;They Shouldn't
GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't
William Saletan

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't

If it was really such a great strategy, the GOP would have used it

(Newser) - Following the midterm elections , the Republicans have made it clear what they think Democrats should do: “Change course,” as John Boehner said on election night and Mitch McConnell said two days later. And maybe they’re right, writes William Saletan in Slate : “When voters strip you of...

It's Time for Obama to Call GOP's Bluff

Rich: Make the Republicans get specific

(Newser) - President Obama took a "shellacking" because Democrats didn't have a coherent message for America. But, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times , the Republicans don't, either. To regain some ground, Obama must call the right's bluff, and force the GOP to get specific. The Republicans keep talking about...

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