
Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems: Public Was Divided on Medicare, Too

Leadership circulates '60s poll numbers to reassure members

(Newser) - Democratic leaders hope the example of Medicare will strengthen their colleagues' resolve in the fight for health care reform. Aides have been circulating poll numbers from 1962 that showed a public deeply divided on the Medicare proposal, with 28% in favor, 24% against, and 33% with no opinion, writes Greg...

GOP: If We Can't Stop Reform, We'll Repeal It

Lawmakers pledge to overturn law

(Newser) - Republicans may not be able to stop health care reform, but they're already thinking about repealing it should they win either house of Congress. The "Repeal It" movement has won pledges from dozens of lawmakers and candidates, reports the Washington Post , including all the Senate hopefuls in Kentucky, Nevada,...

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up
 Rove, Cheney 
 Just Making 
 History Up 

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up

Bushies' conjurings 'know few bounds'

(Newser) - The simultaneous arrival of Karl Rove's memoir and Liz Cheney's "right-wing noise machine" means the "revisionist floodgates have opened," writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , a "rewriting of history that knows few bounds." And while Rove's book better passes for fiction and Cheney's...

Lindsey Graham 'Courageous' Defying GOP

 Defying GOP 
dana milbank

Lindsey Graham 'Courageous' Defying GOP

He's often alone in bucking the Republican purity police

(Newser) - After offering a Gitmo compromise to President Obama, Lindsey Graham got called everything from a "cretin" to someone making a "deal with the devil" this week by his fellow Republicans. That's just business as usual for Graham, whose designation may as well be "R-No Man's Land,"...

Donor Stops Checks to RNC Over Fear Campaign

Evangelical 'ashamed' about leaked strategy session

(Newser) - The first of many or just one angry donor? A prominent political contributor says he's going to stop writing checks to the Republican party because he's "ashamed" over the leak of the recent fear-based fundraising campaign . Mark DeMoss, a former RNC "Eagle" because he gave the party $15,...

Keep an Eye on Rick Perry —for President

If he wins big in Texas, he's in perfect position for 2012

(Newser) - Fred Barnes says there's not much sense getting worked up about GOP presidential nominees for 2012 until after the 2010 elections. At that point, even Meg Whitman and John Kasich could conceivably join the list of usual suspects. In his survey of the field, however, Barnes seems to have a...

'Hateboards' Signal GOP Fear-Monger Strategy

Republican strategy being 'field tested' on highways

(Newser) - For a likely preview of the GOP's upcoming fear-fueled political campaigns, look no further than the ominous billboards sprouting along the nation's highways, like the one portraying President Obama as "Saddam Hussein" out to kill American babies. The GOP strategy to exploit "visceral fear" to raise campaign funds...

Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds
Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds

Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds

Time to give up on bipartisanship, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - The big lesson from Sen. Bunning's blockade of unemployment benefits is that the Democrats and Republicans are now in totally different universes, writes Paul Krugman. This is amply demonstrated by Republicam Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona's threat to block a bill extending benefits for the rest of the year in...

RNC Will Use 'Fear' Campaign for Big Donors

Also, Harry Reid is depicted as Scooby Doo

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee plans to hit up major donors with a campaign based on fear of Barack Obama and impending Socialism, writes Ben Smith at Politico . He got hold of a confidential presentation by the RNC's finance director, which points out how "ego-driven" donors can be coaxed into...

Warren Buffett to Obama: Rewrite Health Care Bill
Warren Buffett to Obama: Rewrite Health Care Bill

Warren Buffett to Obama: Rewrite Health Care Bill

Current Senate bill better than nothing, but oracle prefers 'Plan C'

(Newser) - Warren Buffett came out against the health care bill today, essentially echoing the Republican position that the administration should scrap the current bill and start over. Buffett, a longtime Obama supporter, told CNBC the current health care system is “like a tapeworm eating at our economic body,” with...

Don't Gloat Too Long, Conservatives
 Don't Gloat 
 Too Long, 
william kristol

Don't Gloat Too Long, Conservatives

Nice work, but Democrats themselves and tea partiers deserve credit

(Newser) - William Kristol thinks Republicans and conservatives are entitled to celebrate over the current state of President Obama's agenda, "but only a little." After all, the bulk of the credit goes to Obama himself (his "big-government liberalism" united foes), Nancy Pelosi (for being "ideologically blinkered"), Harry...

Jon Stewart the Lone Fan of Health Huddle

Since when is he less cynical than the networks?

(Newser) - He wasn't kidding. Jon Stewart is about the only person on TV who didn't slam the health summit yesterday. While most networks dismissed the talks as political theater, Stewart said on The Daily Show the summit revealed "issues where there was great agreement on health care on both the...

Bush Drops in on Cheney Post Heart Attack

George W. Checks up on VP in Virginia

(Newser) - George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had a bit of a reunion yesterday, more than a year after they left office and just three days after Cheney was hospitalized for his fifth heart attack. "Lookin' good," Bush said in greeting his veep. "Could be worse," Cheney...

Jeb Bush: Sarah Palin Not 'Intellectual' Enough

'I don't know what her deal is,' ex-governor says

(Newser) - Jeb Bush doesn’t think too highly of Sarah Palin. Asked how he felt about Alaska’s ex-governor in a recent Newsmax interview, Bush replied that Palin was a “natural” with a lot of “charisma.” But to be a good candidate for higher office, she’ll need...

Harry Reid to GOP: 'Stop Crying Over Reconciliation'

Won't rule out using legislative tactic for health reform

(Newser) - Harry Reid sounds less than sympathetic to Republican complaints that he's threatening to pass health-care reform through the process known as budget reconciliation. "They should stop crying about reconciliation as if it's never been done before," he said, adding that Republicans have been happy to use the tactic...

Glenn Beck: Progressivism Is 'Cancer' of America

He also criticizes Republicans in his speech to conservatives

(Newser) - Glenn Beck delivered the keynote address at CPAC this evening with a well-received broadside against progressivism, which he described as.a "cancer" of society that must be eliminated. But he didn't let Republicans off the hook. "It's not enough just to not suck as much of the other...

Newt Gingrich Predicts GOP Control of Congress
Newt Gingrich Predicts GOP Control of Congress
cpac convention

Newt Gingrich Predicts GOP Control of Congress

Says Obama will lose, calls for 'principled bipartisanship'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich got a hero's welcome today at the CPAC convention and played to the crowd by predicting Republican control of both the House and Senate by year's end and only one term for President Obama. He slammed the "secular socialist machine" run by Democrats but also called for...

Public Supports Obama Over GOP
 Public Supports 
 Obama Over GOP 

Public Supports Obama Over GOP

Americans are wary, but still prefer Dems to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama has small lead over the GOP when it comes to public opinion, a new poll shows. Though Obama's approval rating sits at just 46%, only 35% of respondents have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party. A majority also believe the president is making the greater effort at...

Sarah Palin Is Brilliant
 Sarah Palin Is Brilliant 
joe klein & david broder

Sarah Palin Is Brilliant

Klein and Broder say she's a populist tour de force

(Newser) - Joe Klein and David Broder remain wowed by Sarah Palin's Tea Party performance and weigh in with dovetailing columns today that place her at the head of the GOP class for 2012. In Time , Klein blasts the speech itself as "inspired drivel" full of gross simplifications. "But I...

Gingrich Corrects Gaffe, Adds Flip-Flop
Gingrich Corrects Gaffe, Adds Flip-Flop

Gingrich Corrects Gaffe, Adds Flip-Flop

Rips Obama for stance on trying terrorists he praised Bush for in '05

(Newser) - Maybe Newt Gingrich just ought to hold his tongue on terrorists and US law. Earlier this week the former House Speaker said shoe-bomber Richard Reid was American, and therefore was properly read his Miranda rights by the Bush administration—but Reid is British, and now Gingrich says he meant would-be...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>