
Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Steele Defends Style: 'Buckle Up,' He Warns

(Newser) - Michael Steele has taken much flak in his short tenure as GOP chairman, and he offers no apologies. “I’m trying to move an elephant that’s become mired in its own muck,” he tells the New York Times. Steele has long been an impulse kind of guy,...

Moore: I'm Not Dems' Limbaugh
 Moore: I'm Not Dems' Limbaugh 

Moore: I'm Not Dems' Limbaugh

People agree with me

(Newser) - Just as Democrats are gleefully strapping Rush Limbaugh to the Republican Party, President Bush’s team once hatched a plan to tie filmmaker Michael Moore to Democrats. But, Moore writes for the Huffington Post, there’s one crucial difference between him and Rush: “The American people agree with me,...

Senate GOP Forces Delay on $410B Spending Bill

(Newser) - Senate Republicans, demanding the right to change a huge spending bill, forced Democrats tonight to put off a final vote on the measure until next week. The surprise development will force Congress to pass a stopgap funding bill to avoid a partial shutdown of the government. Republicans have blasted the...

Obama Makes GOP Miss Clinton
 Obama Makes 
 GOP Miss Clinton 

Obama Makes GOP Miss Clinton

(Newser) - Back in the '90s you wouldn’t hear many Republicans waxing poetic about Bill Clinton, but these days, that’s exactly what Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune is doing. “Clinton, for all his appetites and excesses, was a cautious, centrist sort of Democrat” who “proclaimed—or conceded—...

Sebelius Made Little Progress on Health in Partisan Kan.

Kansas guv could get another shot as health secretary

(Newser) - As governor of Kansas, President Obama’s new pick for health secretary has plenty of experience working with Republicans—but little success pushing her health plans through the GOP-controlled legislature, the New York Times reports. If she is confirmed, she’ll have another chance to expand coverage in what could...

GOP States Buy More Porn
 GOP States Buy More Porn 

GOP States Buy More Porn

(Newser) - Church-going Republicans are more likely than liberals to buy pornography online, New Scientist reports. In a nationwide study of purchases at an adult entertainment company, researchers found that eight in 10 of the most porno-consuming states voted for John McCain last year. "One natural hypothesis is something like repression:...

Unemployed Furious at Contrarian Govs

Constituents fear losing out on stimulus dollars over politics

(Newser) - Opposing the stimulus’ expansion of unemployment benefits may be good PR, but there’s one constituency it’s not playing well with: unemployed people. “It just seems unreasonable,” one jobless Texan tells the New York Times, “that when people probably need the help the most, that because...

Conservatives Must 'Obstruct and Delay' Obama: Kristol

GOP can check rush toward big government

(Newser) - The “day of reckoning” has come for Republicans, writes William Kristol in the Washington Post. On Tuesday, President Obama delivered “the most unabashedly liberal and big-government speech” since Lyndon Johnson, and seems poised to undo the whole Reagan agenda. “Conservatives can’t win politically right now,”...

Limbaugh Defends Jindal: 'He's Brilliant'

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal has been almost universally panned on both the left and right for his speech last night—with one notable exception. Longtime backer Rush Limbaugh defended Jindal today and warned his detractors to back off, reports ThinkProgress. "I love Bobby Jindal, and that did not change last night,...

Schumer to GOP: Stimulus Is All or Nothing

Governors can't cherry-pick favorite parts, senator argues

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer thinks governors ought to have one choice when it comes to the stimulus: Take it or leave it. The New York senator is fed up with Republicans like Bobby Jindal and Mark Sanford, who want to grab some federal cash while refusing the rest on ideological grounds. “...

Public Trusts Obama, Blames GOP for Stimulus Row
Public Trusts Obama, Blames GOP for Stimulus Row

Public Trusts Obama, Blames GOP for Stimulus Row

(Newser) - GOP attempts to attack Barack Obama on the stimulus don’t appear to be working. According to a New York Times/CBS poll, three quarters of Americans, including 6 in 10 Republicans, believe the president is trying to act in a bipartisan manner, and most blame Republicans for objecting to the...

Republicans Hope for 1994 All Over Again

But Dems are in a better position than they were under Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama is banking on change, but Republicans are betting things haven’t changed much at all. They’re hoping to bounce back from the political wasteland using the same playbook that swept them into power in 1994, Jeanne Cummings writes in Politico. The strategy: Unite against Democrats' economic policy,...

GOP Guvs Right to See Stimulus Cash as 'Trap'
GOP Guvs Right to See Stimulus Cash as 'Trap'

GOP Guvs Right to See Stimulus Cash as 'Trap'

Say law is a 'budget trap' that will hook them on more spending

(Newser) - Five Republican governors are threatening to turn down much of their stimulus windfall, afraid of taking addictive doses of spending on education, welfare, and health care that the states would have to shoulder in 2011 and beyond. And they're right to worry, the Wall Street Journal says. Take enrolling new...

Obstinate GOP Digging Itself Deeper
 Obstinate GOP 
 Digging Itself Deeper 

Obstinate GOP Digging Itself Deeper

(Newser) - Even the stimulus couldn’t rouse Republicans “into any human feeling,” writes Derrick Jackson of the Boston Globe. “With the collective livelihood of America at stake,” Republicans opted for full-blown obstinacy, crying about the deficit while conveniently forgetting that their president had turned a $128 billion...

Obama Plays 'Gandhian Hardball'
Obama Plays 'Gandhian Hardball'

Obama Plays 'Gandhian Hardball'

Bipartisanship doesn't work anymore, except as tonal strategy

(Newser) - Barack Obama got his stimulus passed, but he couldn’t convince any Republicans to vote for it, and that sent the media fretting. Had the president, as one paper put it, “delivered the post-partisan era” he’d promised? “The man had been in office for eight days,”...

State Reps Tell Burris to Resign

Senator omitted important info during January hearings

(Newser) - Two Illinois Republicans are calling on Sen. Roland Burris to resign amid allegations he committed perjury during the Rod Blagojevich impeachment hearings, Fox News reports. State representatives Jim Durkin and Tom Cross are also demanding an outside investigation. "I think it would be in the best interest of the...

House Passes Stimulus Bill
 House Passes Stimulus Bill 

House Passes Stimulus Bill

(Newser) - The House today passed the $787 billion stimulus bill, once again without a single Republican vote, the AP reports. Eight Democrats also opposed the bill, which will make its way to the Senate later today. The victory belongs to President Obama, who says the package will save or create 3....

Obama Cringes at Carter Comparison

GOP sees comeback in portraying new prez as weak, inexperienced

(Newser) - You may get away with calling President Obama “Barry,” but don’t call him “Jimmy”—as in Carter, the Times of London reports. Anxious to characterize Obama as weak at home and inexperienced abroad, Republicans have seized on the comparison first made by Hillary Clinton supporters...

McConnell Tells GOP to Shape Up, End Bush 'Drag'

(Newser) - The top Senate Republican warned today that the GOP risks remaining out of power in the White House and Congress unless it better explains its core principles to woo one-time faithful and new loyalists. Mitch McConnell spoke to party activists gathered in Washington to elect a new national chairman tomorrow,...

Republican Congressman Apologizes for Limbaugh Flap

Sees 'eye-to-eye' with talk show host

(Newser) - A Republican congressman who defended his colleagues from the wrath of Rush Limbaugh apologized today to his "fellow conservatives" and said his anti-Rush statements were taken out of context, Politico reports. Georgia's Phil Gingrey said his comments "read much harsher than they were actually intended," and he...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>