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Superhero Movie Genre About to Fizzle

It probably won't survive the coming glut of movies from Warner Bros: columnist

(Newser) - News that Warner Bros. is planning no fewer than 10 DC comics movies in the next six years is great news for superhero fans, yes? No, writes Stephanie Merry at the Washington Post . In fact, the announcement might just herald the end of the genre. "Decades from now, cinephiles...

Superhero TV Show Heading to ... PlayStation?

Powers, based on superhero crime comic, moves to PSN

(Newser) - Move over Netflix; there's yet another new player in the online original TV programming arena. Sony has picked up the rights to Powers, a comic about homicide detectives who investigate cases involving superheroes, and intends to turn it into a live-action drama for its PlayStation Network, Deadline reports. The...

Hey, Hollywood: You Could Learn From Comics on Islamophobia

New Muslim-American superhero shows what can be done: Muaaz Khan

(Newser) - The world is about to get a new superhero, courtesy of Marvel Comics, who just happens to be a smart Muslim-American teen girl . Well done, writes Muaaz Khan at the Guardian , who hopes the fictional Kamala Khan proves to be just as much of a role model for young Muslims...

Army Envisions 'Iron Man' Suit for Special Ops

OK, it won't look like the comic-book version, but it has similarities

(Newser) - If you've ever dreamed of being a superhero, there may soon be reason to join the Army. It's developing a "revolutionary" armor that "promises to provide superhuman strength with greater ballistic protection," LiveScience reports. The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit would include a bulletproof exoskeleton...

Man of Steel Not Quite Super
 Man of Steel Not Quite Super 
movie review

Man of Steel Not Quite Super

Zack Snyder directs Superman reboot

(Newser) - Man of Steel brings us the origin of Superman, with a little help from producer Christopher Nolan. While the heavy-handed movie has its moments, critics aren't quite convinced:
  • "The chief problem here is one of rhythm and balance in the storytelling and directing. The movie swings between destructive

UK Cops Seek 'Incredible Hulk' Over Assault

Suspect was painted green with orange hair during alleged attack

(Newser) - Police in northern England are after a suspect who should stand out from the crowd: She's green with orange hair—or at least, she was. The police themselves have already dubbed the woman, suspected of assault, the "Incredible Hulk," Sky News reports. The alleged attack, outside a...

Iron Man 3 Solid Enough
 Iron Man 3 Solid Enough 
movie review

Iron Man 3 Solid Enough

Robert Downey Jr. stars in Avengers followup

(Newser) - The latest installment in the Iron Man franchise follows up on the Avengers—and, with its terrorist themes, arrives at an uncomfortable time, critics note. Wonders Anthony Lane in the New Yorker : "Had we really congregated in this place to savor the spectacle of bodies being flung around by...

'Superhero' Quits After Thugs Beat Him Up

Roger Hayhurst was known as Knight Warrior

(Newser) - A real-life superhero says he's hanging up his mask after getting beat up on the streets of Manchester, England, the Telegraph reports. Roger Hayhurst, 20, who called himself Knight Warrior, had promised "to get crime off the streets" while donning a $300 costume of black-and-blue lycra. He even...

Brit 'Batman' Drops Bad Guy Off to Cops

Costumed man hauls suspected burglar to station

(Newser) - It seems Batman has moved beyond Gotham City. The superhero caught a suspected burglar in Bradford, north England, Reuters reports, and helpfully dropped the him off at the police station. "The person who brought the wanted man into the station was dressed in a full Batman outfit," said...

Superman Quits His Day Job

Hero leaves the Daily Planet , where he's worked since 1940

(Newser) - Clark Kent has held down a job at the same company for an impressive 72 years—but things are changing in Metropolis. Superman's alter ego is leaving his job at the Daily Planet newspaper with a tirade on how journalism has been taken over by entertainment, USA Today reports....

Ka-Pow! Disney Sued for Billions in Battle for Marvel

Suit questions giant profits from superhero films

(Newser) - Disney is facing a multibillion-dollar lawsuit over its enormous success with Marvel superhero flicks. Stan Lee Media says Stan Lee gave it the rights to the many characters he created in 1998—then gave identical rights to Marvel Enterprises, which Disney bought in 2009 for $4.3 billion. "The...

South American Superhero Makes ... $160 a Month

Meet Lima, Peru's Superman, Avelino Chavez

(Newser) - If crime doesn't pay, then fighting crime doesn't, either. Lima's own resident superhero makes just $160 a month—though, to be fair, he's not known for making daring rescues. Instead, Avelino Chavez dons Superman garb every day to appear at notable weddings and political rallies; he...

Marvel Designs Deaf Hero to Inspire Boy

Comics company responds to mom's email

(Newser) - A 4-year-old boy was sick of wearing his hearing aid because, he told his mother, superheroes don't wear them. So she sent Marvel Comics an email asking about deaf characters—and the company designed a hero just for young Anthony Smith. First, Marvel sent Anthony a picture of Hawkeye,...

Critics Agree: Avengers a Blast
 Critics Agree: Avengers a Blast 
movie review

Critics Agree: Avengers a Blast

Joss Whedon directs Robert Downey Jr. in superhero blowout

(Newser) - Sure, it's an effective moneymaking scheme: release movies about individual superheroes, then one about all of them. But with Joss Whedon at the helm, The Avengers really works. What critics are saying:
  • "Even if you don't particularly like comic-book adaptations, this film just might make a believer

Real-Life Batman in Traffic Stop Unveiled

Lenny Robinson is a superhero of sorts himself

(Newser) - When Maryland cops pulled over Batman on a traffic stop last week , photos of the incident quickly went viral. So who was the grown man decked out head to toe in Batman gear and driving a black Lamborghini with Batman tags instead of plates? It turns out to be a...

Ghost Rider Pretty Much a Joke
 Ghost Rider 
 Pretty Much 
 a Joke 
review roundup

Ghost Rider Pretty Much a Joke

But Nicolas Cage seems to get it: critics

(Newser) - Critics agree: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is ridiculous. But they're divided over whether the silliness of the sequel, once again starring Nicolas Cage as the devilish superhero, is funny or just bad.
  • In the Merced Sun-Star , Roger Moore calls the movie "a profoundly silly mash-up of comic

Seattle 'Superhero' Avoids Assault Charge

But Phoenix Jones 'deeply misguided': official

(Newser) - Seattle’s “superhero”—the masked Phoenix Jones—has managed to avoid a possible assault charge after a pepper-spray showdown ; he says he was on a rescue mission. A city attorney says there wasn’t enough evidence for a jury to find him guilty, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. But...

Ben Fodor, aka Seattle Superhero Phoenix Jones, Appears in Court

 Makes Court 

Seattle Superhero Makes Court Appearance

'Phoenix Jones' vows that arrest won't stop him

(Newser) - Even superheroes aren't above the law. Self-appointed Seattle crime-fighter Phoenix Jones was in court last week following his arrest in a pepper-spray debacle . No charges have yet been filed against Jones' mild-mannered alter-ego (read: real identity), one Benjamin Fodor; prosecutors told the judge they want more time to make...

Captain America Reviews: Good Summer Fare
 Critics Salute Captain America 
movie review

Critics Salute Captain America

Chris Evans stars in Joe Johnston's film

(Newser) - Captain America: The First Avenger, starring Chris Evans, isn't exactly deserving of 50 stars, but as far as superhero flicks go, it's an enjoyable, if somewhat enhanced, period piece. Just don’t expect Dark Knight-quality stuff.
  • "Captain America, like its unapologetically corny hero, is propelled by unpretentious

Movie Review Roundup: 'Green Lantern,' Starring Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively
 No Shine From 
 Green Lantern 
movie review

No Shine From Green Lantern

Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively star in Martin Campbell's film

(Newser) - Green Lantern is chock-full of special effects, but they’re not enough to rescue this superhero flick. Critics complain:
  • Green Lantern is bad,” writes Manohla Dargis in the New York Times . It’s "impeded by lame jokes; evocations of better movies; an ugly-bruise palette of black, green,

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