
Stories 61 - 79 | << Prev 

A Tough Guy for Everyone
 A Tough Guy for Everyone 

A Tough Guy for Everyone

Why Wolverine has had such lasting appeal

(Newser) - Wolverine has endured. The character has two comic-book series, a new blockbuster movie, and his own exhibit at New York’s comic museum 35 years after being introduced as a sidekick. Why has Wolverine had such long lasting appeal? With a dark, mysterious past, and a “penchant for berserker...

Wolverine Lacks Claws
 Wolverine Lacks Claws 

Wolverine Lacks Claws

Sharp performance from Jackman saves stale X-Men spinoff from total mediocrity

(Newser) - A charismatic Hugh Jackman gamely slashes his way through X:Men Origins: Wolverine, say critics, but he's let down by a stale script and effects that fail to lift the movie above generic superhero fare.
  • The "action-filled spinoff delivers on the brawn but not the soul of

Watchmen Just Watchable

Just Watchable 

Watchmen Just Watchable

Film 'bites off more than it can chew'

(Newser) - The task of putting graphic-novel classic Watchmen onscreen may be more than any filmmaker can handle, critics say—though director Zack Snyder did win over Roger Ebert. Some impressions:
  • "Stumbles and sometimes falls on its top-heavy ambitions. But there are also flashes of visual brilliance and performances that drill

Watchmen Sure to Blow Wilson's Cover

(Newser) - Patrick Wilson has had many brushes with fame, but it’s fairly certain his role in the hotly anticipated Watchmen will finally make walking down the street a chore, New York reports. He’s done studio films before (remember The Alamo?), won praise for his role in Little Children, even...

Lesbian Batwoman Busts Comic Book Barriers

DC Comics' first openly gay crime-fighter to take starring role in Batman's absence

(Newser) - With Batman presumed dead, keeping the streets of Gotham City safe will be left to comics' only gay hero, reports the Daily Telegraph. Batwoman—described as a "lesbian socialite by night and a crime-fighter by later in the night"—will star in a 12-issue run of  Detective Comics...

Push All Style, No Coherence
 Push All Style, No Coherence 

Push All Style, No Coherence

(Newser) - Push, the latest would-be superhero franchise, “has vibrant cinematography and decent acting,” writes Roger Ebert, “but I’m blasted if I know what it’s about.” Oh, he gets the basics: Movers are telekinetic, Watchers are psychic, and Pushers control minds. There are also Stitchers, Wipers,...

Studios Call Off Watchmen War
 Studios Call Off Watchmen War 

Studios Call Off Watchmen War

Long-awaited comic adaptation to hit theaters after Fox, Warners settle

(Newser) - Audiences will be able to watch Watchmen as scheduled now that Warner Bros and Fox smoothed out a super hero dispute, E! Online reports. Fox, which sued Warners for copyright infringement over the DC Comics film adaptation, has agreed to relinquish distribution rights for a cash payment and a...

Comics Legend Stan Lee Creates Gay Superhero

Character will debut in a 1-hour Showtime special

(Newser) - Is the world ready for the first homosexual superhero? Comic legend Stan Lee has created the character Thom Creed, a high-school basketball player who must deal with his sexual orientation as well as untrained superpowers, the Telegraph reports. The character, adapted by Lee from the novel Hero by Perry Moore,...

Batman (Apparently) Killed Off
 Batman (Apparently) Killed Off 

Batman (Apparently) Killed Off

As killed off as anyone gets in comics, anyway

(Newser) - Bruce Wayne appears to have fought his last crime. This week’s Batman #681, the conclusion of the ominously titled Batman RIP story, sees Batman (spoiler alert) apparently blown up on a crashing helicopter, in a confrontation with a villain who may or may not be his father. But no...

Beyonc&eacute; Wants to Be Wonder Woman
Beyoncé Wants to Be Wonder Woman

Beyoncé Wants to Be Wonder Woman

Aspiring superhero ready to try on Amazon's outfit for size

(Newser) - There’s no film in the works yet, but Beyoncé has made her intentions clear: She wants to be the first big-screen Wonder Woman. The star shared her ambitions with DC Comics and Warner Bros. after being wowed by Linda Carter’s original costume at superhero-themed museum exhibition earlier this...

How to Become Batman
 How to Become Batman 

How to Become Batman

It's possible—but don't expect to keep it up

(Newser) - We all want to be Batman. But how do we make it happen? An interview with neuroscience professor and martial artist E. Paul Zehr in Scientific American provides some tips: Three to 5 years of strength and conditioning training, 10 to 12 years of learning self-defense skills, and up to...

Dark Knight Dazzles
 Dark Knight Dazzles 

Dark Knight Dazzles

Heath Ledger's final performance burns in the dark

(Newser) - Dark Knight swoops into cinemas tomorrow and critics say the hype is more than justified. "This is not merely a Batman movie," Amy Biancolli writes in the Houston Chronicle. It is one of the year's best films "and far and away the most hypnotic chiller." The...

People Don't Like You, Hancock
 People Don't Like You, Hancock 
movie review

People Don't Like You, Hancock

They all want to, though

(Newser) - Everyone wants to like Hancock. The idea of a slovenly, booze-swilling superhero screwup is undeniably priceless. But “the finished product is so poorly conceived and misguided that even Will Smith… can't save it,” writes Claudia Puig of USA Today. The movie starts out irreverent and fun, then veers...

Superhero Dads Protest on Lawmaker's Roof

Fathers' group demonstrates for paternal access rights

(Newser) - Two dads in superhero getups climbed on a British lawmaker's roof today to demand their rights, the AP reports. A fathers' group staged the protest to promote paternal access rights, after talks with 10 Downing St. broke down. “We are now resuming a full-scale campaign of direct action,”...

Superheroes: Ruining the Day
 Superheroes: Ruining the Day 

Superheroes: Ruining the Day

Summer's been hijacked by the spandex crowd, complains one curmudgeon

(Newser) - Once upon a time, summer movies appealed to everyone, not just 14-year-old nerds. They especially appealed to Chris Nashawaty, who outlines his love of big dumb action flicks in Entertainment Weekly. But now, our summers have been hijacked by an endless stream of lousy spandex-wearers, and Nashawaty is willing to...

Iron Man Solid Gold
 Iron Man Solid Gold 
movie review

Iron Man Solid Gold

Critics love Downey as avenger in superhero turn

(Newser) - Iron Man rockets into theaters tomorrow, and it’s so good it “practically dares the competition to measure up,” Peter Travers writes in Rolling Stone. Critics are nearly unanimous in praising the latest superhero flick, admiring its “raw vitality” and “pitch-perfect casting.” Robert Downey Jr....

Iron Man Wrought of Risk
 Iron Man
 Wrought of Risk 

Iron Man Wrought of Risk

Studio rolls the dice with Downey, Favreau

(Newser) - Iron Man isn’t really an A-list superhero. “You could really go down the list till you get to Iron Man,” says director John Favreau. But Marvel Studios is banking its future on Iron Man, and its titular hero isn’t even the riskiest part. There’s also...

Marvel Takes Superheros Online
Marvel Takes Superheros Online

Marvel Takes Superheros Online

Hit hard by Internet, comic business hopes fans pay to subscribe

(Newser) - Comic giant Marvel will soon launch a website where fans can access thousands of new and vintage titles featuring Spider Man, the X-Men, the Avengers, and other iconic superheroes. The Internet has dealt a heavy blow to newsstand comic sales, and Marvel hopes to recoup some of the loss with...

Captain America Dead at 66
Captain America Dead at 66

Captain America Dead at 66

(Newser) - In an issue of its comic book coming out July 5, Marvel Comics kills off superhero Captain America.  In "Fallen Son" Captain America is killed by an assassin on the steps of the federal courthouse in New York.  He was there after refusing to register his true...

Stories 61 - 79 | << Prev