
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Coming in 2013: 300 Extra Hours of School

Students at some schools in 5 states will get extra learning time

(Newser) - Happy holidays, kids: Your present is an extra 300 hours of school in 2013! Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Tennessee will announce the extra learning time today, a three-year pilot program at select schools meant to improve student achievement and allow kids to take part in more enrichment activities...

Pakistan School Renamed for Malala

Girl's parents arrive in Britain to see daughter

(Newser) - Pakistani officials are renaming an all-female college in Swat in honor of Malala Yousufzai, the teen activist hospitalized by a Taliban attack. As to the militant group, "we just want to tell them we will not be deterred by their actions," says a local official. "We always...

Mom Jailed 180 Days for Kids' Truancy

She broke California's law on unexcused school absences

(Newser) - A California mother who let her two young kids miss a huge chunk of school last year for no good reason is paying the price in jail. Lorraine Cuevas, 34, already has begun serving her 180-day sentence for violating the state's truancy law, reports KMPH . Kings County school officials...

LSU Evacuated Over Bomb Threat

Police checking for connection to recent threats in other states

(Newser) - Louisiana State University's campus was evacuated today after the school received a bomb threat, the AP reports. The school's website urged the roughly 30,000 students, professors and miscellaneous staff on site to leave "as calmly and quickly as possible." Bomb technicians are searching the campus....

Maryland School Nixes Homework

Kids read 30 minutes per night instead

(Newser) - It's every schoolkid's dream come true: There's no more homework at a Maryland elementary school. The new assignment for students: Read a book of their choosing for 30 minutes per night, Fox 5 reports. After becoming principal two years ago, Stephanie Brant and her colleagues "really...

Suri Heading to New $40K 'World' School

She'll start first grade at Avenues in Chelsea, near home

(Newser) - Suri Cruise isn't going to be a Catholic school girl after all. She's about to book it to a new institution of learning, the for-profit $40,000-a-year Avenues World School that overlooks the High Line park in Chelsea, just blocks from Suri and Katie Holmes' Manhattan home. The...

America&#39;s Kids: School Is Way Too Easy

 America's Kids: 
 School Is Way 
 Too Easy 
new report

America's Kids: School Is Way Too Easy

More than a third of 4th-, 8th-, 12th-graders say so about various subjects

(Newser) - If your kid's favorite pastime seems to be whining to you about the rigors of school, it might be time to call his bluff. A study of questionnaires completed as part of America's largest regular student assessment finds that a huge segment of our nation's kids say...

Many Schools, Camps Ban ... Sunscreen

 Many Schools, 
 Camps Ban 
 ... Sunscreen 

Many Schools, Camps Ban ... Sunscreen

Because it's an over-the-counter drug

(Newser) - This week, a Washington state mom made headlines when she blogged about her kids' terrible sunburns after school; the girls hadn't been offered sunscreen during a field trip. Turns out that anti-sunscreen policies are everywhere, USA Today reports. That's in large part because of regulations barring children from...

Berkeley Schools Invest in Attendance—and It Works

Brings in extra $1M in funding

(Newser) - Berkeley schools' superintendent had enough cash in hand to hire three new teachers a year ago—but he chose to take a risk. Bill Huyett opted to spend $250,000 on new administrative staff dedicated to making sure kids showed up at school. Looks like it worked: After nine months,...

Brooklyn School Bans Hugs
 Brooklyn School Bans Hugs 

Brooklyn School Bans Hugs

Parents outraged, rebellious kids keep embracing in protest

(Newser) - The Brooklyn Prospect Charter School is cracking down on that most deviant of tween behaviors: hugging. The school has instituted a rule banning hugs in the hallways, outraging many students and teachers, the Brooklyn Paper reports. Though the rule was purportedly instituted after a sixth-grader said a hug from an...

NY Test Asks Kids About Baffling 'Talking Pineapple'

Bizarre story befuddles New York students, teachers

(Newser) - No amount of studying could prepare students to assess the wisdom of a talking pineapple, but that's what New York kids were asked to do on a state test. The eighth-grade reading exam offered a fable-like story about a pineapple challenging a hare to a race. Other animals weigh...

Teacher: I Was Fired for Trayvon Hoodie Protest

She tried to help students organize a fundraiser, got canned

(Newser) - A civil rights group is raising a hue and cry on behalf of Brooke Harris, who says she was fired for trying to help students organize a fundraiser protesting the killing of Trayvon Martin. Harris says students in her yearbook class suggested an event in which they'd pay $1...

School Report: Trayvon Once Suspended With 'Burglary Tool'

Latest news is attempt to 'demonize' teen, says family attorney

(Newser) - The battle over Trayvon Martin continues. Now it emerges that the teen was suspended from his high school three times, including for carrying a screwdriver, which officials considered a "burglary tool," according to school authorities. The screwdriver was found with women's jewelry in his backpack after a...

School Backs Free Condoms for Kids 12 and Up

Massachusetts measure would include counseling

(Newser) - In a 5-1 preliminary vote, a school committee for a Massachusetts town has approved providing free condoms to students ages 12 and older. The service, which requires a second vote for final approval, would provide the condoms through Springfield school nurses and clinics. Those given the contraceptives would receive counseling...

Teacher Sued for Ordering Girl to Pee in Bucket

Student, 14, says it was done to shame her

(Newser) - A 14-year-old San Diego girl has filed a $25,000 lawsuit against a teacher she says ordered her to pee in a bucket within earshot of her classmates. The alleged incident occurred Feb. 22, when the student asked to be excused to use the bathroom. She says teacher Gonja Wolf...

Mom Packs Books, Lunch, Pistol for 6-Year-Old

Retired detective leaves gun in school bag

(Newser) - One 6-year-old girl surprised her classmates at a New York school this week by opening her bag and brandishing a .25-caliber handgun—left courtesy of her mom, a retired NYPD detective. "No one was hurt—but maybe she don't know it's a real gun and bang, bang,...

School Takes Roll With Fingerprint Scans

Scanners to be installed on buses, too

(Newser) - Roll-calls are so 20th century. A cutting-edge Florida district is scanning students' fingerprints as a way of taking attendance, Popular Science reports. And the schools are getting even more careful: While the scanning systems are currently in school buildings, some will soon be moved to buses, allowing the district to...

Parents Should Send Kids to 'Wrong School'

WSJ writer agast at schools that follow children home

(Newser) - Sending your child to a better school outside your district is a worthy act of civil disobedience—especially if you're a disenfranchised minority parent, argues Michael Flaherty in the Wall Street Journal . Exasperated parents "whose children are zoned into failing public schools" have even started a mini-crime wave...

Tampa Police: We Stopped School Massacre

Teen Jared Cano accused of plotting to bomb school next week

(Newser) - Authorities in Tampa say they busted up a teen's Columbine-level plot to attack his former high school, reports the St. Petersburg Times . Police arrested a 17-year-old expelled student who had a cache of bomb-making materials at his home and a journal detailing his plans to bomb Freedom High School...

Education and Technology: Kids on Facebook Get Worse Grades
 Kids on Facebook 
 Get Worse Grades 
study says

Kids on Facebook Get Worse Grades

But the social network has its benefits

(Newser) - Brace yourselves, parents: a flood of new research shows the damaging effects Facebook can have on kids. Middle school through college-age youths who checked the site at least once within a 15-minute study bloc received poorer marks, researchers found. Meanwhile, teens on Facebook appear to be more narcissistic, and kids...

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