Islamic militants

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Mumbai Crisis: 60 Hours, 195 Killed, 295 Wounded

Officials tie attacks to Pakistan

(Newser) - The attacks by terrorists on Mumbai spread over 60 hours and left at least 195 dead and 295 wounded, AFP reports. As the focus turns now to figuring out who and why, authorities were piecing together the logistics of the assaults. Attackers arrived by water Wednesday night on a pair...

Afghans Bust Schoolgirl Acid Attackers

Assault was 'work of the Taliban': minister

(Newser) - Afghan officials have nabbed 10 Taliban militants accused of throwing acid in the faces of eight schoolgirls and four female teachers, Reuters reports. President Hamid Karzai called for their arrest and said the group would be publicly executed. “The attack was the work of the Taliban and we have...

Resilient Taliban Drives Pakistan to Brutal Tactics

200,000 displaced in tribal regions as state battles militants

(Newser) - In the lawless Northwest Frontier Province, the Pakistani army has been fighting the Taliban for 3 months for control of just a sliver of land. State forces had expected the battle to be a cursory victory, but the Taliban is stronger and more deeply entrenched—literally, in a network of...

Indonesia Executes Bali Bombers

(Newser) - Indonesia executed three Islamic militants today for helping plan and carry out the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people, many of them foreign tourists, lawyers and relatives said. Imam Samudra and brothers Amrozi Nurhasyim and Ali Ghufron were executed at 11:20 p.m. several miles from their high...

Three Warlords Loom Large in Afghanistan

Former anti-Soviet allies come back to haunt US

(Newser) - Behind Afghanistan’s recent escalation in violence looms three faces familiar to the US intelligence community. Mohammed Omar, founding mullah of the “Big T” Taliban government; Jalaluddin Haqqani, his one-time cabinet minister; and the ruthless Gulbuddin Hekmatyar are most responsible for leading the anti-government charge, the LA Times reports—...

Yemen Arrests 30 in Embassy Attack

US investigators to help Yemeni authorities

(Newser) - Yemeni police today rounded up 30 people, all suspected of links to al-Qaeda, in response to yesterday's attack on the US embassy that killed 16. The US has pledged to send agents to help local authorities "investigate whether the suspects are linked" to the attack, a security source tells...

Yemeni Attackers Aimed to Slaughter US Diplomats

Sophisticated plan raises fears of al-Qaeda revival

(Newser) - Islamic militants who attacked the US embassy in Yemen yesterday planned to massacre all the Americans in the compound, a security source tells Time. The attackers intended to pass a checkpoint disguised as guards and then blow up the gate with a vehicle, clearing the way for a second carload...

Attack on US Embassy in Yemen Kills 16

'Multiple casualties' in car bomb blast at gates

(Newser) - A car bomb at the gates of the American embassy in Yemen has caused at least 16 casualties, a US spokesman inside the embassy told AP.  Two car bombs were followed by a gun battle between attackers and guards, said Yemeni officials. Hundreds of heavily armed troops have now...

Toll Hits 70 in Pakistan Bombings

Taliban blasts rock civilian government

(Newser) - The death toll in yesterday's twin suicide blasts in Pakistan has risen to 70 people as the tragedy continues to rattle the civilian government just days after the ouster of President Pervez Musharraf, the New York Times reports. Pakistan's Taliban has claimed responsibility for the bombings at the gates of...

Indian Bombings Kill 29
 Indian Bombings Kill 29

Indian Bombings Kill 29

Series of small blasts hit Bangalore, Ahmedabad

(Newser) - A series of small explosions rocked an Indian city for the second straight day today, Reuters reports. At least 29 people were killed and 88 injured in a wave of blasts in Ahmedabad, which has a history of Hindu-Muslim tensions. Yesterday, at least one person was killed in a similar...

Islamic Militants Now Migrating to Pakistan to Fight

Lawless northwest becomes haven for region's extremists

(Newser) - Pakistan, rather than Iraq, has become the preferred destination for foreign fighters looking to join Islamic militant organizations, reports the New York Times. Websites are increasingly encouraging migrating Sunni extremists to go to Pakistan and Afghanistan, where they can join a "winning fight," rather than participate in the...

Pakistan Truce Cedes Region to Militants

Government reins loosen in return for fewer attacks; West worried

(Newser) - Pakistan struck a peace deal today with Islamic militants in northwestern Pakistan, the AP reports. Under the pact, the military will slowly pull out of Swat, a region along the Afghanistan border, and allow radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah to install limited Islamic law there. In exchange, the militants will recognize...

Israeli Gunfire Kills 5, Wounds 18 in Central Gaza

Two Hamas militants killed in air strike

(Newser) - Israeli gun and tank fire in Gaza today killed at least five Palestinians, including two boys, said officials at a Palestinian hospital. The wounded included 18 civilians and two fighters. Israeli officials said troops entered the area to quell terrorist activity and push Palestinians from a border fence when they...

20 Dead in Pakistan Blasts
20 Dead in Pakistan Blasts

20 Dead in Pakistan Blasts

Many more injured after bombings at police headquarters, residential area

(Newser) - Two suicide explosions killed at least 20 people in Lahore early today, Reuters reports. One bomb devastated the city's federal police headquarters. "We're trying to evacuate the wounded trapped under the debris," said an official. The second blast occurred when two men blew themselves up in a pickup...

Boy Scout Saves Maldives President From Assassin

15-year-old blocks knife-wielding assailant

(Newser) - A 15-year-old boy scout saved the Maldives president from an assassination attempt today, wrestling the assailant to the ground. AFP reports that a 20-year-old man brandishing a knife went after Maumoon Abdul Gayoom while he was visiting one of the archipelago's northern islands. Police are currently trying to establish the...

Bloody Pakistan Mosque Blast
Bloody Pakistan Mosque Blast

Bloody Pakistan Mosque Blast

Suicide bomber kills dozens at prayer

(Newser) - A suicide bomber has killed at least 50 people praying in a mosque in northwestern Pakistan. The bomber blew himself up in the middle of a crowd saying Eid prayers. Former interior minister Aftab Sherpao is believed to have been the target, and reportedly survived the attack. An attempt on...

Suicide Blasts Rock Rawalpindi
Suicide Blasts Rock Rawalpindi

Suicide Blasts Rock Rawalpindi

15 to 35 dead in attacks near military headquarters

(Newser) - Two suicide bombers struck within minutes of each other in the Pakistani garrison city of Rawalpindi today, killing up to 35 people and adding fuel to the political crisis that grips Pakistan. An explosives-laden van rammed a bus carrying Pakistani intelligence agents, leaving it a charred hulk. Another bomber hit...

Militants Battle Pakistani Troops
Militants Battle Pakistani Troops

Militants Battle Pakistani Troops

Radical cleric spark deadly fight over Islamist rule

(Newser) - In the latest violent outbreak in Pakistan, supporters of an extremist cleric yesterday captured a police post in the north and beheaded 13 people following a battle with soldiers, reports the AP. Troops on Friday had raided Maulana Fazlullah's stronghold in the formerly peaceful Swat district, where the radical cleric...

Detective Quits Bhutto Bomb Case
Quits Bhutto Bomb Case

Detective Quits Bhutto Bomb Case

Ex-PM charges bias, says he attended husband's torture

(Newser) - The detective probing last week's bomb attack on Bhutto quit today, after the two-time PM accused him of bias, the BBC reports. Bhutto claimed that Manzur Mughal attended her husband's torture eight years ago, and Pakistan did not deny it. “The investigation team will be formed anew,” an...

Bhutto Blames Old Enemies for Bombing

Pakistani officials suspect warlord tied to Taliban, Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto today condemned last night's suicide bomb attempt on her life, which claimed more than 130 of her supporters' lives, calling it "an attack on democracy, an attack on the very unity and integrity of Pakistan."  At a press conference, she vowed not to retreat. "...

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