
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

America's Most Expensive Dorms

Cost of room and board is on the rise

(Newser) - America's indebted students can expect to pay more for room and board this year. Prices increased 4.6% at public and 3.9% at private colleges, with average costs of $8,535 and $9,700 respectively, finds CampusGrotto . Here are some of the most expensive places to lay your weary...

Quidditch Takes a Cutthroat Turn

Players are battling for the soul of the sport

(Newser) - Harry Potter's favorite game of Quidditch is continuing to sweep US college campuses with techniques and rules making matches more competitive. The real-life game that began at Middlebury has "grown up," and now involves deadly serious faceoffs, new brooms (that don't make players fly), and a 60-team World...

'Drunkorexia' Walloping College Kids

Skipping eating for booze threatening health

(Newser) - College kids suffering from eating disorders are increasingly grappling with the added complication of "drunkorexia." Drunkorexics, most of them women, skip eating to reserve calories for binge drinking. While many students are proud of their ability to down copious amounts of booze without gaining weight by relying on...

America's 10 Priciest Colleges
 America's 10 Priciest Colleges 

America's 10 Priciest Colleges

...that we definitely haven't saved enough for

(Newser) - Oh, sweet journalistic irony: Forbes releases its list of the country's most expensive colleges, and MarketWatch reports on a Sallie Mae survey released today that finds that, on average, families have saved $48,367 for school by the time their kid leaves for college. (Though, disturbingly, 24% of parents use...

Employers Like State School Grads, Not Ivy Leaguers

Survey says big companies prefer those from non-elite schools

(Newser) - Move over Harvard; when it comes to hiring entry-level employees, most businesses prefer to recruit from state schools, according to a new survey. The Wall Street Journal polled 479 of the country’s largest companies and asked where they did their recruiting. Of the top 25 schools they named, 19...

9 Crazy College Courses
 9 Crazy College Courses 
wine tasting...for credit?

9 Crazy College Courses

Forget anthropology—learn about zombies instead

(Newser) - Lady Gaga: Worthy of a college class? Apparently so, at least according to the University of Virginia. (For more on “GaGa for Gaga: Sex, Gender, and Identity,” click here .) The Frisky rounds up eight more college courses that sound insane…in a good way:
  • Zombies: At the

First Muslim College in US Opens

Zaytuna is located in Berkeley

(Newser) - The first Muslim college in America quietly began classes this week, amid the continued fervor over the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero and a certain pastor bent on burning Korans. The location of Zaytuna College in Berkeley probably explains its relatively untroubled beginnings, though some conservatives have attacked the...

Donor-Hungry Colleges Hit Up ... New Students
Donor-Hungry Colleges
Hit Up ... New Students

Donor-Hungry Colleges Hit Up ... New Students

Give, freshmen, give!

(Newser) - Celebrate while you can, college freshman: After the football games have ended and the keg-party buzz has worn off, you may be in for a harsh reality—the school you're paying tens of thousands of dollars wants you to be a donor. Like, now. With alumni-giving rates at record lows...

Let Fate Pick Your College Roomie
 Let Fate Pick 
 Your College Roomie 
maureen dowd

Let Fate Pick Your College Roomie

Matching services ruin a good life lesson

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd is saddened by this new trend of college students using matching services to pick their roommates. If college is supposed to broaden your horizons, what's the point in finding someone exactly like you to live with? As a primer for the real world, letting fate determine your dormmate...

New Site Lets Students Bet on Their Grades

And yes, they can bet they will flunk—with 'grade insurance'

(Newser) - A new website is taking wagers from American college students who want to bet on their own grades. Just as Las Vegas sports books set odds on sporting events, Ultrinsic will pay top dollar for A's, a little less for the more likely outcome of a B average or better,...

7 Reasons Your Kids Should Skip College

It's a four year—or more—waste of time, author says

(Newser) - College is a must if you want to have a real career, right? Nope, it’s “a scam, a self-perpetuating Ponzi scheme that needs to stop right now,” writes James Altucher for . Here are his seven reasons you shouldn’t send your kids:
  • It’ll cost

Biggest Party Animals Attend Georgia
 Party Animals 
 Attend Georgia 
princeton review rankings

Biggest Party Animals Attend Georgia

In student survey, Ohio U. finishes second

(Newser) - Good news for parents paying for their kids to study at the University of Georgia: The school is finally No. 1. The bad news: The Princeton Review list ranks the nation's top party schools. "UGA has been on the party school list for a while, but it’s one...

Colleges That Pay Off

 Colleges That Pay Off 
in case you missed it

Colleges That Pay Off

These schools offer a good return on investment

(Newser) - Which colleges pay off? PayScale crunched the numbers to compute the best returns on investment—by comparing the cost of a degree against what its students earn upon graduation—and Huffington Post rounds up the best of the bunch:
  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: annual ROI: 12.6%; 30-year ROI: $1.

Killer Companies Started By College Kids

Time, Reddit, and other smart ideas

(Newser) - Turns out you don't have to suffer through a 6-hour graduation ceremony before you can make a splash in the business world. The Huffington Post lists 10 really impressive companies started in college:
  1. Time magazine: Yale seniors Henry Luce and Briton Hadden dreamed up the idea of a newsweekly, and

Obama Calls on Black College Grads to Be Role Models

Speaking at Hampton U., president says education helps break down barriers

(Newser) - President Obama delivered the commencement address at a historically black college today for the first time since taking office. He called on the graduates of Hampton University in Virginia to "be role models for your brothers and sisters, to be mentors in your communities and, when the time comes,...

Emma Watson Talks 'Awful' First Days of College
 Emma Watson 
 Talks 'Awful' 
 First Days 
 of College 

Emma Watson Talks 'Awful' First Days of College

And guess what? She's taking an acting class.

(Newser) - Picture Emma Watson, the charming English girl who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, walking into her first college frat party. Seems like a scene out of a movie—and that’s how she felt about it, too. “I felt like I'd walked into an American teen...

College Waiting Lists Bigger Than Ever

Uncertain economy has schools, students hedging bets

(Newser) - The odds aren't looking good for the 3,382 high school seniors currently wait-listed by Duke—the college thinks it will probably end up taking only about 60 of them. Duke is far from the only college to dump record numbers of applicants into admissions purgatory this year, as economic...

Ranking America's Most Stressful Schools

These colleges might just drive you to suicide

(Newser) - This month, lots of high school overachievers will be anxiously awaiting acceptances from the halls of Ivy—even as concerns mount that these schools might not be great for your mental health. Cornell University, for example, had two suicides in as many days last month. So the Daily Beast decided...

9 Successes Who Were Rejected by Colleges

Don't worry, seniors: Ted Turner, Warren Buffett still made it

(Newser) - As high school seniors across the country anxiously wait for college acceptance—or rejection—letters, the Wall Street Journal offers a glimpse at a few success stories who received the dreaded thin envelope:
  • Warren Buffett: Though his rejection from Harvard Business School was “crushing” at the time, it “

First Lady to Give 3 Commencement Addresses

One will have to fulfill a community service pledge

(Newser) - Michelle Obama plans to give three commencement speeches this spring. The first lady will address the graduating classes of the University of Arkansas and the Anacostia Senior High School in Washington. She'll also speak at the graduation ceremony at George Washington University—assuming the students and faculty meet her challenge...

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