Scott Brown

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Scott Brown Invites Wrath From Right
Scott Brown Invites Wrath From Right

Scott Brown Invites Wrath From Right

Colleagues complain after several votes with Democrats

(Newser) - It turns out being a Republican from Massachusetts is a tricky gig. Scott Brown has jumped across the aisle a few times now, Politico notes, most recently by helping to break a GOP filibuster on a short-term extension of jobless benefits. He’s also sided against most of his party...

Senate Breaks GOP's Unemployment Filibuster

Moderate Republicans break ranks to move bill past key hurdle

(Newser) - A GOP attempt to filibuster another extension of unemployment benefits failed last night after four moderate Republicans voted with the Democrats. The bill—a package of measures that includes extending benefits for another month for around 200,000 long-term unemployed—is expected to pass a final vote later this week,...

Scott Brown Passes on Tea Party Rally With Palin

Grassroots group's favorite son snubs it from Washington

(Newser) - Scott Brown is distancing himself from the Tea Party advocates that got him elected, having turned down an invitation to speak with Sarah Palin at the grassroots group's first big Boston rally. Brown is tacking to the center since being elected on a wave of populist fury, and has told...

Maddow Tweaks Scott Brown With Fake, Real Ads

Takes out newspaper ad calling him out

(Newser) - Rachel Maddow really isn’t going to let Scott Brown live down his unfounded claim that Democrats were trying to get her to run for senator against him. Maddow, who’d already poked fun at Brown once for the fundraising e-mail he sent out based on the rumor, did it...

Maddow Denies Senate Run
 Maddow Denies Senate Run  

Maddow Denies Senate Run

And mocks Scott Brown for spreading rumor

(Newser) - Sorry, Scott Brown: Rachel Maddow isn’t running against you in 2012. Brown sent a fundraising email to supporters, warning that “the political machine in Massachusetts” was trying to recruit Maddow, based, apparently, on a tweet from Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair John Walsh that didn’t actually name Maddow,...

Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy
 Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy 

Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy

Kept up fight for comprehensive reform as other Dems wavered

(Newser) - President Obama may be the one history remembers for pulling off the biggest domestic policy reform in decades, but Nancy Pelosi "emerges from this battle as the real powerhouse in Washington," Julian Zelizer writes for CNN . Wielding both a "clear ideological agenda" and the "pragmatic political...

5 Myths About Health Bill Passage
 5 Myths About 
 Health Bill Passage 

5 Myths About Health Bill Passage

Americans aren't undecided, and the public option was DOA: Cillizza

(Newser) - With health care reform seemingly headed for passage now that Bart Stupak's on board, Chris Cillizza looks back at the debate and finds five persistent arguments with little or no grounding in reality.
  • Scott Brown was a game-changer: "Yes and no," Cillizza writes for the Washington Post . Lacking

Scott Brown: Dems Wasted Year on 'Bitter' Health Reform

'Destructive, endless drive' needs to be scrapped

(Newser) - Scott Brown accused President Obama and Democrats today of a "bitter, destructive, and endless" drive to pass health overhaul legislation that Brown warned would be disastrous. "An entire year has gone to waste," Brown said in the weekly GOP radio address. "Somehow, the greater the public...

Dems Missed Harassment Case Against Scott Brown
Dems Missed Harassment Case Against Scott Brown

Dems Missed Harassment Case Against Scott Brown

Woman accused him, then dropped suit

(Newser) - Scott Brown got tangled in messy sexual harassment allegations years ago, and Gawker thinks Democrats blew it by not even raising the issue during the recent campaign. A woman claimed Brown harassed her when she worked to get him elected in 1998, then spread rumors about her through fake letters...

Scott Brown Memoir Set for 2011

Massachusetts senator's book deal announced

(Newser) - Scott Brown’s inevitable book deal is in place. The Massachusetts senator’s memoir will be published by HarperCollins in early 2011, the AP reports. "I am humbled to have the opportunity to share my personal story in hopes to inform, encourage and inspire others," says Brown in...

Scott Brown Stumps for John McCain in Arizona

(Newser) - New GOP golden child Scott Brown campaigns in Arizona today for John McCain. With McCain fighting to save his seat, the visit will be the first test of Brown's ability to reel in support on the right. Of course, given Brown's vote in favor of the Democrats' jobs bill, this...

Rep. Delahunt Is Latest Dem to Bow Out

Mass. veteran is 17th to decide against re-election bid

(Newser) - Joining 16 of his fellow House Democrats, Massachusetts Rep. William Delahunt says he will not seek re-election this fall. “It’s got nothing to do with politics,” Delahunt, 68, tells the Boston Globe . “It’s time.” And while Delahunt had to be talked into seeking re-election...

Scott Brown: From Latchkey Kid to Male Model to Senator

His story is 'part Horatio Alger, part Zoolander'

(Newser) - One look at Scott Brown’s past, Frank Bruni writes, and you can see that “he’s indisputably self-made” with a “background that’s part Horatio Alger, part Zoolander.” Sure, the “famous truck” was purchased “not so he could haul lumber” but to haul his...

Brown Ripped for Vote on Jobs Bill

Senator mounts defense as Facebook friends mutiny

(Newser) - Scott Brown is getting flack from all sides for his decision to cross the aisle and vote to end debate on the Senate's $15 billion jobs legislation. The Drudge Report splashed the story on its homepage and tinted a photo of the Massachusetts senator an incriminating red. Far more vociferous...

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math
Scott Brown Changes the
Senate Math

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math

Moderate GOP votes up for grabs mean 56 could be Dems' new 60

(Newser) - Yesterday's Senate vote to end debate on the jobs bill showed that losing the supermajority may not be such a disaster for the Democrats after all, writes Nate Silver. Scott Brown joined four other moderate Republicans in voting to end a filibuster on Harry Reid's jobs bill, suggesting that a...

Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance
Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance

Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance

62-30 vote is victory, however small, for Dems, Obama

(Newser) - A bipartisan jobs bill cleared a GOP filibuster today with crucial momentum provided by the Senate's newest Republican, Scott Brown of Massachusetts. The 62-30 vote to advance the measure to a final vote Wednesday gives both President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats a much-needed victory—even though the $15 billion...

Scott Brown Makes 'Rookie' Mistake in Austin Comment

Senator suggests that Joe Stack is his kind of voter

(Newser) - Apparently, Joe Stack was Scott Brown’s kind of voter. Or at least, that’s the impression the senator gave in a Fox News interview yesterday. Pitched a pro forma question on his take on Stack’s suicide flight into an Austin IRS office, Brown replied, “I don’t...

Scott Brown: Joe Biden's Swipe 'Insulting'

New senator highly unamused by veep's lecture on lawyers

(Newser) - Joe Biden's suggestion yesterday that Scott Brown study up on military tribunals has the junior senator from Massachusetts livid and slamming the veep's comments as "off base" and "insulting." In the latest salvo between the White House and Brown over legal representation for suspected terrorists, he tersely...

Scott Brown Writing Memoir
 Scott Brown Writing Memoir 

Scott Brown Writing Memoir

New senator will write inspirational book with collaborator

(Newser) - Republican golden boy Scott Brown plans to add another job title to his resume: author. The newly minted senator from Massachusetts has a book deal, pending approval by the Senate Ethics Committee. “He will tell his story in a book in hopes of providing insight and encouragement to others,...

Patrick Kennedy Slams Scott Brown

Ted Kennedy's son calls successor's candidacy a 'joke'

(Newser) - Scott Brown sped up his swearing-in because despite having touted his independence during his Senate campaign, "he's in the tank for the Republicans," says Patrick Kennedy, predecessor Ted Kennedy's son. Patrick Kennedy, a Rhode Island congressman, says Brown suddenly demanded to be seated a week earlier than previously...

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