
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

ATM Mistakenly Gives $37K to Homeless Man

Police returned it, though

(Newser) - A woman in South Portland, Maine, called police yesterday because a homeless man was spending a very long time at the ATM she wanted to use. Turns out, he was doing so for good reason. He kept asking the machine for money, and the machine kept spitting it out, reports...

Bank Takes Everything in Woman's House by Mistake

...And refuses to pay her back

(Newser) - Katie Barnett knows who broke into her house and stole almost everything she owns, but the police won't do a thing about it. That's because the thief is First National Bank, which "repossessed" her house in McArthur, Ohio, by mistake—they'd intended to get the one...

Snoozing Bank Worker Mistakenly Transfers $300M
Snoozing Bank Worker Mistakenly Transfers $300M

Snoozing Bank Worker Mistakenly Transfers $300M

The perils of napping with your finger on the '2' key...

(Newser) - The latest in the annals of office screw-ups: A weary German bank worker was in the process of transferring 62.40 euros when he fell asleep for a (very expensive) "instant," reports the AFP . In his unconscious state he pushed the number 2 key, leading him to instead...

Man Kills 4 After Bank, ATM Deny Him Cash

Israeli police say suspect killed himself as they raided bank

(Newser) - A pretty horrific story out of southern Israel today, where a man apparently became enraged after visiting the bank with the intention of taking care of a $1,640 debt—which failed to happen, reports Ynet : His request denied, he "came back with a pistol and shot dead four...

Woman Enters Wrong Account Number, Loses $42K

British hairdresser wanted to put money away

(Newser) - One click on a keyboard, and Sally Donaldson was sending her money to the wrong person. The British hairdresser says she planned to transfer her monthly pay of about $1,500 to her husband's account, but mis-typed one digit of his account number. The heartbreaker: They only noticed the...

HSBC to Pay $1.9B in Money-Laundering Probe

British banking giant was accused of helping cartels

(Newser) - A law enforcement official says HSBC will pay $1.9 billion to settle a money-laundering probe by federal and state authorities into Europe's biggest bank. According to the official, the bank will pay $1.25 billion in forfeiture and pay $655 million in civil penalties. The $1.25 billion...

Regulators Frown on 'Ice Cream Bank'

Pittsburgh man is paying out interest in gift cards

(Newser) - State regulators are cool on a Pittsburgh businessman's idea for a bank that pays interest in ice cream shop gift cards. The Pennsylvania Department of Banking says it wants Ethan Clay to shut down the community bank he's set up at Oh Yeah! ice cream and coffee shop....

Florida Man Tried to Cash $100 Check ... Gets $3.3M

Well, after being mistaken for a robber and having his head kicked by police...

(Newser) - It's not every day that you walk into a bank planning to cash a $100 check—and ultimately find yourself $3.3 million richer. That's what happened to Rodolfo Valladares, just not quite that smoothly. Valladares, sporting a Miami Heat hat, walked into a Florida Bank of America...

Termites Devour $225K at Indian Bank
 Termites Devour $225K at Bank 

Termites Devour $225K at Bank

Staff at Indian bank accused of 'laxity'

(Newser) - Staffers at an Indian bank were perplexed by a 10 million rupee shortfall until the culprit was discovered: termites. The insects had found their way into a storeroom in the old wooden building and munched their way through bank notes worth some $225,000, reports the BBC . Bank officials say...

Toddler Gets Locked in Bank Vault

But she's safe after locksmith cracks it in four hours

(Newser) - Scary story, happy ending: A 14-month-old girl visiting grandma at work couldn't resist toddling into an open vault at the Atlanta bank. An unwitting employee shut the door behind her, and nobody could open it because of the time-released lock, reports the Atlanta Journal Constitution . As rescue workers pumped fresh...

India Opens Bank With No Locks
India Opens
Bank With No Locks

India Opens Bank With No Locks

Countdown to robbery begins ... now

(Newser) - An Indian bank has opened a lockless branch in the small village of Shani Shinganapur, trusting residents’ fear of their deity—Lord Shani—to prevent robberies, the Times of India reports. “We took note of the general belief and faith of the people,” says one bank official. “...

In Foreclosure Chaos, Banks Loot Wrong Homes

Homeowners return to find possessions gone

(Newser) - Amid wrongful foreclosures and screwy paperwork, banks have been breaking into homes whose owners still occupy them, a flurry of lawsuits argues. Owners have returned home to find the locks changed and their property—from laptops to old photos to the ashes of a loved one—missing, the New York ...

Piggy Banks Made From Real Pigs Cause Ruckus

Humane Society in Canada is not amused

(Newser) - A website known for outrageous products has hit a nerve with its latest: a piggy bank made from an an actual piglet. The description of the item on notes that the "taxidermied" bank is made only from piglets that have died of natural causes. Nonetheless, it's a...

'Sexy Spy' Anna Chapman Lands New Job

Her new boss? FondServisBank

(Newser) - What's a sexy former spy to do? Get a job at a bank, apparently. Anna Chapman, the 28-year old Russian operative whose "007-worthy beauty" caught America's attention has now been hired by Russia's FondServisBank, reports the Telegraph . The bank, which works in the aerospace industry, has hired Chapman to...

Mom Withdrew $15K for Robbers Before Her Murder

Bank surveillance tape shows mother's desperate bid to save family

(Newser) - In a desperate bid to save her family, a Connecticut mom withdrew $15,000 for home invaders who were holding her husband and two daughters hostage. Despite the payoff, she and her children were sexually assaulted and murdered, prosecutors said yesterday. Jennifer Hawke-Petit withdrew the money while at least one...

It's Official: No More Overdraft Fees Without Opt-In

Feds go after bank fee 'profiteering'

(Newser) - Say goodbye to the $35 Frappuccino. As of yesterday, if you don't choose to opt-in for overdraft protection, your bank can't saddle you with a hefty fee on the Starbucks beverage you don't actually have enough money in your account for. A new overdraft protection law has come into effect,...

Woman Tries to Deposit Cocaine in Bank

She is swiftly arrested

(Newser) - Illicit drug use tip of the day, kids: Don’t try to deposit your stash at the bank. A Connecticut woman learned that crucial lesson yesterday, after allegedly including a baggie full of cocaine in her deposit envelope at a bank drive-through, the Hartford Courant reports. The teller handled the...

Tunnel-Drilling Gang Fails to Rob Paris Bank

Would-be thieves fail to reach safe-deposit room

(Newser) - Would-be robbers tunneled into a Paris bank early yesterday morning but didn't actually manage to steal anything. In the third incident this year of "termite gangs" attempting to dig into bank vaults, the thieves used a pneumatic drill to connect a subway station to the basement of a BNP...

'Mommy-Tracked' Exec Sues Goldman Sachs

Ex-VP says she was treated like 'second-class citizen' after having kids

(Newser) - A former Goldman Sachs vice president who accuses the firm of shuffling her career off to the "mommy track" when she took maternity leave is suing the company for discrimination. Charlotte Hanna's lawsuit alleges that she was demoted and moved into positions with no potential for advancement when she...

US Bank Lending Falls at Fastest Rate in History

Figures spark renewed fears that feds are at a loss

(Newser) - The US bank lending rate has fallen its fastest in history, sparking renewed fears that the government hasn't done enough to prop up the economy and that America's troubles are far from over. Lending has plummeted $100 billion just since January, which amounts to a 16% annualized drop. Some $740...

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