political fundraising

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Republicans Trounce Dems in Small Donors

GOP pulls in $70M in checks of $200 or less, to Dems' $44M

(Newser) - Republicans are cashing in the populist outrage they've helped stir up, raising more money from small donors than Democrats for the first time since 1998. GOP candidates have raised $70 million from small donors this year, compared to $44 million for Democrats, the Washington Post reports. That's still only 16%...

Obama Still a Safe Bet to Win Re-Election

Don't let the midterms or his ups and downs fool you

(Newser) - Much hay has been made over President Obama’s supposed vulnerability in 2012, Mark Halperin writes, but when you look at his probable challengers and his formidable political skills, his prospects seem positively rosy. Two legit Republican contenders exist at the moment: Mitt Romney “remains unexpectedly unfamiliar” (Halperin says...

At Least RNC Got Good Bang for Bondage Bucks

Raised $5K for every $1 spent—way more than Dems

(Newser) - Though the Republican National Committee is taking heat for the $1,946 a staffer spent at a West Hollywood sex club, the RNC looks to have earned it back in spades from donations—to the tune of more than $5,000 into the party coffers for every dollar spent at...

5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms
5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms

5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms

No need for Pelosi, Reid to panic—at least not yet

(Newser) - Democrats didn’t get the bump in the polls they were hoping for after health care reform passed. Are they doomed in November? Maybe. But they have reasons for optimism, writes Jay Newton-Small for Time , including:
  • Michael Steele: He’s “the gift that keeps on giving,” and his

RNC Cancels Events Over Sex Club Scandal

Young Eagles program sent to the corner and told to be good

(Newser) - The RNC is punishing those dirty boys and girls at the Young Eagles program, canceling all upcoming events scheduled for the group. The $1,946 the RNC spent at an LA bondage club appears to have been for a Young Eagles event, Politico reports. Some of the program’s other...

Targeted Dems Using Palin Hate as Fundraising Lure

Pols in her crosshairs twist it to their advantage

(Newser) - House Democrats in Sarah Palin's crosshairs are using the controversial Alaskan to raise cash. At least four of the 20 lawmakers targeted by Palin because of their votes on health care reform have sent out fundraising appeals naming the former governor. Palin "has literally put my congressional district in...

Chamber of Commerce Flexes Muscles, Goes Grassroots

Thanks to Supreme Court ruling, group's power skyrockets

(Newser) - The US Chamber of Commerce has become so powerful it almost rivals the major parties, thanks in part to recent Supreme Court rulings that have given its fundraising operations a shot in the arm. Flush with cash, the group has launched a concerted grass-roots operation, signing up 6 million individuals...

Money Dries Up for GOP's Only Supporter of Health Reform

Louisiana Rep. Cao's fundraising down 40%

(Newser) - The lone Republican lawmaker to support Democratic health care legislation has seen his fundraising drop by nearly 40% since his vote, forcing him to resort to a costly national fundraising operation as he burns through a dwindling bank account. Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans,...

Harry Reid Makes it Rain for Nevada Dems

Embattled majority leader flexes fundraising muscle

(Newser) - Harry Reid is still trailing badly in the polls in Nevada, but it’s not for a lack of money. The Senate Majority Leader is raising and spending cash at an unheard of pace, both for his own campaign and for other Nevada Democrats. Reid tossed state Democrats nearly $660,...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Both Parties Rip GOP's Confusing 'Census' Survey

It's a fundraising mailer, but envelopes say 'official document'

(Newser) - A mailer from the Republican National Committee is drawing fire from both parties over its resemblance to official US Census documents. The “Congressional District Census” is in fact a fund-raising attempt, but comes in an envelope marked “DO NOT DESTROY OFFICIAL DOCUMENT,” Politico reports, noting that the...

Top GOP Fundraiser Mosbacher Dead at 82

Bush 41's commerce secretary helped grease the skids for NAFTA

(Newser) - Robert Mosbacher, a legendary GOP fundraiser who served as George HW Bush's commerce secretary, died of cancer today in Houston. The multimillionaire oilman was 82. Mosbacher, an influential NAFTA proponent, was "the shrewdest dealmaker I ever knew," Bush, a friend of half a century, said in a statement....

MoveOn Raises $1M to Fight Lieberman

And mocks the public-option-killer with puppets

(Newser) - In case you wondered how much Dems dislike Joe Lieberman right now, It took MoveOn just two days to rake in $1 million to oppose his 2012 reelection. The fundraising drive launched Tuesday, after Lieberman’s threatened filibuster killed any semblance of a public option, sailed past its initial $400,...

GOP Hopes to Take Tea Party Cash to the Bank

PACs compete for 2010 donations from anti-tax activists

(Newser) - As Tea Party wrath brews, conservatives are hoping the anti-tax activists put their money where their mouth is in 2010—and a plethora of political action committees are springing up, angling for a piece of the pie. Dick Armey's Freedomworks Foundation launches its Take Back America PAC this week and...

Palin Pulls in Big Bucks —for Democrats

'Going Rogue' boosts Dem fundraising to new high

(Newser) - Guess who else is raking in the dough as Sarah Palin noisily returns to the national stage: her detractors. After months of trailing Republicans in fundraising, Dems raised $11.5 million in October, a record for a non-presidential year, the Washington Post reports, compared to $8.7 million for the...

Time for Gays to Go Nader on Democrats

Fundraising boycott a good idea but doesn't go far enough

(Newser) - The two-party system gives gay Americans a terrible deal, and the proposed gay boycott of Democratic National Committee fundraising is a big step in the right direction toward changing the situation, writes Emma Ruby-Sachs . Cutting off funds to the party will push Democrats toward eliminating discrimination against gays and could...

White House Denies Giving Perks to Donors

GOP wants an investigation after newspaper report

(Newser) - White House officials are engaging in damage control after GOP Chairman Michael Steele accused the Obama administration of offering selected donors perks in exchange for big contributions. Steele’s charges stem from a Washington Times report today claiming that DNC contributors who give $30,400 or bundle $300,000 get...

Fundraising Looms Large on Obama's Schedule

President spends more time chasing donations thanks to McCain-Feingold

(Newser) - In between massive federal bailouts and health reform, President Obama has spent a lot of time rustling up cash for Democrats this year, with tonight marking his 26th fundraiser. George W. Bush, by contrast, headlined only six fundraisers in his first year. But that was before McCain-Feingold capped how much...

Leadership PACs Make 'Mockery' of Election Rules
Leadership PACs Make 'Mockery' of Election Rules

Leadership PACs Make 'Mockery' of Election Rules

(Newser) - Meet the new villain of campaign fundraising: the leadership PAC. These once-obscure fundraising tools used to be reserved for rising political stars. Now, 70% of lawmakers in Congress have them—and the lax scrutiny that goes along with how the money gets spent. Most of the cash is supposed to...

Stories 121 - 139 | << Prev