Republican primary

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Daily Kos Hatches Scheme: Get Dems to Vote Santorum!

Liberal blog plans 'Operation Hilarity' to give Romney a headache

(Newser) - The Daily Kos may be a liberal blog, but it's throwing its support behind Rick Santorum—sort of. In a post yesterday announcing "Operation Hilarity," Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas urged Democrats to take advantage of the upcoming open primaries and caucuses in Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee,...

Things to Watch in Nevada Caucuses

Mitt Romney needs a blowout win; can Ron Paul finish second?

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's big lead in the polls in Nevada makes today's caucuses a not-so-thrilling affair, but the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Washington Post manage to find some things for political junkies to watch:
  • Mitt Romney: Can he beat the 51% mark he got here four years ago?

No Contest: Romney Wins Florida

He rolls to easy victory over Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - The big news organizations couldn't call this one fast enough. The moment the last of the Florida polls closed at 8pm, AP , CNN , and all the usual suspects declared Mitt Romney the winner. It wasn't tough: With all precincts reporting, Romney had 46.4%, Newt Gingrich 31.9%,...

NH Primary Feels Like Pretend
 NH Primary Feels Like Pretend 

NH Primary Feels Like Pretend

...because Mitt Romney's victory is a foregone conclusion

(Newser) - It sure looks like a presidential primary. There are media vans and debates, stump speeches, and diner stops. But Mitt Romney has such a huge lead over his competitors that it all feels kind of empty, observe Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei of Politico . The airwaves are free of the...

New Hampshire Poll Has Mitt Romney Winning in Landslide, Ron Paul 2nd
 Romney Poised for
Landslide Victory in NH
Poll Numbers

Romney Poised for Landslide Victory in NH

Ron Paul is a distant second in poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have only squeaked out a win in Iowa, but he's going to cruise to an overwhelming victory next week in New Hampshire, according to the latest Suffolk University/7News poll . Romney leads all candidates with a whopping 41%; his closest competitor, Ron Paul, has just 18%, and...

After Iowa, Romney Vaults Out in Front

Karl Rove looks at the state of the race headed into NH

(Newser) - Not long ago it seemed unthinkable that Mitt Romney would win in über-conservative Iowa. But win it he did—albeit by only eight votes—and if he wins in New Hampshire as expected, “he becomes the prohibitive favorite,” writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . Sure,...

What Happens After Iowa
 What Happens 
 After Iowa 

What Happens After Iowa

There are three scenarios: Short, Long, and Weird

(Newser) - When the dust clears tonight, no one will be the Republican nominee. Instead, candidates will be jetting on, either to New Hampshire, or, in the case of Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, who’ve already signaled that they’re giving up on the Granite State, to South Carolina. What happens...

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected
 In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected 
Nate Silver

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected

...And a lot of spin afterward

(Newser) - History suggests that it doesn’t matter who actually wins tonight in Iowa—it matters who exceeds expectations, or fails to meet them. The media is always flabbergasted by strange Iowa finishes, but they shouldn’t be, writes Nate Silver of the New York Times , because thanks to unreliable polls...

Your Guide to Tonight's Iowa Caucuses

What's at stake for whom, and how to read the tea leaves

(Newser) - Tonight’s the night! At 7pm CT, Iowa Republicans will gather to cast the first votes in the Republican nominating season. Consider this your pregame report, with info from Politico , Mother Jones , and the Des Moines Register :
  • The frontrunners: Polls show Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum are poised

4 More Join Perry's Va. Ballot Lawsuit

Bachmann, Gingrich, Huntsman, Santorum also missing from ballot

(Newser) - Experts don't believe Rick Perry's lawsuit to get on the Virginia Republican primary ballot will succeed, but that didn't stop four other candidates from jumping on the bandwagon. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, and Rick Santorum joined the suit, which claims Virginia's ballot laws...

Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits
 Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits 
William Kristol

Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits

William Kristol gives a pep talk to early voting Republicans

(Newser) - Are you a Republican from Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Florida, wondering how to vote in your imminent primary or caucus? Then William Kristol has a pep talk for you in the latest Weekly Standard . Vote for the man or woman who you think will do the job best,...

Blame Fox When GOP Loses
 Blame Fox When 
 GOP Loses 

Blame Fox When GOP Loses

Network has pushed talk show candidates on the nation: Guardian columnist

(Newser) - Given the state of the economy, President Obama should be a goner—yet he's comfortably ahead in most polls. Why? Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian has "one compellingly simple, two-word answer: Fox News." Obama's ahead only because of "the dire quality of a Republican field...

Gingrich on Top in New Poll
 Gingrich on Top in New Poll 

Gingrich on Top in New Poll

He's in a dead heat with Romney, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is getting his turn on the merry-go-round that has been the top spot in Republican primary polling. A new USA Today / Gallup poll has Gingrich on top among registered Republican voters with 22%, though that’s just a hair ahead of Mitt Romney’s 21% and within...

Cain's Poll Numbers Head South

Meanwhile, Gingrich surging, Ron Paul suddenly strong

(Newser) - For the most part, people who liked Herman Cain before his sexual harassment scandal still like him—but they’re pretty much the only ones. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, Cain’s unfavorability rating has shot up 17 points, with 44% of the public viewing him negatively...

Who Will Survive Tonight's GOP Debate?

Stakes are high for everyone except Mitt Romney, maybe Ron Paul

(Newser) - With Iowa just two months away, the stakes are high for tonight’s GOP debate. Politico describes it as an “elimination round,” with everyone except Mitt Romney—and maybe the seemingly immovable Ron Paul—“one misstep away from political death." Here’s what to watch for:...

Ex-Bachmann Staffers Pen Angry Letter

New Hampshire team says it was mistreated

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's former staffers in New Hampshire fired off a scathing letter today explaining why they walked out last week , The Hill reports. “The manner in which some in the national team conducted themselves towards Team-N.H. was rude, unprofessional, dishonest, and at times cruel,” the joint...

Herman Cain Says Poor Would Have a 9-0-9 Plan Under His Proposal
 Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9' 

Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9'

He clarifies plan, unveils 'opportunity zones'

(Newser) - Herman Cain clarified and amended his 9-9-9 tax plan today, addressing concerns that it would raise taxes on the poor, who currently pay no income tax. Cain said he wouldn’t change that. “If you are at or below the poverty level, your plan isn’t 9-9-9, it is...

NH Eyes December Primary
 NH Warns Nation: 
 We'll Go as Early as Dec. 6
election 2011?

NH Warns Nation: We'll Go as Early as Dec. 6

It's all Nevada's fault, top election official says

(Newser) - New Hampshire may be forced to hold its GOP primary as early as Dec. 6, and it will be all Nevada's fault for moving up its caucus date , the Granite State's top election official warns. Secretary of State William Gardner says New Hampshire has no intention of surrendering...

Florida Pushes Primary to January

Iowa and company may move even earlier

(Newser) - It’s official: Florida has, as expected , pushed its primary to Jan. 31, throwing the GOP nominating calendar into disarray. Florida’s primary committee announced the move today, arguing that important battleground states like Florida should be earlier in the process, the St. Petersburg Times reports. “This is about...

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere
 Jon Huntsman  
 on High Road  
 to Nowhere 
Dana Milbank

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere

Playing nice doesn't win elections, Dana Milbank warns

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman’s campaign did not get off to an auspicious start yesterday. Before his announcement speech , staffers were passing out materials that misspelled his name (“John” instead of “Jon”), notes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , and when the actual speech kicked off, all the major...

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