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America's Ethicist: Sex Columnist Dan Savage

Profile: He's gone beyond how-to columns into modern morality

(Newser) - Dan Savage has been writing his Savage Love sex column for 20 years now, much to the horror of chaste readers who stumble upon it at its original home at Seattle weekly the Stranger or one of its many syndicated sites. Given his ever-widening media reach—an MTV show is...

Supreme Court Judges Need Ethics Code: Professors

They ask Congress to clarify when justices should recuse themselves

(Newser) - More than 100 law professors want Congress to write a code of ethics for the Supreme Court to spell out for the first time when justices should recuse themselves from cases. The effort follows appearances by Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia at political events sponsored by the billionaire conservative...

Tea Party to Boehner: Hands Off the Ethics Office

Speaker-elect opposed office's creation

(Newser) - Three Tea Party groups are teaming up with a number of watchdog groups to send a message to Republicans: Don’t mess with the Office of Congressional Ethics. Speaker-elect John Boehner was an ardent opponent of the OCE’s creation, as was cohort Eric Cantor, and many have speculated that...

7 Awful Medical Experiments
 7 Cruel Medical 

7 Cruel Medical Experiments

Guatemala STD testing is only the latest to come to light

(Newser) - The US scheme to infect Guatemalans with STDs in the 1940s is far from the only ethically challenged experiment in medical annals. LiveScience rounds up 6 more of the worst:
  • Tuskegee: The granddaddy of such lapses. The US studied the progression of syphilis in 399 black men from 1932 to

Rangel Wins in NY
 Rangel Wins in NY 

Rangel Wins in NY

20-term congressman prevails despite ethics charges

(Newser) - Rep. Charles Rangel has fought off five challengers to prevail in his Democratic primary. The victory—likely to assure the 80-year-old of another 2 years in Congress—comes despite multiple ethics charges pending against him, the AP notes. (More Rangel news here .) Democrats, including President Obama, had urged Rangel...

Designer Knockoffs May Warp Your Morals

Buy one, and you're more prone to lie and cheat: Study

(Newser) - It isn't just luxury corporations who suffer from designer knockoffs—carrying a fake Vuitton bag can turn you into a big lying cheat, a new psychological study claims. Women who were given real Chloe sunglasses but told they were fake lied at more than double the rate of women given...

Rangel on House Floor: I'm Not Quitting

Embattled congressman urges colleagues to schedule ethics hearing

(Newser) - Charles Rangel has no plans to resign, wants a chance to address the ethics charges against him , and would rather be expelled than linger in limbo. In a rambling but impassioned half-hour speech on the House floor this afternoon, the New York Democrat said, "If I can't take my...

Waters Likely 2nd Dem Headed to Ethics Trial

Allegations coming next week, insiders say

(Newser) - A second House Democrat, Rep. Maxine Waters of California, could face an ethics trial this fall, further complicating the election outlook for the party as it battles to retain its majority. Waters, 71, has been under investigation for a conflict of interest involving a bank that was seeking federal aid....

Obama: Rangel Should Quit
 Obama: Rangel 
 Should Quit  

Obama: Rangel Should Quit

Rangel: The hell I will

(Newser) - Charlie Rangel might sleep just perfectly at night, but President Obama is calling the ethics charges against him "very troubling," and wants the 80-year-old to step down—like now. "He's somebody who's at the end of his career. I'm sure that what he wants is to be...

Rangel Cuts Deal to Avoid Trial
 Rangel: Deal or No Deal? 
hearing begins, amid rumors

Rangel: Deal or No Deal?

He's accused of 13 House ethics violations

(Newser) - Charlie Rangel may have reached a deal to end the ethics investigation against him—or not. Both the Wall Street Journal and WCBS say his lawyers struck some kind of last-minute agreement, but that didn't stop a House investigatory panel from conducting a short "organizational" public hearing today at...

Republicans Scolded for Partying With Lady Lobbyists

Boehner tells off Hunter, Graves, Terry, others

(Newser) - John Boehner has warned several Republican congressmen to stop flirting, dining, partying, and otherwise hanging out with female lobbyists. Boehner told the reps to “knock it off,” sources tell the New York Post , which dutifully tracked down the perpetrators. It caught Lee Terry, for example, chatting up an...

Miffed MIA Tweets Times Reporter's Phone Number

And pretends it's her own

(Newser) - Maya Arulpragasam, aka MIA, must have really hated Lynn Hirschberg's piece about her in New York Times Magazine , because she's just plastered Hischberg's cell phone number on Twitter—pretending it's her own. “CALL ME IF YOU WANNA TALK TO ME ABOUT THE N Y T TRUTH ISSUE, ill b...

Sanford Will Pay $74K Fine to End SC Ethics Case

Governor also will shell out $66K for other expenses

(Newser) - Without admitting any guilt, Gov. Mark Sanford agreed today to pay a $74,000 fine to end South Carolina’s ethics case against him. The state’s ethics panel began its investigation after Sanford’s affair with a woman in Argentina was revealed last June; the Republican will also pay...

Are You're a Cyberbully? Try MTV's 'Morality Meter'

Teens invited to share, rate tales of dubious online actions

(Newser) - Teens wondering whether their online behavior has crossed the line into sexting or cyberbullying will be able to get an answer from a new MTV "morality meter" app. Over the Line? lets young people share stories about what they're up to online and invites users to rate those stories...

Why Darkness Breeds Shifty Behavior

Study: People are more devious when lighting is dim

(Newser) - When it comes to the psychology of devious behavior, adults aren't much different from toddlers who cover their eyes with their hands to hide: We think that if we can't see, nobody can see us. So while there's nothing surprising about the fact that most crime occurs in the dark,...

Rangel Steps Down From Tax Committee

Democrats weren't willing to defend him after latest ethics lapse

(Newser) - Charles Rangel is temporarily stepping down from his post atop the House’s powerful Ways and Means Committee, in the wake of yet another ethics scandal, the New York Democrat announced today. Rangel says he’s asked for a “leave of absence” until the House Ethics Committee finishes looking...

Pols Use Dubious TV Gigs to Prep for Elections

Politician-analysts get paid, get exposure, but ethics are murky

(Newser) - In a trend that crosses party and network lines while raising a bevy of ethical questions, potential candidates for elected office are finding easy employment as cable news analysts. Fox News leads the pack, with three former office holders widely seen as possible future candidates: Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and...

Scientists: Dolphins Are 'Non-Human Persons'

New research shows them to be smarter than chimps

(Newser) - Dolphins are not only the world's smartest animal after humans, they're so intelligent they deserve to be classed as "non-human persons." So say scientists who argue their research on dolphins' brains shows it is unethical to keep such animals captive in amusement parks or to kill them for...

Locavores No Better Than Racists
 Locavores No Better 
 Than Racists 

Locavores No Better Than Racists

Both value one group's concerns over another's

(Newser) - Proud of yourself for going totally local for your Christmas dinner this year? Did you put on your white hood and go burn a cross afterward? Because the locavore movement is really just a thinly veiled cousin of tribalism and racism,” Ethan Epstein writes of the “profoundly misguided”...

Ethics Panel Charges Sanford With 37 Violations

Civil committee slams SC gov for travel expenses

(Newser) - South Carolina's ethics commission has hit Mark Sanford with 37 violations for using state funds for inappropriate travel expenses, including a trip to see his Argentine mistress. Besides the governor's South American trysts, Sanford also bought business-class tickets for state travel—South Carolina requires officials to fly cheaply—and, in...

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