
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

After Dog's Death, Group Wants Ban on Shooting Pets

Bruno's owner 'put him down' with a gun, was not charged

(Newser) - New Hampshire animal rights activists outraged over the "emergency euthanasia" of a dog named Bruno earlier this year face an uphill battle to have the practice of shooting old, sick, or dangerous pets outlawed, the AP reports. New Hampshire is one of 27 states with no laws against it,...

Dog Wins Award for Eating BBQ Skewer

He made dumb, hungry dogs everywhere proud

(Newser) - A West Virginia dog that ate a barbecue skewer has won a national competition for most unusual pet insurance claim. The Bluefield Daily Telegraph reports that the 5-year-old Boxer named Curtis beat out 11 other pets in online voting for Nationwide's Hambone Award, named in honor of another dog...

Having a Dog Could Make Your Kids Healthier
Having a Dog Could Make Your Kids Healthier

Having a Dog Could Make Your Kids Healthier

Exposure to dogs, farm animals in early childhood cuts risk of asthma

(Newser) - In perhaps the largest study of its kind, researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden are reporting in the journal JAMA Pediatrics that early childhood exposure to dogs and farm animals is linked to lower asthma rates. The team was uniquely poised to study the question in Sweden, where every citizen...

Man Embarks on Epic Journey —for a Puppy

Joel Carpenter has no regrets and a new best friend

(Newser) - It was love at first sight for Joel Carpenter. When he set eyes on Sadie, via a photo over the Internet, he says he had "this intense gut feeling" and knew he had to see her. So the 23-year-old, who is unemployed, bought a one-way ticket to Minneapolis—it...

Here&#39;s Why Your Cat May Not Care When You Leave
Here's Why Your Cat May
Not Care When You Leave

Here's Why Your Cat May Not Care When You Leave

New study shows domestic cats don't show signs of secure attachment to humans

(Newser) - There are a lot of cats in the United States. Perhaps close to 95 million live with us as pets, reports the Times-Picayune . But does our affection for these feline friends move in just one direction? New research in the journal PLoS One suggests that domesticated cats are more independent...

Top 10 Dog Names in the US

But why are there so many beagles named Cadbury in Boston?

(Newser) - In honor of National Dog Day—it came and went this week—social networking site Nextdoor has released a list of the most popular dog names in America. And it appears a lot of people are still big Twilight fans. So without further ado, here are your top 10:
  1. Bella

What the Dust in Your House Says About You

Our dust contains, on average, 9K unique species of microbes

(Newser) - Last year, volunteers mailed in dust samples taken from above interior and exterior door frames in 1,200 homes across the US as part of a citizen science project called Wild Life of Our Homes . Now, scientists are reporting in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B that our...

Now Entering Our Lexicon: Hamster Theft

Couple felt class pet 'was alone and they wanted a hamster'

(Newser) - Normally, burglars target things like expensive electronics over things like, say, small, ubiquitous rodents, but police in rural Maine say a couple has been busted with swiping a hamster named Link from the kindergarten classroom of the Cornville Regional Charter School last week, reports Central Maine . Though the pair's...

Scientists Determine How You Should Pet Your Cat

Steer clear of the tail

(Newser) - If your cat doesn't seem to want to sit still while you pet it, you might be doing it wrong. Yes, it turns out there is a right and wrong way to pet a cat, per a study published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science in late 2014. As the...

You're in Denial About How Many Animals Your Cat Kills

Study: Most cat owners don't see cats as harmful to wildlife

(Newser) - Would you categorize your cat as a cuddly fluffball or a cold-blooded killer? Even if it's not quite the former, it's probably not the latter, a study out of the University of Exeter and Queen Mary University of London suggests. Researchers evaluated the predatory habits of cats living...

How Your Dog's Germs Might Be Keeping You Healthy

Researchers want to lend you a pooch to find out

(Newser) - How is a dog like a cup of yogurt? Well, canines might also have a "probiotic effect" on humans, researcher Kim Kelly explains in a post from the University of Arizona . Science suggests owning a dog can be healthy—for instance, kids in families with dogs generally have lower...

Your Pup on Pot? Maybe Soon in Nevada

Senator intros bill to allow owners to get medical marijuana for sick pets

(Newser) - Pets might soon be able to use pot under a bill introduced yesterday in the Nevada Legislature. Democratic Sen. Tick Segerblom is sponsoring the measure that would allow animal owners to get marijuana for their pet if a veterinarian certifies the animal has an illness that might be alleviated by...

Owner Spends $750 on Surgeries for 2 Goldfish

Star and Nemo are reunited and recovering in their tank in Scotland

(Newser) - With another doctor administering anesthetic and a nurse on hand to keep an eye on heart rates, the attending surgeon in a hospital in Scotland recently pulled off two complicated operations in the same day. The team's patients: a pair of pet goldfish who both had cancer, LiveScience reports....

Bill: Let Pets Ride Amtrak
 Bill: Let Pets 
 Ride Amtrak 

Bill: Let Pets Ride Amtrak

Congressman calls for pet policy on trips shorter than 750 miles

(Newser) - A House lawmaker has come up with a novel way to help Amtrak boost potential passengers: allow furry ones, too. Republican Jeff Denham of California travels by plane with Lily, a French bulldog, but she can't join him on train rides. He's aiming to change that with what...

Putting a Price on Our Love for Our Pets: $5.28

Survey finds that's what pet owners plan to spend this Valentine's Day

(Newser) - Showering our pets with affection no longer cuts it. A new National Retail Federation survey finds that a "record" 21.2% of Americans plan to buy their pet a Valentine's Day gift. The individual estimated spend isn't huge at an average of $5.28. But all told,...

Buried Cat Returned to Owner—Alive

Owner Ellis Hutson is utterly floored

(Newser) - Florida resident Ellis Hutson grieved when a car ran over his cat. He was simply stunned when his cat, since buried, clawed its way out and refused to die, ABC News reports. "I was so shocked," says the 52-year-old landscaper. "I didn’t know really what to...

Alligator Taken From Backyard After 37 Years

'Jaxson' had been family pet of sorts in California since 1977

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Animal Services Department found an 8-foot male alligator in the backyard of a home in Van Nuys, Calif, and he wasn't exactly a recent arrival to the neighborhood. Named Jaxson, the reptile had lived there for 37 years. Jaxson was soon transported to the Los Angeles...

Investor Group Gets Its Claws on PetSmart for $8.7B

Acquisition led by BC Partners will be 2014's largest private-equity deal

(Newser) - The question probably shouldn't be why someone just snatched up PetSmart for $8.7 billion, but why more investors weren't interested in acquiring this retailer. That's what a managing director of BC Partners—the private equity firm that led itself and other buyers in a strategic move...

Why Dogs Are Messy Drinkers —But Cats Aren't

Canines 'smash their tongues on water': researcher

(Newser) - When grabbing a drink, neither cats nor dogs are able to squeeze their cheeks closed to suck up liquids the way humans can. Instead, they have to use their tongues in processes researchers didn't understand until recently, Reuters reports. Cats, researchers found a few years back , put their tongues...

Your Cat Is Pretty Much a Wild Animal
 Your Cat Is 
 Pretty Much a 
 Wild Animal 
in case you missed it

Your Cat Is Pretty Much a Wild Animal

Genetically speaking, at least

(Newser) - If your cuddly feline appears to think he's a vicious wildcat—well, he's actually got it almost right. A study finds that genetically, our house cats aren't very different from their wild cousins, despite thousands of years of domestication, Time reports. "We believe we have created...

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