
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Rapture Pet Rescue Creator: It Was a Hoax

Post-Judgment Day pet care offer a 'social experiment'

(Newser) - The guy behind the company offering to look after believers' pets after the Rapture has admitted that the whole business was a hoax. Bart Centre says he decided to come clean after New Hampshire authorities launched a probe of Eternal Earth-Bound Pets for engaging in "unauthorized business of insurance,...

Dog Disease Complaints to FDA Single Out 3 Brands

Agency explores link to chicken jerky made in China

(Newser) - FDA officials still aren't sure what has caused a wave of disease in 600 US dogs, but pet owners' complaints over Chinese-made chicken jerky dog treats may provide a clue. Some 13 of 22 key complaints point to Waggin' Train or Canyon Creek treats, both from Nestle Purina, while...

Pet Owners Get Infections After Too-Close Contact
Pet Owners Get Infections
After Too-Close Contact

Pet Owners Get Infections After Too-Close Contact

They were comforting the dying animals

(Newser) - Pet owners should be careful of becoming too physically close with their furry friends: Three people contracted serious infections after cuddling and caring for their dying pets, a new study shows. One woman who ate honey from the dropper she used to feed her dog was hospitalized with a respiratory...

Want Your Pet to Last Forever? Freeze-Dry It

Taxidermists can freeze your cat or dog to last a lifetime

(Newser) - Freeze-dried pets may not play with you or go out for walks, but they look pretty darn real, LiveScience reports. And they cater to the need of pet owners who want little Scruffy or Ruby to last until the end. "What we hear from pet owners is that they'...

Report: PETA Kills 95% of Pets It Takes In

84% put down within 24 hours at Virginia headquarters: documents

(Newser) - PETA's controversial campaigns for animal rights dominate headlines—but behind the scenes, the picture is quite different, according to newly released documents. Last year, the organization killed more than 95% of the pets in its charge at its Norfolk, Va., headquarters, the Daily Caller reports. Documents released by the...

Pet Court Cracks Down on Furry Delinquents

San Antonio dishes out fines for bites and other transgressions

(Newser) - Every dog has its day, sometimes its day in court. At least in San Antonio, where the city has set up a unique legal enterprise: a court just for pets, where transgressions of the law involving dogs, cats, and other animals are tried, reports the Wall Street Journal . The 10-month-old...

Forget Kibble: Today's Pets Eat Gourmet

Lobster consommé, salmon soufflé: dogs, cats are the new foodies

(Newser) - At least one demographic isn't feeling the burn of a tough economy: pets. Instead of cutting back, dogs and cats are living large—at least when it comes to fine dining. Pet food companies are offering meals fit for a king, such as egg soufflé for cats; a lobster...

Pet Rescue Groups Need to Ease Up on Adoption Rules

Over-the-top standards scare away would-be owners: Emily Yoffe

(Newser) - Animal rescue groups have come a long way over the years and done wondrous things in reducing the number of dogs and cats that get put down, writes Emily Yoffe at Slate . Here comes the "but": These groups need to loosen up their overly strict adoption standards, which often...

Cat With 26 Toes Helps Save Shelter

Daniel's odd feet has brought in $50,000 and counting

(Newser) - Daniel, an orange-and-white tabby cat, is doing everything he can to save the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center, and he's doing it by showing off his bizarre feet. He has 26 toes. Donations of $26—one for each digit—are flooding into the nonprofit animal shelter , which was recently hit...

Brits Killing Pets for Insurance Money

Association of British Insurers pegs 2010 insurance fraud at $3M

(Newser) - How bad is the economy? Some people are trying to make a buck by killing their pets to rake in the insurance money, says the Association of British Insurers. In a detail that doesn't really do much to restore one's faith in humanity, the insurers note that some...

Dog Scarfs $1K in Cash
 Dog Scarfs $1K in Cash 

Dog Scarfs $1K in Cash

Owners induce vomiting, get $900 back

(Newser) - Teachers rarely accept the excuse “my dog ate it”—but it seems banks are more forgiving. A Florida woman left 10 $100 bills in an envelope at home for her husband to deposit, but when he came home from work, the money was nowhere to be found. There...

'Miracle Dog' Survives Gas Chamber

Now Daniel is up for adoption in New Jersey

(Newser) - Eighteen dogs went into the gas chamber at an Alabama shelter, but when an employee opened the door to collect the bodies, out walked Daniel the beagle, wagging his tail. Now Daniel is being hailed as a "miracle dog" and getting a second chance at a New Jersey shelter...

Missing Cat Spent Months in JFK Airport

Jack finally found, sent to family in California

(Newser) - Perhaps he found inspiration in Willow . Jack the cat escaped his cat carrier at JFK Airport when his family was moving to California, prompting a Facebook campaign , an American Airlines search, and numerous sweeps of the airport and local areas. Finally, two months later, Jack has been found: Turns out...

Will Spaying, Neutering Make Your Pet Depressed?

Perhaps, but it may be worth the risk

(Newser) - Pretty much everyone—even the notoriously contrary PETA—agrees that spaying and neutering companion animals is the responsible thing to do. But could cutting off your dog’s testicles or removing your cat’s ovaries cause them to become depressed? Do the equivalent to humans, and their risk of anxiety...

Revealed: The True Story of Willow the Cat

Stray was picked up on ski trip, flown to NYC

(Newser) - The mystery cat who took the media by storm this week isn’t such a mystery anymore: An alert reader of Gothamist wrote in to reveal the secret biography of Willow, who turned up in New York years after going missing in Colorado. Turns out the New York Times ’...

Airlines Banning Short-Faced Dogs

Bulldogs, pugs, boxers prone to overheating during hot flights

(Newser) - More and more airlines are banning flat-faced breeds of dogs and cats for the animals’ safety. Snub-nosed dogs—think pugs, bulldogs, and boxers—and certain exotic cats face full or partial bans on American, Delta, United, Continental, and most recently, Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific airlines, CNN reports. These breeds...

NYC Stores Ban Drunk People From Buying ... Puppies

West Village pet shops tell the intoxicated to 'come back tomorrow'

(Newser) - Pet stores in New York City's West Village have discovered an unlikely downside of keeping shop in an area particularly dense with bars—drunk puppy buying, in the words of DNA Info . Yes, the pups playing in shop windows are apparently just too adorable for inebriated people to pass...

San Francisco Wants to Make All Pet Sales Illegal

But even proponents see the proposal as symbolic

(Newser) - San Francisco's latest eyebrow-raising proposal isn't just about banning the sale of goldfish . It's about banning the sale of all pets, from birds to hamsters, to dogs and cats, to, yes, guppies. The plan floated by the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare has little chance of...

Humans Behind Evolution of Dog Bark
 Humans Behind 
 Evolution of 
 Dog Bark 
study says

Humans Behind Evolution of Dog Bark

We likely selected for the trait: study

(Newser) - Next time your neighbor’s dog starts yapping, don’t blame the pup—blame humanity. We may be the ones who selected for barking over the course of the domestic dog’s evolution, whether directly or indirectly, a scientist says. He investigated the simple observation that while domestic dogs love...

San Francisco Considers Ban on Goldfish Sales

They're bred inhumanely, says official

(Newser) - Proposals to ban cat and dog sales are nothing new in San Francisco, but now animal control officials recommend ending the sale of goldfish, tropical fish, and guppies. Such fish are generally bred inhumanely, a member of the city's animal welfare panel tells the San Francisco Chronicle . “Most...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>