Obama 2012

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Romney on Obama Quote: That Was No Gaffe

President's 'you didn't build that' comment is his ideology, says Republican

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is apparently looking to turn a President Obama comment from last week—"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen"—into a campaign theme. Romney says the comment, which the Republican candidate has focused on for three straight...

Morgan Freeman Gives Obama Huge Campaign Boost

Donates $1M to pro-Obama super PAC

(Newser) - Priorities USA Action, the super PAC supporting President Obama, has been struggling, raising just $6 million last month —and one-sixth of that came from a single source: Actor Morgan Freeman is putting his money where his mouth is, Politico reports, donating a cool million bucks to the super PAC....

Mitt: Obama Is 'Demonizing' Success

But he's not a monster, Romney tells voters

(Newser) - Mitt Romney went on the offensive yesterday, accusing President Obama of starting a class war and "demonizing" success. Romney, addressing remarks Obama made last week about the role government plays in helping create businesses, said the comments show how "out of touch he is with the character of...

Obama Ditches Teleprompter

 Obama Ditches 

Obama Ditches Teleprompter

He often gives stump speeches without it, notes the Hill

(Newser) - In his latest appearances, President Obama has left behind a trusted friend: his teleprompter. The speechmaking tool has been absent during speeches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia, and the change is clear as the president refers to written notes rather than gazing left and right, writes Amie Parnes at the...

Mitt Slaps Obama Singing Ad, Foiled By Copyright Claim

Romney's response ad gets yanked from YouTube

(Newser) - President Obama recently jeered at Mitt Romney with a campaign ad featuring Romney's terrible rendition of "America the Beautiful." Team Romney's attempted shot back, using a clip of Obama singing "Let's Stay Together," fell short on a couple of levels: Obama can actually ...

Record for Biggest Super PAC Haul Goes to ... Romney

Restore Our Future raises $20M to pro-Obama group's $6M

(Newser) - Obama supporters have their work cut out for them: In June, pro-Mitt Romney super PAC Restore Our Future raised $20 million, a rep tells the Washington Post . That's a record for any super PAC. Meanwhile, the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action set its own best mark last month—with just...

Romney's New Target: Obama's 'Political Payoffs'

Campaign to point to favoritism among donors

(Newser) - With political chatter centered on Mitt Romney's Bain record , the candidate is ready to fight back: "We're turning the page," says an adviser. So get ready for a new offensive, dubbed "Obama's Political Payoffs and Middle-Class Layoffs." The Romney tactic aims to demonstrate...

Condi Could Save This Dull Election
 Condi Could 
 Save This 
 Dull Election 

peggy noonan

Condi Could Save This Dull Election

In a crucial year, neither candidate has inspired: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - We're in the middle of "a crisis election like 1932 or 1980," yet supporters of both candidates can't seem to muster much enthusiasm. We need to inject some inspiration and excitement into this race, and Condoleezza Rice could be just the person to do it, writes...

Now Republicans Call for Romney Tax Returns

Business dealings amount to 'legitimate question': GOP rep

(Newser) - President Obama has some unlikely new allies in his effort to get Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. Members of Romney's own party, from Haley Barbour to Michael Steele, are calling on the candidate for financial disclosure. "His personal finances, the way he does things, his record,...

Biden to NAACP: GOP Attacks Civil Rights

Veep: 'This ain't your father's Republican party'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's reception at Houston's NAACP convention was a far cry from Mitt Romney's . Amid much audience enthusiasm, Biden warned the crowd that today's GOP is threatening the very thing the NAACP was created to protect: civil rights. "Remember what this (group), at its core,...

Poll Gives Obama 6-Point Lead
 Poll Gives Obama 6-Point Lead 

Poll Gives Obama 6-Point Lead

Obama up because 'nothing bad has happened,' Reuters pollster says

(Newser) - Americans are feeling a little more optimistic and that has translated into better poll numbers for President Obama, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. Obama is leading Mitt Romney 49% to 43%, up 5 points from a month ago, according to the poll, which found that the percentage of...

Miami School Board Members: Ax Michelle Event

Michelle Obama's campaign event inappropriate, they argue

(Newser) - A couple of Republicans on the Miami-Dade School Board are not happy with Michelle Obama's plan to hold a campaign event at one of their high schools tonight. The first lady plans to push voter registration and enlist residents to volunteer for President Obama's re-election campaign—and two...

Obama to Romney: Open Up Your Finances

Obama: Romney should be 'open book' like father

(Newser) - President Obama kept up the Democrat attacks on Mitt Romney's personal finances yesterday, calling on Romney to release more details about his offshore bank accounts, reports Politico . "What's important is if you are running for president is that the American people know who you are and what...

Romney's June Fundraising Clobbers Obama's by $35M

Obama, DNC raise $71M in June

(Newser) - President Obama and the Democratic National Committee raised a combined $71 million in June, the Obama campaign announced today, an amount that would sound pretty darn impressive—if Mitt Romney hadn't absolutely blown it out of the water. Romney and the RNC announced an eye-popping $106 million haul today,...

56% Believe Obama Has Changed US ... for the Worse

That's probably not the 'change' he was going for

(Newser) - So much for "hope and change" … unless, of course, you mean change for the worse: 56% of likely voters believe President Obama has changed America negatively, a new poll for The Hill finds, while just 35% believe he's made it better. Obviously this is bad news for...

Just 80K New Jobs: Unemployment Sticks at 8.2%

June jobs report bad news for Obama

(Newser) - Experts had estimated 100,000 new jobs last month, but the June jobs report shows just 80,000 added, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 8.2%—and neither number is good news for President Obama. Even 100,000 new jobs would have been "...

At White House, Marine Band Plays ... Romney Song

Fourth of July celebration gets just a bit awkward

(Newser) - The White House Independence Day fete took a bit of an awkward turn yesterday: As President Obama was visiting with the service members gathered on the South Lawn, a subset of the Marine Corps band started playing Rod Atkins' "It's America"—which just so happens to be...

Obama, Romney, and the Truth About Health Care

AP runs down a few of their biggest distortions

(Newser) - We're getting a lot of conflicting information about how the health law will shape our future—and unsurprisingly, neither the current inhabitant of the Oval Office nor the man who would replace him is giving us the full picture. The AP parses President Obama and Mitt Romney's biggest...

Romney Pulls In $4.6M After Court Ruling

Both campaigns use ruling to solicit donations

(Newser) - Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling wasn't all bad news for Mitt Romney. It may have been a victory for President Obama, but it sent Romney's supporters reaching for their wallets. Romney has raised $4.6 million in the 24 hours since the ruling came down, his press secretary...

China Slams Mitt, Obama for 'Playing China Card'

Being tough on China won't solve US problems , state newspaper says

(Newser) - "Playing the 'China card' is not inspired, and cannot save the US economy," China's main state-run newspaper warns in an editorial slamming both President Obama and Mitt Romney for competing to see "who can be toughest on China." The People's Daily accuses the...

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