Stories 41 - 48 | << Prev 

Parents See Kids' Disorders in Themselves

A child's illness can explain family quirks, reveal long-held secrets

(Newser) - Parents whose kids have psychiatric disorders will often seek, and find, signs of the same illness in themselves, the New York Times reports. Some ailments do run in the family—depression and bipolar disorder, for example—but parents at times dig up symptoms to show solidarity with kids and lessen...

'Top Model' Draws Focus to Asperger's

Reality TV contestant with disorder becomes a viewer favorite

(Newser) - Although she has been eliminated from "America's Top Model," contestant Heather Kuzmich, a consistent viewer favorite, continues to bring attention to Asperger's syndrome. Kuzmich, who has the neurological disorder, says she hopes to keep modeling and become a spokesperson for others with the condition, the New York Times...

Diagnosis Helps Parents Look Beyond ADHD

Disorder, known for 3 decades, affects kids' sensitivity to stimuli

(Newser) - Some kids whose behavioral difficulties don't quite match up with symptoms of ADHD or autism may warrant a different diagnosis: sensory processing disorder. Most doctors aren't familiar with the term because it isn't in psychiatric manuals, but occupational therapists have been treating the disorder since the '70s. Still, reports Time,...

Unruly Kids Don't Do Worse in School

Studies show many youngsters grow out of behavior problems

(Newser) - In what will surely be balm to desperate parents—and an annoyance to school administrators—the New York Times pairs two new studies that find kids with early behavior problems may be more likely to grow out of them than is commonly thought. In one, researchers looked at over 16,...

Brains of ADHD Kids Mature Later: Study

Cortex controlling action and attention lags three years behind

(Newser) - The brains of hyperactive children appear to develop more slowly than those of their peers,  researchers have discovered, with the cortex—the area that affects attention and action— maturing 3 years later than in other children. The finding accounts for the fact that many kids with ADHD grow out...

2 Studies Tie Dopamine to ADHD
2 Studies
Tie Dopamine

2 Studies Tie Dopamine to ADHD

Low level of brain chemical connected to substance abuse, too

(Newser) - Levels of dopamine—a brain chemical associated with movement and emotion—may explain the occurrence of attention deficit and hyperactivity, two studies published yesterday concluded. The studies found decreased dopamine activity in the brains of individuals, both children and adults, diagnosed with ADHD. Doctors say these decreased levels could have...

Students Brew Coffee Addiction
Students Brew Coffee Addiction

Students Brew Coffee Addiction

Docs abuzz over teens’ growing use and abuse of stimulants

(Newser) - Overworked kids are hopping up more and more on lattes and macchiatos, as well as even dodgier stimulants, according to U.S. News. Coffee consumption among 18- to 24-year-olds  has nearly doubled in three years, while increasingly popular energy drinks like Red Bull and the shockingly christened Cocaine pack multiple...

ADD Meds Prescribed For Weight Loss
ADD Meds Prescribed
For Weight Loss

ADD Meds Prescribed For Weight Loss

Doctors are using Adderall for pediatric obesity, pleasing parents but raising ethical alarms

(Newser) - Pediatricians are giving Adderall, the pill that got America's kids to pay attention in class, to patients without ADHD but looking to shed extra pounds. One of the drug's side effects is appetite suppression, and "off-label" prescriptions are working for some chunky but otherwise normal teenagers. Parents worried about...

Stories 41 - 48 | << Prev