
2 Stories

Hypochondriacs Tend to Die Sooner
Die Younger

Hypochondriacs Die Younger

Those diagnosed with illness anxiety disorder have 4 times higher risk of suicide: study

(Newser) - A large Swedish study has uncovered a paradox about people diagnosed with an excessive fear of serious illness: They tend to die earlier than people who aren't hypervigilant about health concerns. Hypochondriasis, now called illness anxiety disorder, is a rare condition with symptoms that go beyond average health worries,...

Good News for Hypochondriacs: 'Stone Man' Disease Is Real!

New book highlights frightening ailments

(Newser) - Did you know that there’s a rare syndrome-- fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva—that can cause your bones to grow so uncontrollably that you become a “stone man”? That’s just one of the strange ailments described in the Hypochondriac’s Handbook, a new book chock-full of rare diseases....

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