Newt Gingrich 2012

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Gingrich to Release Tax Return in Days

Presses Mitt Romney to follow his lead

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he is ready to release his income tax return and will do so on Thursday, just two days ahead of the South Carolina primary —and he thinks Mitt Romney would do well to follow his example. "Gov. Romney, if he plans to stay in the...

If Romney Wins SC, It&#39;s Over: Graham
 If Romney 
 Wins SC, 
 It's Over: 
talk show roundup

If Romney Wins SC, It's Over: Graham

Consensus says GOP could have its candidate with a Mitt Win

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert (ahem, rather, his Super PAC) may have been ripping "serial killer" Mitt Romney today, but real politicians were also getting their licks in on the Sunday shows, reports Politico . Most eyes were on the Palmetto State's primary on Saturday, and cue the fat lady if Romney...

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points
 Romney Rebounds 
 in SC, Up by 21 Points 

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points

Romney retakes big lead, says latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

(Newser) - Three days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney's lead had collapsed in South Carolina , with Newt Gingrich just 2% behind. Now, not so much: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Romney back on top with 37%, a 21-point lead over nearest rivals Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Gingrich trails in fourth...

150 Christian Conservatives Back Santorum

Texas evangelicals spurn hometown favorite Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's quest to emerge as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney received a boost today from a group of evangelicals and others who voted to back his candidacy in a last-ditch effort to stop the front-runner's march to the nomination. About 150 social conservatives meeting in Texas...

Judge Won't Let Perry, 3 Others on Virginia Ballot

He and Gingrich, Santorum, Huntsman Are Out of Luck

(Newser) - Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Jon Huntsman won't be on Virginia's primary ballot, a federal judge ruled today. The four had sued over the state's stringent rules on qualifying—specifically that state residents must collect the 10,000 necessary signatures—but the judge said no...

Newt Wants Super PAC to Pull False Bain Attacks

Anti-Romney documentary gets taken to task by fact-checkers

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich today called on the super PAC supporting him to stop airing ads springing from its 29-minute documentary-style infomercial bashing Mitt Romney's Bain Capital tenure , which has been savaged by fact-checkers. "It's important why my campaign is different than some other people's campaigns," Gingrich...

Newt Mocks Mitt for Speaking French

'Just like John Kerry, he speaks French, too,' Gingrich ad says

(Newser) - There's still more than a week to go until the South Carolina primary but Newt Gingrich's campaign may have already reached the bottom of the barrel. His campaign's new "French Connection" ad, in an effort to portray Mitt Romney as just another Massachusetts liberal, points out...

Blame These 3 Billionaires for Drawn-Out GOP Primary

They're contributing millions to candidates that aren't Romney

(Newser) - If you can't believe how many Republican presidential candidates are still in the race and you fear the possibility of a drawn-out primary that leads to a lower chance of unseating President Obama ... blame these guys. Politico reports on the three billionaires who are contributing millions to groups attacking...

Treatment of Family Pet Still Dogs Romney

Dog was in carrier on top of car for 12-hour trip, Gingrich ad reminds voters

(Newser) - A long-dead Irish setter and a revived issue has provided Newt Gingrich with more ammunition to use against Mitt Romney. In 1983, Romney and his family drove from Boston to Canada with Seamus, the family dog, in a carrier strapped to the roof of the car. At some point during...

Pro-Newt PAC Unleashes Anti-Romney Documentary

28-minute film unloads on frontrunner over his days at Bain Capital

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's Bain Capital troubles got a lot more high-profile today. The pro-Gingrich PAC Winning Our Future released a 28-minute video (see it here) that depicts Romney and his former Bain compatriots as greedy job-killers, complete with dramatic music and interviews of those said to have lost their jobs...

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC
 Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC 

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC

Tea Partiers, evangelicals starting to panic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney now has two wins under his belt, and some conservative activists are starting to panic. Many see South Carolina's Jan. 21 primary as their last chance to unify support behind a conservative candidate, but there's no agreement on who that candidate should be, the Washington Post...

Dixville Notch, Population 9, Casts First Ballots in NH

And according to this tiny village, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are tied

(Newser) - The village of Dixville Notch is notable not just for the fact that it only has nine registered voters, but for the fact that those voters also are the first in New Hampshire to state their choice in today's primary. Their nine ballots were cast one minute after midnight—...

Todd Palin Endorses Gingrich

But Sarah Palin still hasn't picked her horse

(Newser) - The First Dude has waded into the 2012 GOP nomination: Todd Palin today told ABC News that he's throwing his support behind Newt Gingrich, saying that the former House speaker wasn't one of those typical "Beltway types" and that he admired his grittiness in persevering after his...

Mitt Romney Braves Fresh Attack in Republican Presidential Debate
 Romney Braves 
 Fresh Attack, 
 But Fumbles 
debate reaction

Romney Braves Fresh Attack, But Fumbles

Republican candidates stage new assault on front-runner

(Newser) - A new day, a new Republican presidential debate. Mitt Romney's opponents took another whack at him this morning after letting him off easy last night. A few takeaways:
  • Most Romney attacks missed. Mitt held off assaults from Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, rarely getting flustered, Politico reports.

Gingrich Swipes at Romney
 Newt Gingrich 
 Leads Charge 
 Vs. Romney 
'Meet the Press' Debate

Newt Gingrich Leads Charge Vs. Romney

GOP hopefuls again face off in New Hampshire debate on 'Meet the Press'

(Newser) - A scant 12 hours after last night's debate in which Mitt Romney emerged largely unscathed , the Republicans who would be president are again facing off in New Hampshire, this time on Meet the Press with David Gregory moderating. Newt Gingrich answered the overriding question of whether the pack would...

GOP Hopefuls Debate in NH
 Romney Shrugs Off Attacks 
gop debate

Romney Shrugs Off Attacks

Rivals don't exactly hammer the frontrunner in GOP debate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was supposed to be the prime target at tonight's ABC debate, but it didn't quite work out that way, writes Steve Peoples at AP . His rivals took some shots at him but squabbled among each other just as often. Romney, for his part, focused most of...

Pro-Newt PAC Seeks Revenge Against Romney

Pro-Newt Gingrich Super PAC to air 'King of Bain'

(Newser) - Looks like it's "super-PAC" payback time for Newt Gingrich. A pro-Newt super PAC is planning to air a 27-minute video in South Carolina attacking Mitt Romney as a ruthless corporate raider whose firm put thousands of Americans out of work, NBC News reports. Titled "King of Bain:...

Things to Watch in Tonight's Debate

Among them: Will we see Good Newt or Bad Newt?

(Newser) - The post-Iowa Republican field debates tonight in New Hampshire and again 12 hours later tomorrow morning. Politico and the New York Times offer some things to look for:
  • Newt Gingrich: He seemed genuinely mad after Iowa, and he needs to score points. Will he go negative? Politico thinks the "

Forget New Hampshire: South Carolina Is the Prize
 Forget NH: SC Is the Prize 

Forget NH: SC Is the Prize

Conservatives hope to capitalize on anyone-but-Romney sentiment

(Newser) - With the proverbial fork stuck in Iowa , the GOP herd galloped off to next-up New Hampshire, but the real battleground lies in Dixie: Mitt Romney is all but guaranteed a victory in New Hampshire, so his GOP challengers' only chance is to expose the frontrunner's moderate Achilles heel in...

Conservative VIPs Plan Meeting to Topple Romney

Group will search for consensus anti-Romney candidate

(Newser) - Apparently, certain conservatives really, really don't want to see Mitt Romney win the nomination. Politico reports that an influential group is holding an emergency meeting next weekend in Texas in order to agree on a "consensus" Republican candidate. Prominent conservatives including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson,...

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