
Stories 201 - 214 | << Prev 

Big Brother Making Strides in Technology

America's top minds are devoted to 'gait DNA' and new spy drones

(Newser) - Top researchers are developing new surveillance technology, the BBC reports - including "gait DNA" to identify a person by their walk and advanced spy drones that can fly overhead for years. The Pentagon plans to continue its tech supremacy, which includes inventing the Internet in the 1970s and satellite...

Wall Street Funds Chinese Spy Upgrade

Hedge funds offer $150M helping hand to Beijing Big Brother

(Newser) - Wall Street money is fueling the high-tech upgrade of China's police state, the New York Times reports. US hedge funds have poured $150 million into Chinese surveillance companies that are developing the latest in government spookware, from face-recognition technology to behavior-recognition software that can spot a disturbance before it begins.

FBI Data Requests Go Beyond Terror Suspects

Companies asked to turn over info on 'community of interest'

(Newser) - US terror suspects are drawing friends and colleagues into the net, the New York Times reports. FBI docs show that probes have sought info on people who suspects call or email the most. Phone companies already keep such data on hand for marketing and fraud protection, one expert says. Such...

FBI Spied on Coretta Scott King
FBI Spied on Coretta Scott King

FBI Spied on Coretta Scott King

Documents expose four-year surveillance campaign

(Newser) - FBI agents mounted a four-year spying operation to scrutinize Martin Luther King's widow, Coretta Scott King, following the assassination of the civil rights leader. The newly released documents reveal that the Nixon administration feared Mrs. King, who died last year, might unite the civil rights movement and anti-war protesters into...

Dems Afraid They've Let in Big Brother

New law could give White House broad spying powers

(Newser) - Americans who phone friends or shoot emails overseas could have business records snatched up or be subject to searches whenever Washington wants, the Dems worry – after passing new surveillance powers that they may not have fully understood. Yet the White House swears that “the intent here was pure,...

Chinese Issue Big Brother ID Cards
Chinese Issue Big Brother
ID Cards

Chinese Issue Big Brother ID Cards

Reproductive history, religion, landlord phone numbers will be listed

(Newser) - The Chinese government is beefing up already stringent surveillance measures, installing 20,000 police security cameras in one city and issuing computer chip identity cards to millions listing work and reproductive history, religion, police records and even landlord phone numbers. The cards will help track citizens for any number of...

Bush Signs Law Expanding Wiretap Powers

Legalizes tapping calls and emails in and out of US without warrant

(Newser) - President Bush signed into law yesterday measures significantly expanding the government's authority to eavesdrop on millions of phone calls and e-mails going in and out of the US without warrants. The law, passed by Congress after bruising battles, effectively legalizes secret surveillance being conducted by a controversial National Security Agency...

House Passes Surveillance Bill
House Passes Surveillance Bill

House Passes Surveillance Bill

White House spying powers expanded, despite Democrats' opposition

(Newser) - A bill set to expand the government's warrantless spying program cleared the House last night by a 227-183 vote, the Washington Post reports. Many Democrats put aside profound  reservations, yielding to pressure from the White House and fearing being branded "weak on terror" as the campaign heats up this...

Senate OKs Spying Program
Senate OKs Spying Program

Senate OKs Spying Program

Dems bow to White House on warrantless wiretapping bill, will revisit in 6 months

(Newser) - The Senate voted last night to temporarily extend the government's controversial surveillance program, the Washington Post reports. The contentious 60-28 vote, a  concession to the White House by Democrats, will allow for the continued interception of electronic communication between Americans and overseas parties without  a court order. The measures will...

Bush to Congress: Not So Fast
Bush to Congress:
Not So Fast

Bush to Congress: Not So Fast

Prez calls on vacation-bound lawmakers to pass reform of eavesdropping law

(Newser) - Congress shouldn't go on vacation until it approves reforms to the current laws on government eavesdropping, President Bush said today. Lawmakers are working on a bill that would update the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act so that the US could spy on terror suspects overseas more effectively without impinging on...

Secret Ruling: Fed Wiretap Plan Illegal

Judge halted key overseas eavesdropping months ago

(Newser) - In a secret decision earlier this year a federal intelligence court judge ruled that a key element of the White House's massive wiretapping program was illegal, the Washington Post reports. The decision blocked NSA information collection from a large number of phone calls and emails that pass through two locations...

DNI Exposes Broader Spying
DNI Exposes Broader Spying

DNI Exposes Broader Spying

Gonzales still under fire for perjury

(Newser) - The executive branch has had more authority to spy on citizens than yet reported, the Washington Post revealed today. Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell explained yesterday that the controversial NSA warrantless wiretapping and data mining program was only one element in a broader series of secret surveillance activities issued...

Let Gonzo Off the Perjury Hook
Let Gonzo
Off the
Perjury Hook

Let Gonzo Off the Perjury Hook

He's a creep but not a criminal, says Post ’s Marcus

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales’ Senate testimony last week was a disgraceful exercise in dodging, but the perjury charge Democratic senators have been hawking ever since doesn’t hold water, says  the Washington Post’s lefty Ruth Marcus. In an “unexpected position,” the writer defends Gonzales, saying he may have minced...

Some Young American Muslims Take Extreme View

Overall picture looks good, survey reveals

(Newser) - Young American Muslims are more religious and more willing to defend Islamic extremists than are their elders, a new study concludes. One in four US Muslims under 30 say they believe that suicide attacks may be justified, compared to just 6% of those over 30. Overall, American Muslims are more...

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