2012 budget

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Obama: 'Radical' Ryan Budget a 'Trojan Horse'

Ryan shoots back that Obama is 'disappointing'

(Newser) - Barack Obama plans to savage the House GOP budget proposal today, calling it "thinly veiled social Darwinism," according to a draft of the speech he'll deliver. "It’s a Trojan horse," Obama will say. "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it's really an attempt...

House Passes Spending Bill, But...

...the Senate vows to oppose it, so Oct. 1 shutdown again a possibility

(Newser) - House Republicans got their ducks in a row late last night, passing a spending measure nearly identical to the one that went down in flames Wednesday. But that might not be enough to prevent a government shutdown, because the Senate is drawing a hard line against the bill, the Washington ...

Cantor Pulls Out of Budget Talks
 Cantor Bails on Budget Talks 

Cantor Bails on Budget Talks

Says Boehner, Obama need to work out tax issue

(Newser) - Eric Cantor has told reporters that he’s not attending today’s Joe Biden-led budget meeting, or any future budget meetings, because the group has reached an impasse over taxes that he thinks can only be bridged by John Boehner and President Obama. “We’ve reached the point where...

Paul Ryan to Obama: You're Distorting My Plan

Republicans meet with president on debt

(Newser) - Republicans met with President Obama today to talk about the debt, resulting in what the Los Angeles Times describes as a "pointed exchange" between Paul Ryan and Obama. Ryan accused the president and Democrats of distorting his proposal to overhaul Medicare. "It's been misdescribed by the president...

Senate Rejects Paul Ryan Medicare Plan

Five Republicans join Democrats in voting against budget blueprint

(Newser) - More bad news for Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal: The Senate today rejected Ryan's 2012 budget blueprint that calls for overhauling the system, reports Politico . All Democrats voted against it, as expected. But in a potentially troubling sign for GOP leaders, five Republicans broke ranks and joined them: moderates...

Biden: We've Got $1T in Cuts

...but Republicans want $2T

(Newser) - Budget negotiations between congressional leaders seem to be off to a strong start: The sides have identified at least $1 trillion in possible spending cuts, mediator Joe Biden told reporters yesterday. “If we keep on this pace, we can get to a relatively large number,” he said, adding...

Ryan Budget a 'Time Bomb,' GOP Pollsters Warned GOP

Public has never been fond of plan

(Newser) - GOP pollsters warned House leaders not to call a vote on Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, saying its Medicare provision was positively toxic. No matter how positively they framed the bill, the plan’s approval rating never climbed above the upper end of the 30s, and its disapproval numbers were...

Newt Gingrich Apologizes to Paul Ryan

Former House speaker goes into damage control quickly

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he's sorry and sounds like he'd take a do-over if he could. After running into a buzzsaw of GOP criticism for bashing Paul Ryan's budget plan over the weekend, Gingrich personally called the congressman today, reports Politico . “Newt apologized,” says his press...

GOP Backs Away From Budget Compromise Reports

Eric Cantor told Washington Post deal was unlikely to include Medicare

(Newser) - Eric Cantor moved quickly last night to dispel reports that he was aiming for a bipartisan budget compromise. With talks with the Democrats and the White House beginning today, the Washington Post had posted a story headlined “Medicare Dropped From GOP Budget Proposal,” in which Cantor was quoted...

'Gang of Six:' $3 in Cuts for Every $1 Raised

There's something for everyone to hate

(Newser) - The budget plan the bipartisan Gang of Six ultimately devises will include $3 of spending cuts for every dollar it raises in additional tax revenues, Mark Warner tells Bloomberg , promising cuts in health care, defense, agriculture, and other domestic programs, along with changes to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. The...

Budget Talks Look Doomed by Unlikely Participants

Cantor, Kyl, and Pelosi crew not the most credible bunch

(Newser) - Are the White House’s budget talks already doomed? That’s the conclusion some are reaching based on who’s going, according to the Huffington Post . Both sides were invited to send up to eight appointees, but Republicans will only send two: Eric Cantor and Jon Kyl, both political pugilists...

Democrats Nearly Trick GOP Into Legislative Blunder

They tried to dupe Republicans into adopting ultra-conservative budget

(Newser) - Democrats tried to pull a fast one today on Republicans on the House floor, reports Talking Points Memo . Before Paul Ryan's budget blueprint passed , a far more conservative offering from the Republican Study Committee came up for a vote, one that called for much deeper cuts in spending and...

House Passes Ryan Plan; All Democrats Vote No

His 2012 blueprint calls for overhauling Medicare and Medicaid

(Newser) - In a prelude to a summer showdown with President Obama, Republicans controlling the House today passed a bold but politically risky budget blueprint to slash social safety net programs like food stamps and Medicaid and fundamentally restructure Medicare. The GOP plan, authored by Rep. Paul Ryan, passed 235-193 with every...

Obama: Kiss Bush Tax Cuts for Rich Goodbye

Obama lambastes Ryan budget, proposes $4T in deficit reduction

(Newser) - President Obama was in fighting form today in his speech on the deficit, lambasting Paul Ryan’s budget proposal , and insisting on higher taxes for the wealthy. He laid much of the current deficit problem at the feet of the Bush tax cuts, and pledged to eliminate them. “We...

What Obama Will —and Should— Say in His Budget Speech

Some advice for the POTUS ahead of today's address

(Newser) - Here’s what we know about President Obama’s budget speech today: He’s going to lay out a four-step, long-term budget-reduction plan. It’s going to involve defense cuts, tax code changes, and recommendations from his deficit commission. And he’s going to stress keeping domestic spending low and...

GOP Senate to Force Dems to Raise Debt Ceiling Solo?

They're toying with the idea of withholding all support

(Newser) - With the United States poised to crash into its $14.294 trillion debt ceiling no later than May 16, Senate Republicans are considering letting Democrats raise it all on their own, with a straight party vote, reports the Huffington Post . Republicans have been insisting on spending cuts and reforms in...

Shutdown Averted, Higher Stakes Loom

Battles brewing over debt ceiling, 2012 budget will be even bigger

(Newser) - If you think the narrowly averted government shutdown over a few billion dollars was bad, wait until you see the multi-trillion-dollar brawls coming in the next few weeks, reports the Wall Street Journal . First up, the government is about to hit its legally imposed $14.294 trillion debt ceiling by...

Paul Ryan's Budget Plan Is 'Cruel'—or Maybe Brilliant: Paul Krugman vs. Charles Krauthammer
 Paul Ryan's Plan Is 'Cruel' 
 —or Maybe Brilliant 
krugman vs. krauthammer

Paul Ryan's Plan Is 'Cruel' —or Maybe Brilliant

Krugman and Krauthammer weigh in on GOP budget plan

(Newser) - The battle lines around Paul Ryan's budget plan are pretty well laid today in columns from Paul Krugman, who calls it both "ludicrous" and "cruel," and Charles Krauthammer, who sees it as "brave and profoundly forward-looking." Excerpts:
  • Krugman, New York Times : For starters, it relies

Ryan's Medicare Plan Screws the Young
 Ryan's Medicare 
 Plan Screws the Young 

Ryan's Medicare Plan Screws the Young

Current program a giant 'welfare' program for boomers

(Newser) - Paul Ryan’s ambitious Medicare overhaul proposal might be a good idea, if not for one glaring flaw: “It asks for a whole lot of sacrifice from everyone under the age of 55 and little from everyone 55 and over,” complains David Leonhardt of the New York Times...

OK, Obama: This Is Your 'Moment of Truth'

 OK, Obama: 
 This Is Your 
 'Moment of 
Brooks, Maddow

OK, Obama: This Is Your 'Moment of Truth'

Paul Ryan's budget plan raises big questions: David Brooks, Rachel Maddow

(Newser) - However you feel about Paul Ryan's controversial budget plan to drastically cut government spending and redefine Medicare and Medicaid, it's clear this is not your usual dry debate about numbers:
  • David Brooks, New York Times : Brooks praises Ryan's political courage and says he's stepping to the "vacuum created by

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