Jasmine Revolution

11 Stories

'Subversive' Chinese Writer Gets 9 Years in Prison

Chen Wei called for free speech, political reform

(Newser) - A Chinese writer has been hit with a nine-year jail sentence for "inciting subversion of state power" after he posted online essays demanding free speech and government reform, reports the BBC . The sentence follows a two-hour, closed-door trial that Chen Wei's wife called "a performance" whose outcome...

Tunisia Election Protests Turn Violent

Islamist party officially declared winners

(Newser) - A moderate Islamist party has been declared the official winner of the Arab Spring's first election. The Ennahda Party did even better in Tunisia's first elections for decades than predicted as polls closed , winning than 41% of the vote and 90 seats in the new 217-seat parliament. But...

North Korea Shuts Down Universities for 10 Months

Students will be sent to work on building projects: report

(Newser) - School's out in North Korea, but not just for summer. Universities will be shut down until next April and students will be sent to work on construction projects in major cities, reports the Telegraph . Only those close to graduating and foreign students will be allowed to continue classes. The...

Thousands Rally in Hong Kong
 Thousands Rally in Hong Kong 

Thousands Rally in Hong Kong

Group calls for human rights in China on Tiananmen Square anniversary

(Newser) - Tens of thousands turned out yesterday in Hong Kong to call for human rights in China and commemorate the June 4, 1989 crackdown in Tiananmen Square, the Wall Street Journal reports. Organizers say 150,000 attended the gathering, while local media reports cite police figures—which are generally lower than...

Rights Groups Issue China Travel Warnings

'Freedom alerts' warn of danger to activists, journalists

(Newser) - Human rights groups urging travelers to avoid mainland China because of the suppression of dissidents have now issued special alerts for certain areas. The Hong Kong-based groups issued the highest level of alert for Beijing and Shanghai, warning that the cities have seen the largest number of repressive incidents since...

Google Rips China for Attacking Activist Gmails
 Google: China Blocking Gmail  

Google: China Blocking Gmail

Nation targeting chatter behind Jasmine Revolution, says company

(Newser) - In the latest battle between China and Google, the company is charging the government with interfering with Gmail. Users are having increasing trouble sending emails and accessing other services linked to the operation, according to Google. Following the Japanese earthquake tsunami disaster, Google set up an application to help people...

China to Journos: Cover Protests, Lose Your Visa

Activists, lawyers disappear amid 'Jasmine Revolution' demonstrations

(Newser) - As Beijing moves to prevent Middle East-style protests from taking hold in China, officials are issuing a warning to foreign reporters: If you cover the protests, you may lose your visa. Police demanded interviews with dozens of journalists this week after they tried to report on Sunday's “Jasmine Revolution”...

Tunisia Appoints New PM
 Tunisia Appoints New PM 

Tunisia Appoints New PM

al-Qaeda urges Tunisians, Egyptians to rebel against new leaders

(Newser) - Interim Tunisian President Foued Mebazaa has appointed a new prime minister following the resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi, who bowed to protesters' demands and stepped down yesterday, the BBC reports. Former foreign minister Beji Caid-Essebsi will take Ghannouchi's place, although it's not clear whether the appointment will be enough to mollify...

North Koreans Learn of Protests—by Balloon

South Korea drops pro-democracy leaflets on North

(Newser) - The South Korean military is using balloons to drop leaflets on the North that tell of the unrest in the Middle East, hoping to spark an uprising against Pyongyang, Bloomberg reports. The leaflets explain that "a dictatorial regime is destined to collapse," says an official. The South has...

China Cracks Down on Social Networking Sites

Politically sensitive material blocked after day of protests fizzles

(Newser) - The Chinese government has stepped up censorship of the Internet following a failed effort to use social networking sites to kickstart a North African-style "Jasmine Revolution ." Facebook and Twitter are banned in China but the Chinese equivalents have been flourishing. Government censors, however, moved swiftly to block all...

'Jasmine Revolution' Comes to China; Protesters Nabbed

Police trying to stamp out demonstrations

(Newser) - Jittery Chinese authorities wary of any domestic dissent staged a show of force today to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution"—the same name given to the Tunisian protest movement—with only a handful of people joining protests apparently modeled on the pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping...

11 Stories
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