
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

China Fumes Over US Knock on South China Sea

Beijing calls in top US diplomat Robert Wang

(Newser) - Stung by comments from Washington over the South China Sea, China has summoned a top US diplomat and urged America to "mend the error of its ways." The US State Department said Friday that China's creation of a new city with a military garrison to oversee the...

Clinton Breaks Travel Record
 Clinton Breaks Travel Record 

Clinton Breaks Travel Record

Secretary of state chalks up 100 countries with visit to Latvia

(Newser) - Four years after telling staffers that she would "not in a million years" consider becoming secretary of state, Hillary Clinton is setting a record: She visits Latvia today, the 100th country she has visited in the role. Clinton is now the best-traveled secretary of state in American history, having...

Obama, Putin: Syria Violence Must End

Two leaders meet on sidelines of the G20

(Newser) - President Obama and Vladimir Putin agreed today on the need for a political process in Syria to prevent civil war in the violence-torn country in a much-awaited one-on-one meeting at the G20. The two leaders met for two hours, and emerged emphasizing their commonalities. Highlights:
  • On Syria: Obama said that

Syria Kicks Out Diplomats
 Syria Kicks Out Diplomats 

Syria Kicks Out Diplomats

As Putin heads to China to discuss their partnership with Assad

(Newser) - Syria kicked out diplomats from 11 countries today, in response to those same 11 countries booting Syrian ambassadors in the wake of the Houla massacre. The ousted countries include the US, Britain, France, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, and Canada, CNN reports, though the US ambassador had already...

'Regret' vs. 'Apology': Difference Is Big to Pakistan

US officials have debated for 6 months: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal offers a peek into the world of diplo-speak and semantics today. Its story examines how US officials have struggled for six months with a vexing question—whether to formally apologize to Islamabad for a November attack that killed 24 Pakistani troops at the Afghan border. The...

Clinton Dangles Aid to Burma
 Clinton Dangles Aid to Burma 

Clinton Dangles Aid to Burma

Will meet with Aung San Suu Kyi today

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had what she described as a “candid, productive” meeting with Burma President Thein Sein and other officials in Naypyitaw today, offering support for more aid to the country, and dangling the possibility that the US might lift sanctions and station an ambassador there for the first time...

Pakistan Envoy to US Booted Over Memo
Pakistan Envoy to US Booted Over Memo

Pakistan Envoy to US Booted Over Memo

He allegedly asked US to prevent a coup from Pakistan's military

(Newser) - Pakistan named Sherry Rehman as its new ambassador to the US today after its old one—the well-regarded Hussain Haqqani—was forced to resign yesterday over an ongoing scandal known in Pakistan as “Memogate.” After Osama bin Laden’s death, Haqqani allegedly sent a memo urging the US...

Turkey: 'It Is Time Israel Pays a Price'

Country expels Israeli ambassador, cuts military ties

(Newser) - Turkey is expelling its Israeli ambassador and cutting military ties with Israel over Israel's refusal to apologize for last year's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla . Turkey's foreign minister said today that his country is downgrading diplomatic ties to the level of second secretary; the ambassador is...

Benjamin Netanyahu Rejects Idea of 1967 Borders in Meeting With Obama
 Netanyahu Doesn't Budge 

Netanyahu Doesn't Budge

He rejects Obama's backing of 1967 borders in talks

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu said reassuring things about US-Israeli relations today, but Netanyahu's list of deal-breakers made clear the two leaders remain far apart on the elements of a peace deal with Palestinians, reports the New York Times . Notably, Netanyahu rejected Obama's suggestion of a return to...

Egypt Bolsters Relations With Iran, Hamas

Government will end Gaza blockade

(Newser) - As Egypt regroups after Hosni Mubarak’s exit, it is realigning its diplomatic ties: Officials plan to end the Gaza border blockade and forge closer ties with Iran and Hamas. As elections approach, officials say they’re working toward policies that better fit public opinion; meanwhile, they hope to regain...

Ex-Congressman to Meet With Gadhafi in Libya

Curt Weldon once proposed selling arms to Tripoli: Wired

(Newser) - A former GOP congressman is in Libya today to meet with Moammar Gadhafi to try to persuade him to step down, reports CNN . "I’ve met him enough times to know that it will be very hard to simply bomb him into submission," writes Curt Weldon in a...

US Ambassador to Mexico Quits Over Cables Flap

Carlos Pascual called Mexico's police inefficient and risk-averse

(Newser) - WikiLeaks has toppled its highest-ranking US official yet—the US ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual. In diplomatic cables, Pascual called Mexico's police and armed forces corrupt, risk averse, inefficient, and "reliant on the United States for leads and operations," which really didn't sit well with Mexico's conservative, nationalist...

Marc Grossman New Envoy to Pakistan, Afghanistan

Former ambassador replaces Richard Holbrooke

(Newser) - Former ambassador to Egypt Marc Grossman will be coming out of retirement to take up one of the toughest jobs in diplomacy, administration officials say. Grossman, after months of wrangling between the White House and the State Department, is to become the new special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, filling...

US Warns Hundreds Named in WikiLeaks Cables

Some activists moved to safer locations

(Newser) - The State Department is working overtime to warn hundred of people whose names appear in some of the 99% of diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks that haven't been published yet. After combing through a majority of the still-under-wraps cables, dozens of staff in Washington and in embassies around the world...

Want to Rein in Deficit? Cut Military Funding
Want to Rein in Deficit?
Cut Military Funding

Want to Rein in Deficit? Cut Military Funding

With budget problems soaring, it is time to reduce military spending

(Newser) - US military spending has been sacrosanct by both political parties, but with budget pressures mounting, "it's time to bust that taboo," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Kristof notes that the US military budget is nearly as large as the rest of the world combined, and...

US Diplomats Deployed as Spies
 US Diplomats 
 Deployed as Spies 

US Diplomats Deployed as Spies

Disclosed cables reveal unorthodox tactics

(Newser) - US diplomats collect personal and financial data on foreign officials in a manner one might expect of, well, spies, the LA Times reports. While State Department employees aren't exactly the new James Bonds, both Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton have asked diplomats to deliver anything they can from a laundry...

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump
 Your Guide 
 to WikiLeaks' 
 Latest Dump 
it's here

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump

The New York Times offers an extensive preview

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s last-ditch attempt to stop WikiLeaks from releasing its latest batch of documents didn’t work: More than a quarter-million American diplomatic cables will be made public beginning today, and the New York Times has already seen some of them. It offers a preview of what the...

US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release
US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release

US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release

Classified cables from State Department could be out today

(Newser) - With a potentially harmful WikiLeaks release on the horizon, the US is doing some preemptive damage control. Embassies are warning American allies that diplomatic cables could expose “sensitive information” and analysis as well as the sources of such information, reports the Washington Post . Outing officials who offer embarrassing details...

Obama Spins India Trip Into Job Mission

Critics scream about cost despite widely discredited report

(Newser) - Faced with a barrage of outrage—based on a discredited report—over the cost of his 10-day trip to India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan, Barack Obama has rebranded it as a jobs mission. “The primary purpose is to take a bunch of US companies and open up markets...

China to Europe: Boycott Nobel Ceremony

And intensifies the crackdown at home

(Newser) - China is leaning on European governments to skip the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for imprisoned dissident Liu Xiaobo, and to refrain from issuing their usual statements of congratulations. In a diplomatic note to European embassies in Oslo, China argued that Liu is a criminal, and that the award interferes with...

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