grade inflation

4 Stories

It's Time to Ditch Grades in College
Grades Are Now a Joke:
Let's Get Rid of Them

Grades Are Now a Joke: Let's Get Rid of Them

Washington Post essayist says 'inflation' has made them worthless, and harmful to boot

(Newser) - The standard grading system in America's colleges and universities has reached the point of uselessness, writes Daniel Pink in a Washington Post op-ed. Worse, the A-through-F system is actually defeating the purpose of helping young people learn, he argues. Pink runs through the history of grade inflation, referencing Goodhart'...

High School Seniors' High Grades May Be Deceiving

Grades are rising, on average, but SAT scores are falling—so are students learning?

(Newser) - If you've got a straight-A student living under your roof, you may want to give your teen a pop quiz once in a while. A new study reveals that even though a larger percentage of high school seniors than their 1998 counterparts are heading off to college with an...

Harvard's Problem: Too Many 'A' Grades

Prof blasts grade inflation

(Newser) - Think you have problems? Harvard is dealing with what appears to be an alarming proliferation of A grades, sparking accusations of grade inflation. At a meeting yesterday, longtime professor Harvey Mansfield got Harvard College's dean of undergraduate education to admit that the median grade at the institution is an...

Most Common Grade in US Colleges: A

'Consumer-based' education to blame for loosening standards, says report

(Newser) - A is for "average," especially at American colleges and universities today—a stunning 43% of all grades in the United States are now A's, according to a new report on grade inflation . That's up from just 15% in 1960 and 31% as recently as 1988, notes...

4 Stories