United Arab Emirates

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UAE Steps Up Foreign Aid —to US

Ireland does, too

(Newser) - When tornado-ravaged Joplin, Missouri , needed laptops for its 2,200 high school students and a rebuilt neonatal ICU, in stepped ... the United Arab Emirates? Yep. In a strange turn of events, the UAE has been stepping up foreign aid to the US. The campaign, which gave millions to Joplin, has...

United Arab Emirates Charges 94 in Power Grab

Religious group rejected country's 'basic principles': attorney general

(Newser) - The United Arab Emirates is poised to try 94 people for allegedly attempting to take control of the country, CNN reports. "They launched, established, and ran an organization seeking to oppose the basic principles of the UAE system of governance and to seize power," says the UAE's...

How Weapons Went to Libya Radicals—With US OK

US gave Qatar approval to arm rebels, but...

(Newser) - Weapons shipped by Qatar to rebels in Libya—with US approval—also made their way into the hands of radical Islamic militants during last year's uprisings, reports the New York Times . US officials grew concerned as evidence mounted that Qatar was also delivering weapons to extremists, and officials say...

Smugglers Busted With Primates in Their Skivvies

Lorises headed to Dubai from Bangkok

(Newser) - Is that a slender loris in your pants, or are you just happy to see me? In this case, it was the former: Three United Arab Emirates men headed to Dubai from Bangkok were caught with small primates in their underwear. Two were carrying mammals called slender lorises, Sri Lanka...

US Arms Sales Hog 75% of Global Market

Washington's overseas sales tripled last year

(Newser) - America's weapon sales abroad last year skyrocketed to $66.3 billion, triple the 2010 figure of $21.4 billion, according to a nonpartisan report. US sales accounted for more than three-quarters of the $85.3 billion market and marked a record high for sales in a year, blowing away...

New UAE Pipeline Bypasses Gulf

Move makes Strait of Hormuz closure less of a threat

(Newser) - The United Arab Emirates has officially opened a pipeline that gives the oil-exporting Persian Gulf nation some protection from the Gulf's political woes. The 236-mile Abu Dhabi Crude Oil Pipeline cuts through rugged terrain to reach Fujairah on the UAE's Indian Ocean coast, reports the BBC . The pipeline...

Feds Search for Trapped Stowaways on Massive NJ Ship

Inspectors heard tapping on vessel, loaded 3 weeks ago in India

(Newser) - Frantic federal authorities were continuing to search containers on a massive cargo ship last night for stowaways after Coast Guard officials reported hearing suspicious noises during a routine inspection at the Newark port. Inspectors heard knocking from inside a shipping container buried deep within the cargo stacks, which had been...

Iran's New Political Flashpoint: Tiny Gulf Island

Ahmadinejad makes push to claim Abu Musa in Persian Gulf

(Newser) - Add the island of Abu Musa to those lands whose location and politics makes their importance far greater than their size. As the New York Times explains, the island is only four square miles, but it happens to sit in the Persian Gulf, and both Iran and the United Arab...

Mystery Drinker's Bar Tab: $105K

Mystery customer racks up birthday bash bill in Dubai

(Newser) - A jug of wine, a $105,000 bar tab, and thou. That could have been the bar manager's sweet ode to a mystery customer who paid the mammoth single-visit bar tab without blinking an eye. The tab—which included, among other goodies , a $35,000 six-liter bottle of Cristal...

To Thwart Iran, US Plans to Sell Bombs to UAE

Bunker busters would be ideal for, say, taking out a nuclear facility

(Newser) - With the world growing nervous about Iran’s allegedly accelerating nuclear weapons program, the US is drawing up plans to sell thousands of “bunker-buster” bombs to the United Arab Emirates, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . Abu Dhabi’s ruling family, the al Nahyans, is seen as one of...

Sheikh Scrawls 2-Mile-Long Name In Sand

And it's so large, you can see it from space

(Newser) - When it comes to flaunting your wealth, nobody does it like Hamad bin Hamdan al-Ahyan. The so-called “Rainbow Sheikh” of the United Arab Emirates is known for outlandish purchases like the world’s largest truck (which has four bedrooms in its cabin) or his earth-shaped motor home (which is...

Only 10% of Arab World Likes Obama

US more unpopular there now than it was under Bush

(Newser) - You know President Obama’s plan to reach out and win hearts and minds in the Middle East? It’s not going well. In a stunning new Pew Poll spotted by Glenn Greenwald of Salon , only 10% of residents in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates...

How Rebels Hijacked Gadhafi's Phone Network

System allows for critical battlefield communications

(Newser) - Until a week and a half ago, rebel forces in Libya were waving flags at each other to communicate on the battlefield, because Moammar Gadhafi had cut off their telephone and Internet service. But now that’s all changed thanks to a plan a Libyan-American telecom executive drew up on...

Arab Military Officer Busted for Rhode Island Slave

Colonel kept Filipino woman confined in US home as he attended school

(Newser) - A naval officer from the United Arab Emirates has been busted for keeping an unpaid servant while living in a tony Rhode Island neighborhood. Col. Arif Mohamed Saeed Mohamed Al-Ali was nabbed as he attempted to board a flight out of New York's JFK airport. He pleaded guilty last week...

'Spider-Man' Climbing Dubai's Monster Tower

France's Alain Robert is going up another one

(Newser) - Alain Robert, known as "Spider-man" for his penchant for illegally scaling the world's tallest skyscrapers, is on his way up the world's tallest: Dubai's dizzying half-mile-tall Burj Khalifa. The 48-year-old Frenchman set off just before 6pm local time, and the trip up was expected to take him six or...

Mideast Regimes Use US Software to Censor Web

Firms cite lack of control over how products are used

(Newser) - Behind Middle Eastern governments' censorship of the Web, an uncomfortable reality—US products help do the dirty work. Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia use filtering programs by McAfee; other US and Canadian firms have sold Web-filtering technology to Yemen and Qatar, among other countries, the Wall Street Journal reports. The...

Clinton: 'We Have Extremists in My Country'

Hillary makes reference to Jared Lee Loughner on UAE talk show

(Newser) - No euphemisms for Hillary Clinton. While speaking on a United Arab Emirates talk show today, the secretary of state compared the Tucson shooter to a ideologically driven terrorist, the Los Angeles Times reports. “Look, we have extremists in my country,” she said. “A wonderful, incredibly brave young...

Clinton: Sanctions Have 'Slowed Down' Iran

First such public comment from Obama admin that they're working

(Newser) - Sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program are "working," Hillary Clinton said today, marking the first such assertion by an Obama administration official, the Wall Street Journal notes. The sanctions “have made it much more difficult for Iran to pursue its nuclear ambitions,” the secretary of state...

Domestic Abuse Legal in the UAE
 Domestic Abuse Legal in UAE 

Domestic Abuse Legal in UAE

...so long as husband leaves no marks on wife, children

(Newser) - A man can beat his wife and kids to discipline them as long as he leaves no marks, the United Arab Emirates' Federal Supreme Court has ruled. The ruling was made in relation to a case in which a man beat up his wife, who sustained injuries to her mouth,...

ACLU: Feds Covered Up Role in Torture of US Citizen

Lawsuit tries to force CIA, FBI to come clean

(Newser) - The ACLU is suing the federal government for ignoring its Freedom of Information Act inquiry into the detention and torture of an American citizen overseas. Naji Hamdan, who spent 20 years in California before moving to the United Arab Emirates in 2006, was arrested in August 2008 and, according to...

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