Affordable Care Act

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Boehner: Shutdown 'Isn't Some Damn Game'

Takes aim at administration's 'we're winning' comments

(Newser) - Things are getting testy on Capitol Hill. John Boehner lashed out at President Obama at a news conference today, demanding he open talks with House Republicans. "I was at the White House the other night and listened to the president explain to me some 20 times why he's...

Hackers May Be Behind NY's ObamaCare Glitch

Numbers don't add up, New York officials say

(Newser) - ObamaCare's online insurance markets were famously glitchy on launch day, but that might not all have been the result of shoddy tech work. In New York, computer security experts suspect that the state's exchange was targeted by hackers in a DDoS attack, the New York Post reports. The...

8M Poor People Still Not Covered by ObamaCare

They live in states that opted out of the Medicaid expansion

(Newser) - The new health-care exchanges set up under ObamaCare are now a reality , but a New York Times analysis finds a problem with the rollout of the Affordable Care Act that goes beyond software glitches . About 8 million working poor people who need health insurance still can't get it, with...

Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech
Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech

Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech

Matthew Yglesias thinks the GOP gave the White House a gift

(Newser) - The Obama administration shrugged off yesterday's reports of rampant bugs in its new health care exchanges as normal software growing pains, and evidence of the market's popularity . "Those were both decent pieces of spin, but they really are just spin," writes Matthew Yglesias at Slate . "...

Millions Flock to (Glitchy) ObamaCare Website

But it's not clear how many actually gained coverage

(Newser) - The large number of technical glitches experienced as ObamaCare health insurance exchanges opened in every state yesterday were the result of popularity, according to administration officials. With 2.8 million visitors to the federal website by yesterday afternoon, "we're off to a good start," said the chief...

ObamaCare Launch Plagued With Glitches

Sebelius compared situation to iOS7 launch yesterday

(Newser) - As promised , ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges launched today ... but, also as promised , there were glitches galore. Politico reports that users in multiple states were getting error messages and weren't able to sign up for the exchanges, and the federal website was down entirely around 9:30am. Maryland'...

Shutdown or No, ObamaCare Exchanges 'Ready to Go'

But president says to expect months of 'glitches'

(Newser) - The government may have shut down , but ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges are launching today as scheduled, the Hill reports. "The Affordable Care Act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You can’t shut it down," President Obama said yesterday. Added Kathleen Sebelius, "Shutdown...

Rand Paul: Put John Roberts on His Precious ObamaCare

Senate firebrand proposes constitutional amendment

(Newser) - Looks like Rand Paul hasn't forgiven John Roberts for declaring ObamaCare constitutional. The Kentucky senator says he's pushing a constitutional amendment stating that no federal employees would get special exemptions from laws—which, he tells the Daily Caller , would kick government employees off their taxpayer-subsidized health plans, and...

Obama Turns to 'Funny or Die' to Promote ObamaCare

Will create videos encouraging young people to enroll for insurance marketplaces

(Newser) - The White House has turned to an unlikely medium to promote ObamaCare: funny web videos. The Obama administration teamed up with popular video site Funny or Die (you may remember it from such videos as " The Wire: The Musical ") to create some 20 projects to promote the...

House Passes Spending Bill, Without ObamaCare

Stands no chance in the Senate as clock ticks toward shutdown

(Newser) - And we're off: The House has passed a temporary funding measure to keep the government running. As expected, the bill is coupled with a Tea Party-backed measure to block President Obama's new healthcare law. The 230 -189 vote sets the stage for a confrontation with the Democratic-led Senate....

ObamaCare Software Glitching as Launch Nears

It can't reliably tell people how much they have to pay

(Newser) - The health-insurance exchanges that are at the heart of the Affordable Care Act reforms are supposed to go online in less than two weeks, but there's a pretty big problem: They don't work. The software the federal government is planning on using frequently miscalculates how much people need...

GOP Needs to Get a Grip on Its ObamaCare Obsession

Even Karl Rove thinks Boehner's plan is bad politics

(Newser) - House Republicans announced yesterday that they'd only vote to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling if they could repeal or delay ObamaCare with the same votes. That's got pundits talking today, and pretty much none of those people think it's a good strategy. Here's...

Boehner: Fund Government, Defund ObamaCare

Says House will vote on it; debt ceiling being drawn into drama as well

(Newser) - House Republicans have decided to make their latest game of political chicken all about ObamaCare. In a move Tea Party activists have been clamoring for, John Boehner told his caucus today that they would pass a bill to keep the government funded—but that it would defund ObamaCare. Eric Cantor...

ObamaCare Hits New Snag
 ObamaCare Hits New Snag 

ObamaCare Hits New Snag

Signing of agreements with insurers pushed back

(Newser) - Another ObamaCare delay . This time, the date insurance companies will sign their final agreements for the insurance exchanges has been pushed back from early to mid-September, industry sources tell Reuters . What caused the delays isn't clear, but a spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services says...

UPS Drops Some Health Benefits, Blames ObamaCare

15K spouses will lose coverage

(Newser) - UPS is dropping coverage for 15,000 employees' spouses, and blaming the move on the "costs associated with the Affordable Care Act." The move will only apply to spouses who have coverage through their own employers and only to non-union white-collar workers, but it's still likely to...

Howard Dean: ObamaCare's Price-Fixing Is Doomed

Independent Payment Advisory Board ought to face bipartisan scrutiny

(Newser) - Howard Dean isn't toeing the party line when it comes to the Affordable Care Act. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Dean praises parts of the law, but takes aim at one of its key provisions: "the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board," that will determine what rates...

GOP Loves Stalled ObamaCare, Wants Repeal

The gloating, and calls to ditch it, commence

(Newser) - Republicans are in elephant heaven today over the Obama administration's decision to postpone the employer mandate portion of the Affordable Care Act, gloating that it proves what they've been saying all along: that the law is, to quote Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, "unaffordable, unworkable, and unpopular."...

ObamaCare Blowing Deadlines
 ObamaCare Blowing Deadlines 

ObamaCare Blowing Deadlines

Small-business exchanges are especially behind: GAO report

(Newser) - The dog appears to have eaten the Affordable Care Act's homework. It's looking increasingly unlikely that federal and state health officials will be able to set up the new health insurance exchanges—arguably the centerpieces of ObamaCare—in time for their scheduled October debut, the Wall Street Journal...

In Some States, Poorest Out of Luck on Health Care Reform

Governors didn't expand Medicaid

(Newser) - As the full rollout of ObamaCare draws near, the New York Times reports that millions of the nation's poorest citizens will remain ineligible for help getting insurance even when the new laws go into effect. It all depends on where they live: More than two dozens states—including Rick...

Christie Backs Key Part of ObamaCare

He also approves Internet gambling for New Jersey

(Newser) - Chris Christie today became the latest Republican governor to embrace an expansion of Medicaid as part of President Obama's heath care overhaul, reports the Star-Ledger . The New Jersey governor said he is "no fan of the Affordable Care Act," but acknowledged "it is now the law...

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