sea level rise

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Antarctic Ice Melt Is Accelerating Rapidly

3 trillion tons of ice have melted since 1992, study says

(Newser) - Scientists monitoring ice loss in Antarctica have chilling news: The melting rate has accelerated alarmingly and the ice sheet is now shedding more than 200 billion tons a year, according to a study involving 88 scientists published in the journal Nature . The researchers say the rate of ice loss has...

GOP Congressman: Rocks, Silt the Cause of Rising Seas

Erosion is 'primary cause of sea level rise in the history of our planet,' says Mo Brooks

(Newser) - "What about the White Cliffs of Dover?" With that, a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology made clear his skepticism about human-driven climate change Wednesday, suggesting rocks falling into the sea accounted for sea level rise. Alabama Republican Mo Brooks responded to a scientist's...

Giant Antarctic Ice 'Cork' Is Deteriorating

Scientists prepping for $27.5M study of Thwaites Glacier, how sea level rise will be affected

(Newser) - An Antarctic glacier is losing so much ice that it contributed to about 4% of the planet's total sea level rise in recent years—and scientists are now concerned this rapid melting could remove one of the few "corks" keeping the West Antarctic Ice Sheet at bay. That'...

Scientists: 500-Year Flooding in NYC Could Happen Every 5

'This is kind of a warning'

(Newser) - Within the next three decades, floods that used to strike the New York City area only once every 500 years could occur every five years, according to a new study released just days before the fifth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. The study, performed by researchers at several universities and published...

Rise in Sea Levels Turning Coastland Into 'Ghost Forests'

'It's dramatic and it's changing faster than it has before in human history'

(Newser) - They're called "ghost forests"—dead trees along vast swaths of coastline invaded by rising seas. The process has occurred naturally for thousands of years, but it has accelerated in recent decades as polar ice melts and raises sea levels, scientists say, pushing salt water farther inland and...

Miami Beach's Sand Comes From Elsewhere ... Problematically

It's pumped up sand from seafloor, and now that nearby sand is tapped out

(Newser) - Sand may seem like an infinite natural resource, but as cities with beaches around the world know all too well, it's anything but. And Miami Beach, Fla., is standing at a crossroads now that it, along with the US Army Corps of Engineers, has spent years pumping up sand...

Flood Study Finds 'Things Are Going to Get Worse'

Scientists say floods will be far more frequent in 80 years

(Newser) - More grim news from researchers using computer model projections and historical data to predict future weather changes. Scientists at Rutgers University, Princeton University, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that, based on the accelerated rate of climate change in...

This Is Likely the First Mammal Lost to Climate Change

Mosaic-tailed rat has vanished from Bramble Cay off Australia

(Newser) - Way to go, humanity. For the first time in history, human-induced climate change has been found "solely or primarily" responsible for the extinction of a mammal species, according to a new study . The Bramble Cay melomys , or mosaic-tailed rat, was found by Europeans on a tiny coral cay off...

5 Pacific Islands Have Vanished

Study says climate change is to blame

(Newser) - At 94, the leader of the Paurata tribe on Nararo Island has had to abandon his village. "The sea has started to come inland, it forced us to move up to the hilltop and rebuild our village there away from the sea," he says. Nararo is one of...

Rising Seas Set to Swamp Facebook, Google

'They built on a very low site—I don't know why they chose to build there'

(Newser) - Facebook has built its new headquarters in a place where employees may soon have to commute by canoe, according to even the most optimistic forecasts of rising sea levels. The shiny headquarters of Facebook and other Silicon Valley tech giants are among many Bay Area properties, worth around $100 billion...

Sea Levels Set to Rise Much Faster Than Expected

Collapsing ice cliffs could accelerate Antarctic melt

(Newser) - Warmer air, less-frigid water, and gravity may combine to make parts of Antarctica's western ice sheet melt far faster than scientists had thought, raising sea levels much more than expected by the end of the century, according to a new study. New physics-based computer simulations forecast dramatic increases in...

Seas Rising at Fastest Rate in Nearly 3K Years

They could rise up to 4 feet by 2100, say scientists

(Newser) - It's "extremely likely" that sea levels rose faster in the 20th century than at any other time in the previous 2,700 years "and the rise over the last two decades has been even faster," scientists say. A new study —based on "reconstructions" of...

South Florida Wants to Be 51st State—Over Climate Change

South Miami officials pass resolution due to rising sea levels

(Newser) - South Florida could be our 51st state if officials in South Miami get their way. Vice Mayor Walter Harris has put forth a resolution to split the state due to concerns over rising sea levels. "We have to be able to deal directly with this environmental concern, and we...

Why the World Should Be Worried About Bangladesh
Why the World Should Be Worried About Bangladesh
in case you missed it

Why the World Should Be Worried About Bangladesh

Poor nation will be amongst those hardest hit by climate change

(Newser) - Bangladesh only produces 0.3% of the world's greenhouse gases. But few nations are poised to suffer more as sea levels rise due to climate change, the New York Times points out, in an in-depth piece on the nation's plight. The country is extremely flat, low, prone to...

Big Find Under Greenland's Snow: 100B Tons of Water

Snow insulates it, keeping it liquid year-round, say researchers

(Newser) - As far as discoveries go, this one is literally huge: An aquifer holding more than 100 billion tons of water that covers an area larger than West Virginia has been discovered beneath Greenland's snow-covered ice sheet. And it caught the researchers who stumbled on it in 2011 off-guard, with...

Rising Sea Levels Locking in Fate of US Cities

 316 US Cities 
 Are Doomed 
 to Watery Fate 
in case you missed it

316 US Cities Are Doomed to Watery Fate

Study: Another 1,100 cities could share same future

(Newser) - It's already too late to cut greenhouse-gas emissions enough to prevent 316 American cities from eventually being partially submerged by rising seas, and the number whose fate is being "locked in" is constantly rising, a chilling new study finds. Researchers—who warn that emissions already released will cause...

Key West Could Be Underwater by 2113

Florida Keys prepare for sea level rise

(Newser) - According to federal flood-planning directives, the ground floor of the Stock Island fire station in the Florida Keys should be built up 9 feet. Instead, county authorities went a foot and a half beyond that—just in case. Nearby parks, roads, and bridges also may be elevated. The sea level...

East Coast Sea Levels Rising 4 Times Global Rate

Get out your galoshes

(Newser) - It might be time to escape from New York. Scientists have discovered that the sea level along America's East Coast is rising as much as four times faster than the global average, reports the National Geographic . The findings mean places like Manhattan, Boston, Philly, and Baltimore could be in...

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