Jay Leno

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New Leno Show Numbingly (or Pleasantly) Familiar

It's pretty much the Tonight Show in a new time slot

(Newser) - The Jay Leno Show won't disappoint Leno fans looking for more of the same, say critics, but the only thing new or ground-breaking about it is the 10pm time slot.
  • James Poniewozik, Time: Leno and NBC aren't "out to win over critics who liked Letterman better. Instead, they're giving

Kanye's Latest Apology Spices Up Leno Debut

'It was rude, period,' says rapper, who asked for chance to speak on Jay's new show

(Newser) - Kanye West told Jay Leno tonight he's going to take some time off for reflection after ruining Taylor Swift's night at the MTV Video Music Awards. Appearing on Leno's new 10pm NBC show, West said he knew he was wrong as soon as he handed the microphone back to Swift,...

Why Hollywood Wants Leno to Fail
 Why Hollywood 
 Wants Leno to Fail 


Why Hollywood Wants Leno to Fail

Some see new, cheap show as threat to jobs

(Newser) - Tonight marks the premiere of Jay Leno’s new show, and many in Tinseltown—not just rival execs—are hoping it flops, the Los Angeles Times reports. That’s because it substitutes cheap fare for the traditional 10pm drama. Many in the industry see the show as a “potential...

Leno's Back: 'Prepare for War'
 Leno's Back: 'Prepare for War' 

Leno's Back: 'Prepare for War'

Comedian's return comes at sensitive time for O'Brien, scripted drama

(Newser) - The premiere of the much-ballyhooed Jay Leno Show tomorrow night could revolutionize network television, thrilling Hollywood publicists and advertisers—or produce a stunning commercial embarrassment for NBC. Either way, "prepare for war," Guy Adams writes in the Independent. Leno’s rather noisy return to American television comes at...

Jay Leno Show : More of the Same
 Jay Leno Show
 More of the Same 

Jay Leno Show: More of the Same

Primetime debut likely won't stray far from late night formula

(Newser) - Two writers for Comedy.com who infiltrated a test taping of the new Jay Leno Show found it “muddled and confusing,” and they say Leno continues to “be a big ladle serving us more imitation comedy gruel.” Some insights:
  • The studio: "Basically the old Tonight

Letterman, Not Leno, 'Gets' Real America

(Newser) - David Letterman is handily beating his new late-night rival, Conan O’Brien, in the ratings—just not in some of the key, younger demographics. And that’s due to his singular, quirky charms, writes Peter W. Kaplan in New York, calling Letterman the “last grown-up on network television.”...

Don't Count Conan Out . . . Yet

 Don't Count 
 Conan Out 
 . . . Yet  

Don't Count Conan Out . . . Yet

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien's well-documented struggles to find his way as the host of the Tonight Show may be cause for alarm, but it's hardly time to punch the panic button, writes Washington Post TV critic Tom Shales. O'Brien "is to be congratulated for the way the show has been going,...

Seinfeld Up First for Leno
 Seinfeld Up 
 First for Leno 

Seinfeld Up First for Leno

(Newser) - Jerry Seinfeld will be the lone guest on Jay Leno’s maiden primetime outing, the LA Times reports. That’s fitting, considering Leno has said he consulted Seinfeld when contemplating NBC’s offer for the 10pm show.

Tina Talks Emmys, Jay, and Sarah...Sorta

(Newser) - As if its record 22 Emmy nominations weren’t enough, 30 Rock also recently landed a syndication deal. Tina Fey talks success—and Sarah Palin—with Broadcasting & Cable:
  • On possibly hosting the Emmys: "No, I think it's a hard job and a thankless one. I think maybe it's

Rihanna Heads to Leno, Brown to Hard Labor

Singer faces community labor at sentencing

(Newser) - Rihanna will make her first public performance since the Chris Brown assault at a somewhat unlikely venue: the Jay Leno Show, E! reports. She will join Kanye West and Jay-Z for Leno’s primetime debut Sept. 14. Brown isn’t doing quite so well: Wrigley cut his sponsorship deal, and...

Leno Spills Details on New Show

 Leno Spills Details 
 on New Show 

Leno Spills Details on New Show

Plus, Kate Major is still talking...

(Newser) - The Jay Leno Show will bear few similarities to Leno’s tenure on the Tonight Show—for one, he won’t have a desk until the end of the fast-paced hour, if at all—but it will still feature celebrity guests (two max) and signature Leno comedy bits, according to...

Get Ready for Massive Leno PR Blitz
 Get Ready for 
 Massive Leno PR Blitz 

Get Ready for Massive Leno PR Blitz

Get ready for Leno to be everywhere you look

(Newser) - Get ready for Jay—lots and lots of Jay. Though nearly 80% of viewers are aware that the Jay Leno Show is on the horizon, NBC is going to beat you over the head until you're drooling for its 10pm venture, the New York Times reports. A 24-hour webcam has...

Desperate NBC May Move Leno to 10:30: BBC Exec

(Newser) - After months of promoting Jay Leno's move to 10pm, NBC may shake up its prime-time schedule again, moving its late local news to 10 and Leno to 10:30, the network's onetime programming head speculates. Garth Ancier, now chief of BBC America, shared his speculation with critics at the summer...

Leno Website Previews 'Terrible Jokes'

Staffers are dour, jokes are just plain bad

(Newser) - The days of thejaylenoshow.com being a funny site—back when it was owned by a stubborn realtor refusing “to budge in the face of increasingly desperate corporate pressure” from NBC—are over. Sadly, the URL now belongs to The Jay Leno Show, writes Seth Abramovitch for Movieline. Though...

Conan Woos Far Younger Tonight Show Crowd

O'Brien lowers median age of Tonight viewers by 10 years

(Newser) - In just one month, Conan O’Brien has lowered the median age of the Tonight Show audience by 10 years, from 55 to 45, the New York Times reports. Conan has radically reshaped the demographics of the program by drawing an unprecedented number of new viewers aged 18 to 34—...

Palin Ignored Leno's Crack on Bristol
Palin Ignored Leno's Crack
on Bristol

Palin Ignored Leno's Crack on Bristol

Comic joked that John Edwards was babydaddy; no ruckus

(Newser) - A late-night comic cracking a joke about an adult man getting an underage Palin daughter pregnant? Sounds like perfect fodder for the former vice-presidential candidate's outrage... except there was no outcry, points out Alan Colmes' Liberaland. Back in September, Jay Leno joked that the philandering John Edwards had something to...

Palin May Give Letterman an Accidental Boost

Is Palin to Letterman what Hugh Grant was to Leno?

(Newser) - David Letterman's recent skirmish with Sarah Palin might be just what the late night host needs, reports the AP. Just as a repentant Hugh Grant, post-prostitution bust, launched Jay Leno into the ratings stratosphere in 1995, so might the Palin flap put Letterman back on top. And her timing is...

Leno Takes Final Bow on Tonight Show

Torch passed to Conan O'Brien after 17-year run

(Newser) - Jay Leno said goodnight to the Tonight Show last night with a low-key farewell that included a look back at the host’s 17-year run, Variety reports. "When we started the show, my hair was black and the president was white," he quipped. The grand finale was an...

Leno's Leaving, and Nobody Cares
 Leno's Leaving, 
 and Nobody Cares 

Leno's Leaving, and Nobody Cares

He's all over the news, but no one seems too sad about it

(Newser) - Why is no one crying as Jay Leno leaves the Tonight Show, wonders the Cajun Boy on Gawker. Is it “because he's liked by the olds and people who live in red states”? No, it’s because Leno is nice. He's like “a lover that you just...

'Octo-Mel' Confirms Pregnancy
 'Octo-Mel' Confirms Pregnancy 

'Octo-Mel' Confirms Pregnancy

On Tonight Show, also takes blame for divorce

(Newser) - Mel Gibson finally addressed the rumors head-on, confirming last night to Jay Leno that his girlfriend is pregnant, People reports. “This is true. We’re gonna have a child,” he said in response to Leno’s question about Oksana Grigorieva, adding that this will be his eighth: “...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>