vice president

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Obama-Biden Could Be the Ticket
Obama-Biden Could Be
the Ticket

Obama-Biden Could Be the Ticket

Senator has foreign policy chops, Catholic cred, stump skills

(Newser) - Joe Biden, the Delaware senator who sputtered out of the primaries in Iowa, may be the ideal VP for Barack Obama, writes Walter Shapiro in Slate. The 65-year-old chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee has international policy cred, a son heading to Iraq, a pull with Catholic voters, a "...

Candidates Grapple With Timing of VP Picks

2 conventions, 1 Olympic games, and an August birthday complicate matters

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain must do more than pick VP candidates—they have to time the announcements carefully, a key tactical move in a busy summer, the New York Times reports. Two national conventions, the Beijing Olympics, and Obama's Aug. 4 birthday all help or hinder the timing, but...

Who's the Best VP Pick? Take a Wild Guess

Political mag lists longshot candidates that strangely work

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi suggested an unlikely vice-presidential candidate for Barack Obama this week, and got Politico's editors thinking—who are the best longshot candidates for both parties? They called up political analysts and drummed up seven names that are "unconventional" but "reasonably viable." Bill Gates topped the list...

Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?
 Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?  

Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?

Party-swapping, hawkish Lieberman would push McCain to the center

(Newser) - John McCain's best choice for running mate may be a familiar face in the vice presidential slot—Joe Lieberman. The independent Connecticut senator would be the "first Jewish, party-crossing, second-time-around VP nominee in American history," and could push McCain toward the center just enough to attract valuable conservative...

Obama-Hagel Ticket? Tempting, but Forget It

Rumored running-mate possibility more promising in theory than in practice

(Newser) - Republican maverick Chuck Hagel is being bruted as a possible running mate for Barack Obama, and it's a tempting fantasy. He's a Vietnam vet with abundant foreign policy experience and a very public split with Bush on the Iraq war; having him on the ticket would also give serious cred...

Obama Hire Bodes Ill for Clinton as VP

Ex-campaign manager's gig seen as blunt 'no, thank you'

(Newser) - Don’t be fooled into thinking Barack Obama's hiring of Hillary Clinton’s ex-campaign manager is a play for unity; insiders say it’s a signal Clinton is not the future VP nominee. One Clinton bundler called the move the “biggest f--- you I have ever seen in politics....

Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama
Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama

Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama

Her role as VP aide may keep Hillary from joining ticket

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager and longtime loyalist Patti Solis Doyle will serve as chief of staff to Obama's eventual VP choice. This may mean that Clinton is unlikely to nab the veep spot, since Doyle—booted from Hillary's campaign—has not spoken to her since, Don Frederick blogs in...

Look Well Beyond Nov. in Picking Your Running Mate

Former Bush speechwriter suggests a McCain-Giuliani ticket

(Newser) - It’s a myth that running mates put a ticket over the top, former Bush speechwriter David Frum writes in the New Republic—so John McCain might as well just look to the future of the Republican Party. "Keep in mind that, when you choose, you may well be...

A Vote for the Obama-Clinton 'Unity Ticket' ...
A Vote for the Obama-Clinton 'Unity Ticket' ...

A Vote for the Obama-Clinton 'Unity Ticket' ...

Joining the final 2 solves more problems than it causes

(Newser) - The logic for Hillary Clinton as Barack Obama's running mate is simple, writes Ed Kilgore for Salon: "Obama doesn't have any obvious alternative option that will please everyone, much less provide the political payoff of an Obama-Clinton ticket.” Kilgore notes that rank-and-file Democrats support the pairing and refutes...

... and a Vote for Sticking With the Message of Change

Clinton on ticket torpedoes Obama's chances in swing states

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a plethora of reasons to reject Hillary Clinton as his running mate, Thomas Schaller writes in Salon, but the most important is consistency: "Obama's decision to cast himself as a fresh alternative to both the Bushes and the Clintons is reason enough for him to choose...

'The Time Has Come' for Sam Nunn as VP
'The Time Has Come'
for Sam Nunn as VP

'The Time Has Come' for Sam Nunn as VP

The perennial could-be is perfect for Obama

(Newser) - The timing is finally right for Sam Nunn to be installed on a Democratic presidential ticket, Michael Crowley asserts in the New Republic . The former senator from Georgia—bandied about as a potential VP in  ’88, ’92, 2000 and 2004—is “tailor-made for the veepstakes,” Crowley...

Want to Be Veep? What to Do, and Not to Do
Want to Be Veep?
What to Do, and Not to Do

Want to Be Veep? What to Do, and Not to Do

Pundit advises the wannabes on how to play it cool

(Newser) - Dear wannabe running mates, here’s how to campaign for the No. 2 job, per Mark Halperin in Time: DO:
  • Prove you can be an attack dog while maintaining “eloquence.”
  • Suck up to Michelle/Cindy. They’ll have the final say before the final say.
  • Notify the campaign of

Carville Touts a Convenient VP
 Carville Touts a Convenient VP 

Carville Touts a Convenient VP

Nobel-winner would signal US is getting serious about energy policy, says he

(Newser) - Democratic strategist James Carville thinks Barack Obama should consider someone with a little experience for the vice presidency: like, say, former VP Al Gore. Carville told CNN that choosing the Nobel Peace Prize-winner would drive home the message that America is serious about a new energy policy. A third term...

Minn. Gov. Vetos Cuba Resolution He Supported
Minn. Gov. Vetos
Cuba Resolution
He Supported

Minn. Gov. Vetos Cuba Resolution He Supported

Is Pawlenty suddenly backing embargo to boost VP odds?

(Newser) - Some Minnesota lawmakers are scratching their heads over their governor’s unusual veto of a resolution backing renewed trade relations with Cuba, but Matt Snyders writes in City Pages that Tim Pawlenty’s move may be a play to buddy up to John McCain. Pawlenty's been mentioned as a possible...

Why Obama Might Have a Jones Jones
Why Obama Might Have
a Jones Jones

Why Obama Might Have a Jones Jones

Ex-general stood up to Rumsfeld—but he's also a McCain pal

(Newser) - Analysts were surprised to see the name of retired general James Jones on Barack Obama's vice-presidential shortlist yesterday, but Noam Scheiber, in the New Republic thinks he knows what the former NATO commander was doing there. Per Bob Woodward’s most recent book, Scheiber notes Jones was so put off...

Obama's Embattled Veep Hunter to Quit

Johnson was skewered over favorable mortgage he received

(Newser) - A member of Barack Obama’s VP selection team who has drawn a firestorm of criticism this week is stepping down from his post, CNN reports. “Jim [Johnson] did not want to distract in any way from the very important task of gathering information about my vice presidential nominee,...

Obama's VP Search Fields a General
Obama's VP Search Fields
a General

Obama's VP Search Fields a General

James Jones, retired NATO honcho, surfaces in Hill talks

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s VP selection team had a busy couple of days on Capitol Hill, talking up possible running mates with legislators. A new name in the mix is that of retired Gen. James Jones, MSNBC reports. Joe Biden and Ohio governor Ted Strickland also came under scrutiny; Bill Richardson,...

Pa. Gov's Style Will Keep Him Off National Ticket

Outspoken Rendell calls 'em as he sees 'em

(Newser) - Ed Rendell's incredible bluntness and honesty are worth celebrating, but those same qualities make the Pennsylvania governor unacceptable as a Democratic vice presidential candidate, Buzz Bissinger writes in the New Republic. Pairing him with Barack Obama might be “a fascinating marriage of the idealist and the schmoozing fixer,”...

Feisty Sebelius Has VP Chops
 Feisty Sebelius Has VP Chops 

Feisty Sebelius Has VP Chops

Kansas governor brings red-state cred, history of standing up to Bush

(Newser) - Among Barack Obama's potential running mates, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius brings a history of standing up to the Bush White House and credibility for having won over a historically Republican state, Sam Stein writes in the Huffington Post. "Kansans of all political stripes loved" Sebelius' blasting of Bush's war...

The Most Overrated VP Traits
 The Most Overrated VP Traits 

The Most Overrated VP Traits

Money, ties less important than discretion, trustworthiness

(Newser) - Fed up with a focus on local ties and attractiveness in vice presidential selection coverage, Mark Halperin of Time lists the qualifications most under- and -overvalued by the media. Among other things, don't overlook:
  • A candidate ready to be president from Day One.
  • A candidate trusted and liked by the

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